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Wednesday 11 November 2015

Follies of Buhari and the coming of Biafra

Since Muhammadu Buhari, the so-called president of Nigeria got rigged into power; he has acted more like the Pharaoh of the book of Exodus in the Bible. Buhari has hardened his heart from one manifestation of the dawning of Biafra to another. He did not realise that the Biafran issue has grown larger, beyond him.
First he busied himself with visiting countries, seeking arms and logistics, with which to fight Biafra, pretending that it was to fight Boko Haram. He was, therefore, deceiving Nigerians who did not know that his hands were deep in the pie of insurgency, supporting Boko Haram and the hate and violence they spread.
Noticed that since the Biafran protests started, Boko Haram bombs no longer explode? The Boko Haram scam was initiated and sustained, by him and his fellow Northern rulers. It was a crafty way of transferring the country’s funds to the North – either as refugee’s funds or as funds for rehabilitation of the North. Even funds earmarked for combating Boko Haram were all geared towards having the bulk of Nigerian money expended in the North.
But now that Biafra issue is here, they have abandoned the scam for now to pursue what they know to be a real threat to their hegemony and exploitative presence in the evil Nigerian contraption.
However, as Buhari journeyed to the United States of America (USA), France, Cameroun, and several other countries, some saw through the lies and deception, yet others did not see it. So he has continued to plot against Biafra and its agitators. But we can authoritatively tell him that those moves were follies that will eventually consume him. Gradually, while he continues to devise new means to overcome the Biafran agitation, he continues to weave destruction around himself that will eventually destroy him.
Before his tour to the USA, he had finalized strategies to down Radio Biafra permanently. It was an elaborate plan of buying off the signals-carrier of the station, SatLink Communications. It was this company that fed Radio Biafra signals to all its FM stations throughout Biafraland. But the hitch for them was that SatLink Communications was an Israeli company, and as such the owners would not be comfortable selling their company to Mohammedans from Northern Nigeria. For this reason, Buhari went to the US with 19 Million Dollars and used the amount to buy off RR Media, an American company, through his (hidden) fronts. Then he mobilized more funds for RR Media with which he bought SatLink Communications.

Once the transaction was in the bag, he gave orders for Radio Biafra signals to be turned off. At the same time, he pressured owners of Radio Forest, the Internet carrier of radio signals (including that of Radio Biafra), to yank off Radio Biafra signals.
Having done that, he gave orders to his cronies in the country’s ministry of information to go to town with the news. They did. But in spite of his huge spending, he did not reckon with one thing, the ingenuity of Biafrans and their ability to find a way out of every bad situation. Within hours, the station was back on air – it was fully on the Internet and FM. Within weeks, all were back and running, with more grounds covered. Its signals carrier (which used to be SatLink Communications alone) rose to two, and they were providing better of signals with increased reach.
In addition, IPOB) owners of Radio Biafra devised a means whereby people accessed the radio broadcast by just dialing a telephone number. IPOB also produced a beautiful “App” through which people could also listen to the broadcast through their Android phones. AM transmission was later added, as well as Biafran Television going live on air.
With the huge amount of money wasted, and yet unable to stop the radio station, which its popularity had suddenly shot up so greatly that it became number one radio station in the world – trending above BBC and VOA – Buhari’s heart was further hardened.
That was why he went on to plan more subterfuges against the Biafran agitation. One of his agents, a Biafran quisling, Emeka Mba, who is Director General (DG) of Nigeria Broadcast Commission (NBC), let the cat out of the bag when he boasted that Nigeria was going to do next would be to neutralize the radio station and the Biafran struggle.
They first started it by sending military and police personnel to start arresting Biafrans with radio Biafra App in their phones. They were equal to arrest anybody they saw listening to Radio Biafra, either in their cars or in their homes. It was ineffective because it was not possible for the Police to arrest all the millions of Biafrans who were already addicted to the Radio Biafra message.

They were equally guided by the philosophy of the “fire triangle”. It meant that if Nnamdi Kanu was taken out of circulation (away from contact with his people) that his influence on his people would be minimized and then the agitation would eventually die down.

By Tim Tochukwu   


  1. He shud continue wasting our oil money.... after all its gotten free frm Biafra land.. bt he shud knw one tin, if war breaks out again, he will b D first to die...he forgets he is an old man nw.... he shud listen to D voice of reason, nw is his opportunity to do so, before it becomes late...

  2. The paedophile with an archaic sense what can he think out of his old brain poor him with poor sense he can dare that makes us stronger but he can never win!


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