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Saturday 5 March 2016


Saturday, 5 March 2016


By Okonkwo Isaac Somto

15 Killed, Several Cars Vandalized and properties destroyed as Hausa/ Yoruba Clash in Lagos.

More than than Six persons have been feared dead and several cars vandalised on Thursday 3 of march 2015 in an inter-ethnic clash between Hausa and Yoruba traders at the popular Mile 2 area of Lagos. Scores of people with varying degrees of injuries.

The clash lasted for hours before soldiers of the Nigerian Army and police personnel drawn from Rapid Response Squad (RRS) and Area H, restored peace to the area.

The fracas started off as a quarrel between Northerners and some Yoruba traders before it quickly escalated, claiming lives and properties, including the destruction of stalls and cars.

For hours, the rampaging factions armed with dangerous and offensive weapons like guns, broken bottles, cutlasses wrecked havoc on the market, destroying and burning down stalls.

The clash was said to have been caused by an Hausa motorcyclist who hit a female trader and attempted to flee to safety despite pressure by passers-by to take her to the hospital.

Egged on by his fellow Northern motorcyclists, who had by then besieged the scene, the bike rider allegedly refused to offer help, insisting that the union of motorcyclist
should do so. The Okada rider was said to have reasoned that since the union was always quick to collect tolls from them, they should also take care of the hospital bills from accumulated tax.

Angered by the standoffish attitude of the riders, an argument ensued and later led to a fight, after the Yoruba traders left only to regroup and come back.

Having regrouped, they invaded the market, chanting war songs as they allegedly attacked the Hausa traders, who were mostly at the area where tomatoes, beans and pepper are sold.

In the process, several stalls were burnt, while three Hausa traders were said to have been killed.

As at press time, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Fatai Owoseni; RRS Commander, ACP Olatunji Disu and other senior police officers were at the scene to stem the tide.

Already, the fracas spilled over to surroundings like Ketu, Owode, as it caused serious traffic snarl that ground commercial activities in the entire area and its surroundings to a halt

The army were deployed to the scene to assist the police to restore peace and as at press time, they had mopped up over 100 potential suspects.

The tribal war still continues in Orile, Tears in Orile as Hausa Storm Yoruba Residents; Burn People, Houses and cars. The Hausas are now taking the fight to Yoruba communities

setting people, Houses and Cars on fire. Despite the decision of the Lagos State government to shut down the popular Mile 12 market as well as declare a curfew in some crisis

hotspots, the ethnic clashes in the area continued Friday leaving burnt carcasses of bodies, vehicles and buildings in its wake. On Friday, the government met with stakeholders

from Mile 12 market, Agiliti community, Maidan and its environs to find a lasting solution to the violence. Tunji Bello, the Secretary to the State Government, who presided over
the meeting, said all the leaders agreed on the need to co-habit in peace irrespective of their religion, culture or tribes.

Mr. Bello urged the leaders to go back and assure their people to maintain the peace, stating that the State Government would consider the inputs of all those present in

arriving at a decision. But the killing is said to still continue as the Hausa'a are hell-bent of taking full revenge on the Yoruba's.

This is just a reason that justifies that Nigerians can never ever live together as one. The Arewa's, Oduduwa's and Biafrans can live together as one, because they don't share

the same Ideology, cultures, Beliefs and ways of live. Its high time we realise that Nigeria is better of dividing than continual shedding of blood. The discrimination, hatred,
envy, betrayal and anger, will always dwell amongst the forced ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Biafrans haven been getting killed by the same Hausa-Fulani's for years. Millions of Biafrans have been killed in the process. Now this tribal-war between Hausa-Yoruba just shows that Nigeria will never ever succeed as a Nation, their is no love and unity, just hatred and Discrimination!

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