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Saturday 5 March 2016

Middle-belt: Time to rise up against Fulani rage for Danfodio

Usman Danfodio

“We will write this for all to read. Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan payable one day no matter how long it takes”

The malevolent thought above came from that overhyped and overrated little man and little mind, Nasir El-Rufai. It was a threat made to Goodluck Jonathan when he was president. It is quintessential Fulani – it is hate-filled, it is unforgiving, it is virulent, and it is destructive. For that reason, it must never be taken for granted by those at the receiving end of Fulani agenda in Nigeria.

Today, that mindset is driving activities in the middle belt, and indeed in the wicked but expired contraption called Nigeria. Nobody seems to notice it because they Fulani – like the hyena – do not attack when people are awake and looking. They always veil their actions so that whatever you think you are seeing will not always be reality.


This shouldmake people concerned take serious, the revelation made on the reason for the constant Fulani attacks in the middle-belt region to be instructive at this time. This is why the people must no longer be ignorant of the ideology driving those murderous attacks and those leading them. The revelation is that the attacks are driven by hatred and religious bigotry. It is an agenda to annihilate those who kill Usman Danfodio, the patriarch of Fulani dynasty in Nigeria today, and stopped his Islamising thrust to Biafraland. It's a deliberate act to wipe them out. 

It took its root from that fact that the Islamization agenda of the Northern Oligarchy to
These furious attacks by the Fulani's whose origin has been traced to the Futajelon Mountains in Senegal, is to spread Islam all the way down to the South. It was this same agenda that drove the late Ahmadu Bello, Sardauna of Sokoto, to declare of Nigeria: “The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future”. It was recorded in the Parrot Newspaper of October 12, 1960.

It was the same mindset, which earlier on moved Abubakar Tafawa Balewa to declare: “We shall demand our rights when the time is ripe. If the British quitted Nigeria now at this stage, the Northern people would continue their uninterrupted conquest to the sea”.
It is this agenda that is driving the ongoing and imminent conspiracy, which is to wipe out those involved in the killing of Usman Danfodio, and then continue with the dream of taking over Biafraland. They have agreed to exterminate those regions that stood against them in the past. Fulani believes they are not worth living.


This report cannot be ignored in the face of the inhuman attacks on the Agatu community of Benue State. The Agatu community is a community of Idoma people – a reportedly major component of Biafra territory. Now, some people may make light of this revelation, especially in view of the fact that Muhammadu Buhari, President of the expired Nigeria was reported to have given order for an investigation and bringing to a stop, the bizarre acts by the Fulani herdsmen. But do not be fooled. Let it be made clear to you that Buhari holds the same believes and visions as a Fulani man. He may choose to stall for some time, or pretend to have stalled for some time, but he sure knows what the plans are. It is only a Fabian tactics: withdraw when the firepower is hot and regroup for a more decisive onslaught.

The people of the area, especially those who are Biafrans by blood, like Idoma and Igala, must begin to look and align towards their brothers. The only thing Fulani brought into this contraption called Nigeria was violence, rape and plunder, and they have not changed from it. It is only people without a vision for a peaceful and better future that will continue to nurture this evil and destructive one-Nigeria that only exists to promote the Fulani agenda.  
This isa call to the Agatu and other Idoma communities in Benue state to join hands with the people of Biafra to defend their territory against the Muslims. What is happening today has long been declared by Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) that “they will invade our farmlands, kill our women, marry off our daughters and maim our men and youths if we continue to fold our arms”.

Who are those clinging to one-Nigeria? Are you awake, are you sensible? This is the time to act! Those attacks on Agatu, on Abbi in Uzo-Uwani in Enugu State, or even the bombing of churches and markets, may seem isolated; the may seem uncoordinated; but indeed they are one and the same – they are coordinated. Don’t think this is fear mongering because it is not. They are using Fulani herdsmen, they are using the military, they are using Boko Haram; the intention is to come at you from all directions.
This isthe time to confront this Fulani rage for Usman Danfodio, and the plan to dip their Koran in the sea; and the only antidote is to turn your back on one-Nigeria. The Fulani is continuing with its interrupted march to the sea, but Biafrans are saying “Not on your life!”

1 comment

  1. Facts! But they cannot succed. They are vampires - blood suckers but we shall stop them.


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