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Tuesday 24 November 2015

Go and crush Boko Haram terrorists: Northern youths blast Biafra, ask FG to crush

“This New Nation called Nigeria, should be an estate of our great grandfather, Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools, and the South, as conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us, and never allow them to have control over their future.” ---Sir Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto in THE PARROT of October 12, 1960
“The conquest to the sea is now in sight. When our god-sent Ahmadu Bello said some years ago that our conquest will reach the sea shores of Nigeria, some idiots in the South were doubting its possibilities. Today have we not reached the sea? Lagos is reached. It remains Port-Harcourt. It must be conquered and taken.” --- Mallam Bala Garuba in WEST AFRICAN PILOT, December 30, 1964.
Northern youths blast Biafra protagonists, ask FG to crush move
Angered by their renewed attempt to resurrect the outlawed Movement, northern youths have condemned the promoters of the new agitation to revive Biafra and divide Nigeria.The youths writing under the aegis of Arewa Youth Forum, warned those behind the criminal agitation to desist from it and allow Nigeria to remain in peace and find solutions to it’s challenges.
In a statement signed by its National President , Alhaji Gambo Gujungu, the AYF said it was highly disappointed by the heinous move by some selfish elements to cause avoidable crisis in the country.
While calling on the protagonist to retrace their steps forthwith, the forum called on the Federal Government to take immediate steps to quell any move by any group or individual to dismember Nigeria under any guise.
He reminded the government not allow Biafra to operate and cause havoc in the land, as it did when the Boko Haram insurgents first emerged, instead of crushing it as provided by law.
AYF said: “We are worried by the situation in the South East of the country where some youths have taken to the street protesting perceived marginalisation of their zone and demanding a state of Biafra.
“As the umbrella body of all northern youths we want to condemn the development in its entirety, as we do know that it is being carried out in bad faith.
“We want to reiterate that we are apostles of one indivisible Nigeria and will continue to work across the length and breadth of the country to engender peace, unity and progress for all Nigerians irrespective of tribe, religion and region.
“It is because of this that we are calling on all Nigerians to remain anywhere they are in the country. We specifically callon our brothers and sisters from the south east to remain anywhere they are in the north as they will be adequately protected and we will make sure that nothing happens to them.
“We also want to call on the President Muhammadu Buhari led Federal government to act immediately and stop any move that will lead to the breakdown of law and order under control before it escalate.
This is because it is still fresh in the mind of many Nigerians that it is the inability of the government then to tackle the Boko Haram insurgency and nip it in the bud that has caused the situation to deteriorate to this level,” the northern youths said.

1 comment

  1. I still don't get it, what is the fuss about all this. Is there anything that the other part of Nigeria doesn't want the Biafrans to know.


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