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Wednesday 25 November 2015

There will be blood… if Kanu is not released, ‘Prophet’ says

There will be blood… if Kanu is not released, ‘Prophet’ says

The General Overseer of God’s Covenant of Christ Sabbath Mission, Amannachi in Orsu Local council Area of Imo state, High Priest Clifford Nmenabu, has prophesied a looming disaster in the country if the Federal Government fails to release detained Director of Radio Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Mmenabu, who stated that Kanu’s emergence in the Radio Biafra broadcasting industry was divinely orchestrated, called on the international community to prevail on the federal government to release Nnamdi Kanu to avert the looming bloodshed in the country.

The High Priest who addressed a cross section of journalists yesterday, said that “Kanu was not speaking against anybody or group of persons. His broadcasts were truth-oriented and consciousness-awakening. It was a divine arrangement for a renaissance and liberation of a particular sect who have been under bondage.”

He revealed that the prophecy of the coming of a geographical entity called Biafra was revealed to him in 1971, a year after the end of Nigeria-Biafra Civil War.

According to him: “The revelation came this way: The spirit of God showed me a finger that pointed at the Nigerian map. It subsequently showed the map divided in two, one part was named Biafra and the other, Nigeria. Also in 1996, God visited and showed me, in a trance, where properties belonging to Nigeria were kept in a place at the Bridge Head, Onitsha. While some of the properties were thrown across to the Asaba end of the Niger bridge, the other was thrown across to the Onitsha end. The prophecy also says that the one thrown to Asaba area belongs to Nigeria, while the other belongs to Biafra.”

Nmenabu maintained that the Biafran project must come to fruition adding that the recent bombings in the country and particularly the bombing of the Catholic Church in Abuja were signs of ‘liberation’.

(George Onyejiuwa, DAILY SUN)


  1. There will no blood shed and Mr KANU will be released and Biafra will stand. All will be peaceful done. Enough blood. I mark every Nostrand soul with the blood of Jesus Christ as in the time of Moses. When they see the blood of the lamb they will pass over. peace reigns

  2. All Biafran soul with the blood of the lamb.

  3. If the issue of #Viafra is of man it would not reach to this leve, God's hand is in it but people would not believe, no man can stop the emergence of Biafra and is not in any man's to give us Biafra rather of The Lord. Father may ur name be exalted.


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