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Monday 30 November 2015

Biafra: I’m Ready To Abdicate Throne For Biafra – Eze Kanu, Nnamdi Kanu’s Father

As the River Nile runs from Victoria in Uganda to Egypt, so activism runs in the family of the traditional ruler of Afaraukwu in Umuahia, the Abia State capital. From the monarch himself, His Royal Majesty, Eze Sir I. O. Kanu, Eze Ikputu of Afara Ukwu Ibeku in Umuahia, to the least of his children, it’s all the same blue blood of activism permanently glued in their veins. In the early 1990s, Nnamdi Kanu’s younger brother, Emmanuel, spearheaded the agitation for the reduction of school fees. Now Nnamdi, is leading a group to demand the freedom of Biafra.

In this interview, their father, HRH Eze Kanu, who said it was activism that made him represent his area three times as Councillor, said he was ready to abdicate his throne over the course for which his son is being detained.


How do you feel concerning your son appearing in court last week?
I’m very happy that he was brought to court on Monday (last week). From what I heard, as I was not able to go because of my health, I was impressed at least my family members were able to see him.

You may have had high hopes your son would be released last week, but he was not. How do you react to this failed expectation?
Well, it’s true that his release has taken time, but every Biafran in Abuja, I learnt, was protesting that he be released. Even those of them that were not on their Biafran uniform later changed to it, flying their flags and also chanting that he should be released. It made me sad that he was not released because I expected them to release him on that very day, but it didn’t come through, instead they adjourned the case.

Do you think it is just for him to continue to be in custody?
No, I don’t see any reason they should not obey the order, which granted him bail; they should not continue to detain him. He is not supposed to be in cell any more.

What’s your appeal to the Federal Government?
I’m appealing to the Federal Government and (President Muhammadu) Buhari) in particular to release my son because he is not fighting with arms; he is just talking with his mouth. Also, half of Nigerians believe that he has not done any wrong and he should be released. Buhari should tamper justice with mercy and release him because he has not come to destroy, rather he wants to set things right. If Biafra is granted, there is nothing Nigerians will look for in Biafra that they will not get; the same is applicable to Biafrans. Using the case of Lot of Abraham as an example, we want peace. We are not the same as the northerners; so I don’t see any reason any one who knows the right thing will not do it. If we go to other countries, we will see how they gained their independence.

Will you advice your son to stop the Biafran pursuit for his freedom?
No, I will not. Biafra is not only applicable to my family; it is for everyone.

Would you abdicate your throne as condition for Biafra to be realised?
Yes, even in the next 24 hours I will agree if that is the condition necessary for Biafrans to be free. My kingship is not as important as Biafran freedom.

Why is Biafra so important to you?
Biafra is important to me because there is nothing greater than one’s freedom. Yes, we are just like slaves the way we are. For example, the newly appointed ministers, can’t you see we are rejected. All the positions we are supposed to get they shared among themselves; so I want Biafra.

What word do you have for your son, Nnamdi?

I am asking him to be patient; what we do not get today might be got tomorrow. Nothing is going to happen to him, by Gods grace. Let him be careful with the food and water he takes there because they can kill him through any means possible. Even if he dies today, many others will rise for the actualisation of Biafra till the end, but we don’t pray for such to happen.

Source: The Sun News

Kanu: The struggle so far

“Biafra is the only reason why I live; that was something none of you knew” – Nnamdi Kanu.
Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, did not start his Biafra independence struggle today. In fact, he started it more than 19 years ago, which has made him to garner a lot of experience that today – in words and deeds – he exudes unparalleled optimism about the struggle.
His optimism comes as a result of the many challenges he had had to face in the struggle and came out successful. Today, which is three days to his appearance in court; we recount some of those challenges. We recall them because overcoming them has produced in him that unparalleled optimism that make him declare so very often that “In the end we win, we always win”.
Arrest and Detention
When the Department of State Security (DSS) arrested him on December 14, and dumped him in detention, many people thought he was new to arrests and detentions. But he was not. Several times in the past, he has experienced it.
Coming into the country during his earlier days in the struggle, he was apprehended at the airport in Lagos for coming in with many Biafran artifacts. On discovering that he had association with Ralph Uwazuruike the leader of Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), he was instantly flown into Abuja, Nigerian capital, under heavy security. There, he was detained in solitary confinement for more than three months.
Paucity of funds
The challenge of how to get funds to run Radio Biafra, Biafra Television, and the Biafran struggle has always been a critically one before Nnamdi Kanu and his colleagues. Even today that challenge persists.
Many people would not understand this; neither would they understand that his last November 23 court appearance presented the latest development of a story that started long before 2009 when Radio Biafra was established.

Kanu established the Radio Station in collaboration with Uwazuruike, MASSOB. Then the station was broadcasting two hours daily on shortwave frequency. MASSOB provided up to 60 per cent of the funding for the airtime, while the funds for the studio and the equipment within it, was from Kanu’s savings. He was an Economic Consultant, a graduate of Political Economics from what is known today as London Metropolitan University. He is a British citizen.
Radio Biafra then was more of a talk-show with panel of discussants. After discussing issues of the day, which usually had relationship with Biafra, Biafrans, and their travails, they would then proceed to receive uncensored calls from people (especially Biafrans) from all over the world.
Unfortunately, things later got awry when Uwazuruike fell out with Kanu and his Radio Biafra crew members who did not want such an arrangement. Uwazuruike had already pledged his support to some politicians in Nigeria, and was predisposed to using the radio station to campaign for them. But Kanu and members of the crew who would not want such an arrangement, and who were hardcore Biafrans and would not want to have anything to do with Nigeria and its politics, refused. They reasoned that it would pose a very big distraction for the struggle.
Before Uwazuruike could do anything about it, they had gone on to start campaigning that Biafrans should boycott the elections of 2011. As a result of this, Uwazuruike declined honouring MASSOB’s own side of the bargain, which is to forward funds for the station’s airtime. This was the reason Radio Biafra ceased transmission in 2009.
However, in 2013, Kanu, Uche Mefor, and Emma Nmezu, were able to resurrect Radio Biafra again, this time broadcasting online.
Kanu did not only have challenges because he was associated with MASSOB, he has also had challenges even with MASSOB itself that at a time he fell out with the leadership.
Part of the reasons Kanu fell out with MASSOB leadership, headed by Ralph Uwazuruike, was because he (Uwazuruike) compromised the struggle by mixing it with Nigerian politics. Uwazuruike also turned the group to a criminal organisation that was terrorizing his own people rather than fight the enemies of his people.
Kanu once told his own side of the story when some MASSOB members confronted him on air, accusing him of selling out on the struggle. Part of his explanation was, “Uwazuruike, your master, came to see me in London in the summer of 2009 and asked me to print Biafran Passport for sale. I told him no. I introduced him to Coleman Asomba in South Africa to coordinate our agitation but when he (Uwazuruike) got there they concentrated on printing passports
“People started calling Radio Biafra to enquire if the new Biafran passport was a legal tender as BBC Africa had carried the news. I gave
them an honest opinion that Biafran Passport printed could not get them into the mythical 99 countries that recognized MASSOB.”
He said also that “Uwazuruike rejected the involvement of Igbo intelligentsia and failed to allow consultation to happen between us and Igbo elders.”
It was at this point that the whole relationship turned sour. Uwazuruike first declared Kanu wanted, and then called on the Nigerian Police to arrest him and his colleagues at Radio Biafra when they gave out the information that they were coming home to consult with him and other MASSOB members. Uwazuruike described them as trouble makers who were on a mission to disrupt the elections.
That was why on December 19, Uwazuruike’s boys came in 10 buses, kidnapped Kanu from his father’s compound in Afara, Ibeku in Umuahia, Abia State. They took him to Okwe in Okigwe, Imo State, which is MASSOB headquarters (Uwazuruike’s home-town).

Kanu narrated his ordeal: “You hungry fellas stole my clothes, wrist watch and money. Some of you spat at me, some poured urine on me. You fooled them into believing I was a traitor to cover the fact that you people are the traitors. You tried to humiliate me in the hope that I will be silenced forever but you failed. In your stupidity you made a video tape of the whole torture and kidnapping in the hope of using it to blackmail me into silence. You threatened to release the video if I criticized MASSOB criminal activities again. Little did you know the video was the proof that the world needed to confirm that MASSOB was a full time crime empire.
“The worst mistake MASSOB made was to let me leave their Okwe torture chamber alive. If they had the intention of continuing in their criminality they should have killed me. Biafra is the only reason why I live; that was something none of you knew.”
In the final analyses, Kanu has no disagreement with MASSOB members, but with its leadership and those who follow the leadership foolishly.

Kanu: The struggle so far (II)

“Biafra is the only reason why I live; that was something none of you knew” – Nnamdi Kanu.
Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, did not start his Biafra independence struggle today. In fact, he started it more than 19 years ago, which has made him to garner a lot of experience that today – in words and deeds – he exudes unparalleled optimism about the coming of Biafra. His optimism stems from the fact that the many controversies and challenges he had faced him in the struggle, and he surmounted all of them.
In the first part of this article, we looked at some of those controversies and challenges that shaped his optimism. In this concluding part, we look at others.
Kanu has faced the challenge of politics and infighting of fellow colleagues whose other struggle – apart from that of getting Biafra – was to outmaneuver their colleagues by working to gain Kanu’s unparalleled attention, through which they also intended to gain pole positions in IPOB.
Kanu also faced colleagues in the struggle who wanted his position, so they lied, plotted, and cajoled to gain the support of other Biafrans and draw them away from Kanu. But Kanu remained resolute and in the end triumphed. He ended up establishing a group, a networking of peaceful agitators, and structure unparalleled in the history of the world.
IPOB is a grassroots-based organisation with a network connecting hardcore Biafrans in more than 88 countries of the world. It is a mass of disciplined people that are ready to pull Biafra out of Nigeria with the simple weapon of truth.
Cyber Attacks
Many people have been praising former President Goodluck Jonathan today for what they termed a perfect handling of Radio Biafra and Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), while he was in power. They claimed he ignored Kanu and IPOB thereby making them irrelevant and unable to trouble government.
But that is not entirely true. Jonathan fought IPOB and Radio Biafra silently and underground. He was not brazen as Buhari has proven to be. But he also spent huge sums of money in prosecuting against IPOB and Radio Biafra the way Buhari has been doing.
Radio Biafra server received so many cyber-attacks, sponsored by Jonathan’s government, than anyone could imagine. Sometimes broadcasts were stalled for hours, even for days. From time to time, attacks would come from such countries as Brazil, Germany, India, United States of America (USA), and several other countries.
However, relying on the dedication, expertise and support of such hardcore Biafrans as Uche Mefor, Chukwudi, Ofoma, Uchenna Asiegbu, Emeka Iroanya, Fred Onyeali, and several other Biafrans, he was able to overcome.
Lies and Deception

Another major challenge Kanu and many other hard core Biafran agitators contended were lies and deceptions sold by enemies of the struggle. There were much of these during the purchase of an AM Transmitter for Radio Biafra.
Biafrans abroad, who were enjoying the Radio Biafra broadcasts, felt it was necessary to make the broadcasts reach Biafrans at home. They reasoned that the best way this could be done would be to purchase a massive transmitter that could broadcast from any helpful African country into Biafraland. They reasoned further that a massive AM Transmitter would be important in doing that.
Donations were called for, and Biafrans responded. Within few months, the transmitter was bought. Kanu was so excited that he asked; “Where are those people who say Igbo don’t love themselves; can’t work together. They should come and see how Biafrans who don’t even know me contributed huge amount of money into my hands to buy a transmitter.”
Incidentally, that marked the start of another controversy that in less than no time threatened to consume IPOB and derail the struggle. Some people flew a kite that no transmitter was purchased in the first place. But Kanu was able to weather the storm with truth, and the struggle continued.
Boycott of 2015 elections
Another controversy was that which arose from Radio Biafra campaign that the 2015 election should be boycotted by Biafrans. His message was that if Biafrans did this, the world would ask questions, and then Biafrans would be in a pole position to demand Biafra independence from Nigeria.
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the party of Goodluck Jonathan – the then president (a Biafran) – accused Kanu and IPOB of collecting money from the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC), and working to deny their candidate votes from his greatest stronghold.
Indeed, the elections were boycotted by Biafrans in such states that Radio Biafra signals were getting to, such as Abia, Enugu, Imo, Anambra, and Rivers boycotted it. But the Nigerian media, owned, controlled and manipulated by the Fulani/Yoruba media maintained a conspiratorial silence on the happenings during and after the elections in this regard. Long before the election proper, editors of newspapers and magazines had held a meeting where they shared out bribes from governments and politicians, and agreed to black out the Biafra call for boycott of the elections. Even the electronic media were in on the plot.
But it was no surprise to Nnamdi Kanu and the entire IPOB family. Kanu prophetically declared on air that IPOB would not bribe any newspaper reporter or editor to carry Biafra news, but that one day they would be “forced to write about us”. That is happening today. Even though many are writing about Biafra to counter the agitations, Kanu and IPOB are appreciative of the fact that, all in all, Biafra is resounding across the land.
Kanu’s image and personality
There were also controversies aimed at denting his image and his personality. Such were controversies of people publishing intimate pictures of himself and his wife, saying they were amorous pictures he took with prostitutes; of people who accused him of embezzling IPOB funds; of school dropouts like former president Olusegun Obasanjo who calle him and his colleagues miscreants.
Challenge to down Radio Biafra
This challenge started long before the current Buhari administration, but Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria’s current president, started the current brazen attempt to suppress Kanu’s activities, which culminated in his arrest (kidnap by government). The station had been a pain in the neck of the Buhari government’s government, no doubt. A great number of Nigerians also wanted it taken out, because it was exposing their rotten underbelly in the contraption called Nigeria.
Before Buhari’s journey to the United States of America (USA), his government had announced that it was on an expedition to purchase arms to battle Boko Haram, the number one murderous terrorist group in the world. Biafrans saw it as a “begging mission” to acquire arms with which to kill them and suppress their agitation. The Fulani led Northern Nigeria (Buhari is a Fulani) concocted the plan to finally put a lasting stop to Radio Biafra broadcasts.

The plan was to first buy off the satellite company that was hosting the Radio Biafra signals, which is Satlink Communication, and then to jam its FM stations in Biafraland. Also as part of the plan was a media blitz that would demonise the radio station as well as the Biafran struggle so as to make the coming brutal repression of Biafrans seem justified in the eyes of the world. The Nigerian rulers equally banked on publicizing the arrests (either real or imagined) so as to scare other Biafrans from the struggle.
The plan was chosen because, even though Nigerian authorities described the radio as “illegal” and “pirate”, it was established on solid legal grounds. They knew it was almost an impossibility to approach the planned downing through legal means.
Therefore, in executing the plot, Buhari first empowered some government fronts and agents masquerading as businessmen to buy out RR Media, a company based in the USA, which was registered in 1981. Aliko Dangote is believed to be a point man in the transactions. He knew he could not directly purchase Satlink Communication (as a Muslim) since it is an Israeli company.
In June, the deal was sealed with a whopping sum of 19 million Dollars to buy out RR Media. Then more funds were released, which was used to acquire Satllinks. That was how the Radio Biafra signals were yanked off Satllinks on Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Then, it was followed by media propaganda bliss, which was to demonise Radio Biafra and the Biafran struggle. From all sectors and all quarters, voices where heard discussing every other thing, but the fact that the station was in agitation for the sovereignty of Biafra. Some went as far as deceptively comparing Radio Biafra to Islamic State of Syria and Levant (ISIL); Boko Haram in Nigeria; or even the Rwanda genocide. They obviously reasoned that such comparison would scare away Biafran activists, and portray the Nigerian state as justified when it starts its planned repressive action against the Biafran people.
They hid the fact that it had been the Nigerian state that always perpetrated violence against the Biafrans. They did not state the fact that it was Nigeria in 1967 that attacked Biafra and killed nothing less than 4 million Biafrans. They did not tell their audience that since 1999 when Biafrans started none violence agitation, that the Nigerian state has murdered nothing less than 2,030 Biafrans.
As usual, the manipulative Lagos/Ibadan media, spearheaded the media attacks. Opinion articles, commentaries, interviews, Vox-pops, and several other media fares were used to dish out lies and propaganda against Radio Biafra and Biafrans. While some were active on the traditional media, others ran riot on the social.
It was the failure of the plot to down Radio Biafra and destroy IPOB that led to the current one, which is to take Nnamdi Kanu away from his microphone. They knew his continued voice on air would completely destroy Nigeria without a shot being fired.
Have they succeeded? Obviously not! Today, Radio Biafra is still on air, firing on all its platforms. The management secured new contracts with other compaies. The Radio Biafra signals can now be received through: INTELSAT 20/K 68.5 degree east, frequency 12521v27501. They have also secured a contract with Yamil 20/C band 55°E, frequency 11045 V 40000.
His Message
In spite of the fact that Kanu has been in Nigeria’s gulag for the past one month, hiss message continues to ring out through millions of Biafrans who follow him. All over the world, protests are going on at UN offices, Nigerian embassies and British embassies, and the message is reaching the world through all the nooks and crannies of the world that Biafrans want to be free.
At this juncture, it is instructive to not that before planning the strategies to get his message to the people, studied Nigerians. He knew Nigerians (apart from Biafrans) would only show interest when aroused by brutality, violence, and death. He knew they would not pay attention when the messages peaceful, truthful and honest. A good example is Mohammed Yusuf who led Boko Haram for years unnoticed by Nigerians because he was peaceful and honest about his quest.
It was therefore not surprising to him that Yakubu Gowon (the war criminal), who supervised the murder of nothing less than four (4) million Biafrans, is seen as a hero. He knew Murtala Mohammed, as another war criminal, was Nigeria’s hero (with an international airport named after him) for the genocide he spearheaded at Asaba during the Biafra/Nigeria war. Muhammadu Buhari (the other felon and war criminal) is Nigeria’s current champion because he took men to a Church in Owerri in 1968 to murder innocent women and children and promised to do worst if he was not made President. What about Obasanjo, the mean, backstabbing and lying killer, who leveled the innocent town of Odi to prove his meanness to Nigerians?
But Nnamdi Kanu knew he could not descend to such base level to get his message across Nigerians, so he devised to tell them people the truth in a rough way. That is what those who could not provide superior arguments to his truth-based imputations termed “hate speech”.
So, Biafrans know that their brother is in Nigeria’s gulag because he was gaining the attention of Nigerians. It was a reality that the likes of Buhari, Obasanjo, and many Fulani rulers were not comfortable with. However, Kanu who has promised that he would never afraid before his enemies is riding the waves and his voice continues to ring, “In the end we win, we always win”.
The Court Challenge
Kanu will be appearing in court on Tuesday, December 1 (tomorrow), to answer to trumped up charges leveled against him by Nigeria’s Department of State Security (DSS). Seeing him in court last Monday, November 23, smiling, hugging, and embracing family and friends showed he had every belief that he would also overcome the court challenge.
It Abuja that day, People in the Nigerian capital, saw a different type of crowd – a type of crowd they had never seen in the city before. Indeed, such had never happened since the creation of the city in 1976. It was a crowd of enthusiastic Biafrans, led by IPOB, singing, dancing, marching and chanting Biafra solidarity songs. In the city, they glistened in the November sun with Biafran colours.
“We are Biafrans, marching for our freedom, in the name of Jesus, we shall conquer” they sang as they moved. They too had bought into Kanu’s mantra that “in the end, we win”.

Biafra: Presidential Message. How Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo Marginalized The Igbos

Where there is a room for conflict, there is also a room for co-operation and dialogue. The some committee members of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) arrived the DSS office where the IPOB Leader and Director, Nnamdi Kanu has been in detention. They came to find out why Nnamdi Kanu is still detained in the DSS custody.
A top official of the DSS entertained the IPOB members in a friendly and joking manner, and said ''when you want to catch the chicks, first catch their mother. He further gave examples. The Biafran Warlord Ojukwu went into exile. He came backand signed a peace agreement which ended his ambition for Biafra. Uwazuruike came with his own movement. He was detained and released conditionally, which ended his agitation for Biafra. The same thing will happen to Nnamdi Kanu'' he said and laughed in a friendly way.
The friendly DSS Officer gave the IPOB members a message which came directly from President Muhammadu Buhari. In the message, the President indirectly accepted the marginalization of the Igbos which can spark agitation of this such from any group of people. The officer who is also a Northerner said the President is not comfortable with the continuous protest from the Biafran Agitators. Stating that the President is treating every region in Nigeria with equity. Just that the Igbo leaders are the problems of the Igbos.
The DSS Officer started explaining more to the IPOB members. He talked about the marginalization of the Igbos. He said, 'the Igbo leaders marginalized the Igbos'.
He said 'your leaders will come and cry to the previous and present central Government about the deliberate neglect, marginalization, lack of infrastructural and developmental facets, under-development and political slavery of the Igbos. They will be allocated a project to go and fix some of the problems facing the Igbos. The Igbo leaders will share it within themselves. Group A will come, Group B will come, Group C will come and so on. All are the same people. If the central Government wish to arrest your corrupt leaders for such embezzlement, your leaders will tag it as ethnic hatred and the same marginalization; other Igbos will believe'.
He continued saying, 'if you really wish to fight for your rights and freedom, start with your leaders. The Igbos have selfish leaders that doesn't listen to their subjects. They have sold the Igbos at 1000 person(s) for ₦5. Your leaders are trading with all of you'.
The friendly and very top official of the DSS entertained over 25 IPOB members, and left them to go. Nobody was arrested.
I will not forget what the officer said. He gave example with a case in Ondo State, where the council of Obas banned the Eze Ndi Igbo title in Ondo State. Yet, the Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo Government has not said anything. They can not speak, caution and ban the self-acclaimed king; just because the man has bribed them. This is a more reason other ethnics dislike the attitudes of the Igbos. Taking 'their-own-thing' into other regions. Forgetting that a tradition of a certain people might be a taboo to another people.
The DSS Officer went ahead and said that the same thing is happening now in Cotonou, the Republic of Benin. A Chief simply identified as Ebuka is crowning himself a King-for-life (HRM) in another country.
The DSS Officer said, 'a King and also a member of the Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo came with the report. The king said, it is not the tradition and constitution of the Igbos to crown a king without domain in Igbo land or outside Igbo land. Thereby, a section of the Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo is seeking the DSS to arrest the Chief. While another section of the Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo, some South-Eastern Governors and other Igbo Elites are trooping down to Cotonou, Republic of Benin to crown the Chief as HRM. You can see how he bribed the Igbo leaders to go contrary to the Igbo tradition'.

'Can you see how your leaders are trading with you? If this is not your tradition, why can't the Oha-Na-Eze-Ndi-Igbo stop it immediately?' the DSS Officer asked the IPOB members.
'Hold your leaders responsible for the deliberate neglect, marginalization, lack of infrastructural and developmental facets, under-development and political slavery of the Igbos. If your leaders deny it, then they should speak out in defense' said the DSS Officer.

**Written by: (Activist) Eberahim Esperance, as he visited the DSS office where Nnamdi kanu was detained.

Hauas/Fulain Domination Plot Of The ‘North’ Against The South East/South South Revealed

A shocking yet revealing phone conversation between two politicians has gone viral.
In the audio conversation, which is currently circulating on BlackBerry Messenger and Whatsapp, a Northern politician identified as a People’s Democratic Party member is speaking with another politician from the South West by name, Kunle.The 20.38-minute audio recording, which appears to have been made by one of the parties or an eavesdropper, the Northern politician, identified simply as Alhaji, reveals the sinister plot of the Northern politicians to attack the business interests of the people from the South East and South South region of the country.Our investigations have led us to the source of the audio, who does not wish to be named. 

Click to Listen: Kunle and Alhaji Congratulations

The Trent can authenticate that the recording is a real telephone conversation that happened just after the inauguration of of President Muhammadu Buhari on May 29, 2015.Alhaji takes time to reveal the plot of the Northern elites to frustrate people from the South East and South South of Nigeria and revealed that there is a Satanic alliance with some elements of the South West to also join in frustrating the South Easterners and denying them their rights under the constitution to live anywhere they wish and do business anywhere in Nigeria.

The Alhaji reveals that this plan to ‘destroy the Igbos (which means anybody from the South East or South South)’ is central to the strategy of the All Progressives Congress. He also reveals that former Governor Tunde Fashola, of the APC, used the last four years of his tenure in office to execute this plot to destroy the business base of the “Igbos”. He also revealed that the plot includes arson against the markets dominated by “Igbos” in Lagos and denying “Igbos” business licences, even though they qualify for them.

Alhaji, who obviously did not know he was being recorded, went on to reveal a deep hatred by the Northern politicians for the people of the South East and South South. He revealed that if President Goodluck Jonathan had won the March 2015 elections, “they” would have caused Boko Haram to “spread to Kano, to Gombe, to Sokoto, and all over” in order to frustrate Jonathan’s government.This, in essence, confirms suspicions that Boko Haram and the carnage that the Islamist terrorist group has unleashed on the people of the North East and other parts of Northern Nigeria is a political tool in the hands of the power-hungry elite of the North.He also mentioned that Jonathan would probably have been killed in office if he remained as President beyond 2015.

Alhaji, who is well spoken, revealing that he is part of the Northern elite made it known that the Northern politicians in the APC do not trust Imo governor, Rochas Okorocha and former Rivers Governor, Rotimi Amaechi. He says, “they are just there, nobody trusts them”. Such comments are instructive especially against the backdrop that Amaechi is acknowledged by chieftains of the APC to have bankrolled 80% of Buhari’s campaign.In detail, Alhaji reveals that ‘the North’ preferred former Kano Governor, Rabiu Kwankwaso because he is radical and had begin to implement some of the plans of alienating people from the South East and South South from Kano. 

He said that had it not been for Bola Tinubu’s support for Buhari, Kwankwaso would have won the APC presidential ticket in the party’s primary of 2014 held in Lagos.Alhaji goes on to reveal some long-standing ethnic suspicions between the major ethnic groups in the country. “Who doesn’t have ancestors? Don’t we all have ancestors?” He asked in frustration. He then went on to complain why attempts to buy land from the Igbos ends in rejection “because the ancestors say they shouldn’t sell the land.”

He also claimed that the gang-up against President Goodluck Jonathan in the last election was also religious. According to him, the Muslims in the South-West teamed up with the Muslims in the Northern part of Nigeria to vote out President Jonathan because he was a Christian who empowered the people of the South East, against the original Northern domination plan of keeping the Igbos under subjugation.There is more. Listen to the audio – which has disturbing content below:

Biafra: IPOB shuts down Nnewi for solidarity protest for the release of leader of IPOB

Thousands of members of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), yesterday, shut down Nnewi, Anambra State in a solidarity protest for the release of Director of Radio Biafra, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu. He has been in the custody of the Department of State Services (DSS) since November.
Members of IPOB mobilised from Onitsha, Asaba, Awka, Ekwulobia, Awka-Etiti, Enugu, Imo, Ebonyi and Abia States and converged on Nnewi for the protest.
One of the commanders, Emeka Onwane said the protest was a warning signal to the Federal Government to make sure that Kanu, who is scheduled to appear in court today, is released without further delay.
Onwane vowed there would be no market today in the South East to further press home the demand for Kalu’s release.
“IPOB is looking up to the international community, including the United States, Russia, France and every other country, excluding Britain which is the enemy of Biafra. We are not talking about Igbo Presidency; we are talking about an independent nation of Biafra. So, we are looking up to world leaders to help us actualise Biafra,” he said.
The protesters moved from St Mary Junction to Nkwo Nnewi market, down to the expressway leading to Nnewi Area Command, through Odumegwu Ojukwu’s residence to Owerri Road, Nkwo Nnewi Triangle and later headed for Awka-Etiti through Nnobi.
In a related development, Igbo Mandate Congress (IMC) and IPOB have described Ohanaeze Ndigbo as saboteurs who are only interested in enriching themselves to the detriment of the Igbo people.
Answering questions from newsmen in Onitsha, Anambra State, IMC Director General, Rev. Obinna Akukwe said: “Left to the federal government, the abandoned infrastructural decay in the South-East would have been worked upon but our problem is that the Ohanaeze Ndigbo, which claims to represent us, will on presenting our problems to the Federal Government, demand for money and keep their mouth shut after collecting the money.”
Also reacting, IPOB spokesman in Abia StateEmma Powerful said: “The Ohanaeze Ndigbo are saboteurs.”

Play/Download 7 PM Segment of Radio Biafra LIVE Broadcast of 30 November 2015

Sunday 29 November 2015

Play/Download 7 PM Segment of Radio Biafra LIVE Broadcast of 28 November 2015

Oby Ezekwesili more work for you: Boko Haram Kills 4, Abducts Unspecified Number of Girls Near Army Chief’s Village

At least four persons were killed and an unspecified number of teenage girls abducted in Bam Village, about seven kilometers away from Buratai village, the home town of Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusuf Buratai,  on Sunday during an attack by the terrorist group, Boko Haram.

A resident of the area who fled to Miringa town for safety, Abubakar Ali, told our correspondent on phone on Sunday evening that the insurgents invaded his village about 3:30am and set ablaze the whole village.

He alleged that they killed four persons and later left with some of the yet to be married
teenage girls.

He lamented that the insurgents operated in the village till about 5am and even had the audacity to "separate teenage girls from married women, set ablaze the whole village and left with the choice girls unchallenged."
He said it was unfortunate that "these hoodlums always attacked our villages unchallenged. I am calling on General Buratai to do something about this for the soldiers seem to be doing little to checkmate them here.

"We have been telling the soldiers that the Boko Haram are in some villages around here but they only go to Mangari a few kilometres away from Buratai and shoot in the air and come back. It seems the soldiers are afraid to confront them."

In a related development, some Boko Haram terrorists also attacked and burnt down Gajiganna village in Magumeri local government area of Borno state, killing three persons including a soldier.

Michael Olugbode in Maiduguri

Saturday 28 November 2015


DAVID CAMERON [British Prime Minister]
British government, the mother of all liars and representative of Lucifer on earth and their evil collaborators, the Nigeria government, has conspired and concluded on a master plan to murder the Director of Radio Biafra and the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu who is presently held captive extra-judicially in the detention camp of the Nigeria secret service DSS by systematic torture and inhuman treatment with a constant program of excruciating and unfathomable regime of painful treatment. We are hereby raising an alarm to the international community that NNAMDI KANU'S LIFE IS IN GREAT DANGER. Britain has written a murderous script for the murder of Nnamdi Kanu and their Nigerian Collaborators are playing the script step by step.

British government lied to the whole world when they visited Nnamdi Kanu in the DSS facility by saying that Nnamdi Kanu was well taken care of and that he did not solicit for the assistance of the British government.THESE ARE LIES."The British consular team led by James Duddridge visited Nnamdi Kanu on 3rd November 2015 where he is being detained in Abuja. According to Mr Duddridge, "Mr Nnamdi Kanu confirmed to us that he has access to a lawyer and that he does not require the British government to make any further representations to the Nigerian Authorities on his behalf". These are lies. LIES LIES LIES!!! Nnamdi Kanu's Lawyer is only granted limited access to him and he, Nnamdi Kanu never said he did not require the British government assistance or for them to make further representation to the Nigeria Authorities on his behalf. WE ARE LETTING THE WORLD TO KNOW THAT BRITAIN AND THE NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT ARE DETERMINED TO MURDER THE LEADER OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA, MAZI NNAMDI KANU IN THE DSS CELL IN ABUJA.

During the Nigerian/Biafran war of 1967-1970 Britain masterminded the killing of over one million Biafra children by enforcing both land and air blockade against Biafrans leading to mass starvation and sponsored a genocidal war of extermination of the Biafran people during which over five million Biafrans were killed. Just as they are doing today, they lied to the world about it and blanketed the news and information about the pogrom they committed. They are at it again, by sponsoring the systematic murder of Nnamdi Kanu and keeping the world in the dark about it. Nnamdi Kanu was reported to have collapsed on two or more different occasions during DSS torture but was revived several minutes later. The British government are aware of what Nnamdi Kanu is going through and is completely complicit about it having supplied Mohammadu Buhari with 13 trained British snippers to kill Nnamdi Kanu earlier this year on the 30th of May 2015, during the rememberance day celebration of our dead Heroes at Aba, Abia State. That plot failed because Nnamdi Kanu got wind of it and raised the alarm on Radio Biafra and they could no longer carry out the plan. Now that Nnamdi Kanu is in their net, they have determined that he will not leave there alive. If not, there is no justification as to why the DSS have consistently flouted three court orders to release Nnadi Kanu whose bail conditions has been met. We are charging the Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Minister for Justice Mohammed Adoke (SAN) to stand up, speak out and defend the Law and constitution of Nigeria to which he swore to uphold, in this blatant slap on the Nigeria law and constitution by the Nigeria DSS, if his reputation and that of Nigeria justice system is not to be brought to a humiliating disrepute. The Nigeria Bar Association should also rise up to the challenge to bring its weight to bear on the Nigeria DSS on this unprecedented assault to the rule of law in Nigeria.
Mallam Abubakar Malami, SAN
Nnamdi Kanu was arrested and charged to court on the charges of "criminal conspiracy, intimidation and belonging to an unlawful society", the charge for which the magistrate granted him bail in one of the most stringent and unimaginable bail conditions which was miraculously met. But the Nigeria DSS "which is higher than the law court and also above the law in Nigeria" flagrantly disobeyed the court order to release him. Is it not clear to the international community that NIGERIA IS A LAWLESS STATE? A country whose laws makes no meaning to their "so called law enforcement agents". Is it not clear to the whole whole that General Mohammadu Buhari is not practicing democracy? Is it not clear to the whole whole world that Buhari is a dictator? The International Criminal Court, ICC is hereby put on notice about the activities of British government in Nigeria. The International Criminal Court, ICC is hereby put on notice about the criminal practices of the Nigeria Secret Service DSS and the Nigeria dictator president, Mohammadu Buhari. British Government should be advised to go home and mind their country and stop meddling in Nigeria internal affairs. 

NNAMDI KANU (Being rough handled by DSS)

NNAMDI KANU (In Serious Pains)
We are therefore calling on the International community, International Human Rights Organisation, Civil Liberties Organisation, United Nations Organisation for Human Right, United Nations Organisation, The United States Congress and Human Rights Lawyers to come to the aid of the Director of Radio Biafra and the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB Nnamdi Kanu and save his life now before its too late. Biafrans and in fact the Indigenous People of Biafra will not stop agitating and protesting (peacefully) demanding the unconditional release of the leader of IPOB and the Director of Radio Biafra Mazi Namdi Kanu until he is released. Long Live Biafra.

Written By  Ikechukwu Nwaorisa

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