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Sunday 1 November 2015

Sign the Petition to Amnesty international and others Now!!

We have created a petition to be delivered to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Society for Threatened People, Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, Dr. Ben Carson, Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, Presidential Candidate, Senator Patrick Leahy, United States Congress, Benjamin Nethanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, Senator Dan Coats, United States Congress, Kenneth I. Juster, Chair, BOT, Freedom House, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Mike Pence, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama.
which says:
"The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) are hounded, terrorized, massacred, and incarcerated in violation of their civil rights and United Nations rights of Indigenous People to agitate for self-determination. Buhari is breaking international law by harassing and killing  the beleaguered and marginalized people of Biafra in British-Nigeria."


We, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu, are compelled to call for a total boycott of British-Nigeria and her murderous president Muhammadu Buhari because British-Nigeria is a rogue terrorist state that tramples on every conceivable human rights, particularly, the rights of the beleaguered people of Biafra and IPOB—the organization of Biafrans agitating for freedom from the wicked British-Nigeria contraption and edifice of genocide.

Buhari is an avowed Islamist, genocidist, tribalist, and unabashed Boko Haramist. Buhari is terrorizing Biafrans—an indigenous people forced against their wish to remain in British-Nigeria—because they are exercising their United Nations Rights of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination. He has been killing, terrorizing, and mounting roadblocks; abducting, beating, shooting and incarcerating unarmed Biafrans who are peaceably agitating to be free from marginalization and genocide; thus, breaking International Law and violating the United Nations Charter on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of which British-Nigeria is a co-signatory.

Buhari has committed genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and ought not to be embraced by other world leaders. He should be at International Criminal Court (ICC) and not at United Nations. We call on the civilized nations of the world to Boycott President Muhammadu Buhari and British-Nigeria before it is too late. Thank you. 

1 comment

  1. You all are deluded. Do you think diplomacy works by lying and name calling? To worsen your case you don't even choose your fights sensibly. Now you are picking up fight against the British government? And you want United Nations to come to your aid? Who the hell do you think Controls United Nations? Or you think it is a country somewhere? Ignorance is a big disease and I am ashamed that this level of ignorance is coming from a few bad eggs from my Igbo people


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