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Friday 20 November 2015


By Richard Izuchukwu Oragwuncha
(For Family writers)

When people from other parts of Nigeria oppose the struggle for self determination of the indigenous people of Biafra, it baffles me so unimaginably. So far as the Nigerian state today is concerned, nobody is living as supposed and over 90% of the Nigerian population lives a miserable life situation of (hand to mouth). Graduates without jobs, workers without salaries, no running water, no good roads, no power supply etc Considering the relationship among the vast ethnics that made up Nigeria as an entity, if not for the continued forced tolerance, it would have been a worst war zone than the present situation. Pronounced hatred and political marginalization of some regions especially the Biafrans is not left out.

This night-mire of a society is horrible for an upcoming generation as it is likely possible to create a deadly impression in them that the earth is a jungle there by making her inhabitants beasts at all time. The totality of the common Nigerians have been physically and psychologically impoverished by their political elites that they are almost hopeless and only exhibits sycophancy even in the midst of their sufferings in favour of their oppressors.

So many Nigerians have been made to believe as a result of this physiological subjugation that without this political gods there is no way forward.   Democracy is a government of the people and not for the elites but in the case of  Nigeria, people have been made to see their so called political leaders as gods  that no one opposes their decides and by so doing, have little or no opportunity to exercising their democratic right at all time. A bigger percentage of Nigerian population chose to continue in this physiological dungeon than to stand up and speak for their rights.

When you talk of this freedom so many thinks it is only when one is physically in a dungeon that is when he/she needs to be freed not knowing that no prison is worst than when one is living in a forcefully imposed situation against his/her will.All Nigerians should join hands and make sure that this fight for freedom is archived so that everybody will go home to their various regions and homeland and exercise their freedom to self determination. Baifra! Freedom! Freedom!! Fredom!!!

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