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Monday 23 November 2015


By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(Family Writers)

For past one month I have been waiting patiently amidst fear owing to the rumors that Nnamdi Kanu has been extra-judicially murdered. In the right sense of the whole thing, I should not have been bothered because he is being held by a legal institution but here in Nigeria, there is no law and it's indeed a zoo where one can get obsessed and kill another. Until he gallantly walked into the court room in a sky blue packet shirt, smiling indefinitely like a man using his enemies, waving to the formidable people of Biafra like victory is close.

One thing left me withering again, a well fed and buoyant Prince gone thin, once creamed and kept hair gone unkempt, the sufferings were quite shown, a Prince that ought to be enjoying the summer breeze in London, relegated to a prisoner that lacks care, how i wish he is in a prison in abroad, he would have been respected and taken care of but here they see him like a sheep caught in a lions' den. He is suffering for we Biafrans, both known and unknown while we have shown solidarity and will die for his sake. He stood calm in the court watching people below his class persecute and judge him for demanding freedom, one word from him they would start scrambling for answer but he watched them because he is civilized.

Laughably they must have read out his charges, " The accused is standing trial on a three-count charge of criminal conspiracy, intimidation and belonging to unlawful society" sure Nnamdi Kanu would plead not guilty. One would wonder how and where all these crimes were committed, laughably the judge is judging an oral or vocal crime, even when the DSS stumbled on terrorism charges, and it’s funny that all these crimes were committed with mouth. Nigeria is quite different from any other country because it's a zoo where laws have their own classification, executive being the lion has laws he is beyond, the tortoise being legislatures have their own.

The prey being the masses answer to everything they want. Nigeria is on the verge of breaking a record to giving us categories of freedom of speech; namely: acceptable and unacceptable speeches, under unacceptable freedom of speech you have One: you must not criticize Nigerian president. Two: you must not warn them that you will do this or that if your demand is not met. Three: you must not tell your people truth that will affect Nigeria. It's funny that Nnamdi Kanu belongs to unlawful organization yet they could not arrest hundreds of the unlawful members that came to Abuja. Their listed crimes were committed in London, even the oral crime was committed in London as well and one would begin to ask, are Nigerians really well? But let’s wait till 1st of December before i start with the judge.

This is a clear obsession, Nigeria is obsessed and that has resulted to this childish court case and charges, terrorism when Nnamdi Kanu broke Guinness world record of having peaceful protest all around the world for one reason, terrorism when he has not killed or killed for, terrorism when the young leader even in custody enjoined Biafrans to remain peaceful, terrorism when he is the one being terrorized and incarcerated. Nigeria must wake up from their dream and stop playing timid and uncivilized in everything, we have many indigenous leaders or nationalist leaders in the world and they have never been questioned talk more of arrested. If what Nnamdi Kanu is saying is destructive then Nigerians should roll out their professors and learned heads to go to their various radio stations and counter him. Tell Biafrans why they should not follow or buy into his ideology, detaining him have shown the world that everything Nnamdi Kanu said is true and he is being held for saying the truth. Let's watch as the drama that may consume everybody unfold.

The world is watching with keen interest as Nigeria is being cast into nothingness, trampling and abuse of human right being condoned in Nigeria. What has Nigeria done when Muhammad Buhari ordered the killing of serving youth corps and other ethnic groups in the North? Over 1000 people were murdered when Buhari clearly ordered his people to kill if their votes did not win him election. What has Nigeria done when Buhari promised to make Nigeria ungovernable? Behold Boko haram was born and indeed Nigeria became ungovernable. What has Nigeria done when Buhari promised to soak all in blood if 2015 election did not favor him? The hypocrites in Nigeria are making life unequal thing as everything is abused. Corruption is the motto and driving force of this contraption called Nigeria. Whether they would wash their dirty linen in the public come 1st December remains unknown but let's hope the pig goes not into the swamp come 1st December. For saying the truth and daring Britain the creator and God of Nigeria, Nnamdi Kanu has committed blasphemy and they seek his head for tapping into freedom of speech and expression.


  1. In the end, we will win. Chukwu abiama said we should come to befree his children.

  2. Nnamdi kanu is our leader, Nnamdi kanu is a leader that no zoo Nigeria have ever have whether yoruba or Hausa whether they understand it or not, he is a leader of modern black country a leader that want to liberate the whole world not only Biafra a leader for unemployed youth world wide and finally a leader for the truth and nothing but the truth. yes the world may not understand it but i truly know that the western world + America who are more educated knows what we are talking and they believe in the rule of law.
    Let me make it clear to the Nigeria or Nigeria leaders if they fill that they have money to influence the world it is only poor Nations they can influence with their money it is not power ful Nations like America who even feed Nigeria like they are feeding babies so world leaders are watching they all know Nigeria history , that Nigeria has no good history from their leaders from the international community and it is not now that history of Nigeria will change, Nigeria has unacceptable human right record no justice system, what is happening with Nnamdi kanu is not the first time but i believe it will teach Nigeria justice system a lesson a country where justice has no say a constable can decide to justice how much more a commissioner this is how western countries understood Nigeria, Nigeria has no justice system Nigeria is not a country, Nigeria leaders are all criminals not their citizen.
    world leaders stop buying Nigeria oil it is a blood money it does not portray good to those countries buying oil from Nigeria. allow Nigeria die Natural death stop dealing with lies government there is no truth with Nigeria government they are all deceivers and lier's

  3. Biafra or death. Lord Nnamdi Kanu is Messiah

  4. Biafra or death. Lord Nnamdi Kanu is Messiah

  5. We have to have Biafra becaùse Nigeria is Zoo. If Yoruba people want to belong to a zoo Country is up to them.

  6. The Great Nation United State of Biafra..

  7. Biafra is my real country , Biafra for life. Nobody can stop biafra, it's God Agenda on Earth.

  8. Biafra is my real country, nobody can stop biafra. Biafra is God Agenda on Earth.

  9. Any Igbo man or woman who is not in support of Biafra will regret it.

  10. My fingers will remain crossed as this drama unfolds. Even the devil can quote the bible, but God is God and truth cannot be hidden. What a shame on the quantum of idiosencracies that rule this country, what a shame!! All hail Biafra land of the raising sun.


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