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Monday 14 March 2016

Biafrans commence million phone calls to Nigeria NBA, Attorney General, Minister of Justice

Biafra, Friends and Well Wishers

Starting Tuesday March 15, 2016, we shall embark on a phone call to the Nigerian Bar Association,
Federal High Court of Nigeria, Minister of Justice,
Attorney General of the Federation and Central Authority Unit about the plight of Biafrans and the inevitability of Biafra restoration and Independence.

Please endeavour to make phone calls starting this Tuesday to Friday, from:
9 am to 4 pm Biafra time
Use the following prompts when you call:
“Hello, my name is …. (say your name)
I’m calling to appeal to the Attorney General (or relevant office) to:

1.       Condemn the ongoing massacres, mass burials, mass graves, and crimes against humanity directed at Biafran protesters by the current President of Nigeria.
2.       Tell Nigerian Government to stop masterminding the killing of Biafrans and lying to the whole world about Biafra.
3.       Free the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra and other Biafrans abducted for exercising their United Nations rights of Indigenous peoples and self-determination.

NBA House
+2347098211663  Email:
Federal High Court Abuja
Attorney General
Minister of justice
+23495235208, +23495237676, +23495235194
Central Authority Unit

The calls will be made by millions of Biafrans in Diaspora who have already declared their disagreement with the disgraceful performance of Tsoho, and would want something to be done about him. Biafrans in Biafraland and Nigeria are advised hide their phone numbers before participate in this program, too avoid possible persecution from a section of the Nigerian Police and military, including other security agencies. They are aware that personnel from the following agencies get serious kicks from oppressing Biafrans.

Support the restoration and independence of Biafra. (Thank You)

Aware of the fact that Justice John Tsoho has brought the Nigerian Judiciary to disrepute and shame, Biafrans are to commence their millions protest-phone calls to important Nigerian Judicial officers and prominent judicial personalities in the country.
This decision was made known to The Biafra Telegraph by the leadership of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) through a press release it circulated to Biafra media yesterday. Part of what Biafrans would be protesting against while making the calls is Tsoho’s reversal of his earlier decision of February 19 on the case between the Federal Government of Nigeria and Nnamdi Kanu. In the case, being prosecuted at the Federal High Court, Abuja, the judge had ruled against an application by Directorate of State Security Service (DSSS) to producing hooded witnesses against Nnamdi Kanu.
Kanu is the Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), and Director of Radio Biafra, and during the February decision, Tsoho had ruled that witnesses would not be allowed to wear masks in his court to witness against the Biafran activist and his colleagues. But on Thursday, March 17, he reversed the decision.
It was a decision that went contrary to the dictates of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. It stipulates: “…36 (3) the proceedings of a court or the proceedings of any tribunal relating to the matters mentioned in subsection (1) of this section (including the announcement of the decisions of the court or tribunal shall be held in public.”
Apart from the fact that the decision was against the Constitution, Tsoho had also made the reversed decision following an oral application made by the prosecution. But the defense, finding the decision unconstitutional, appealed it at the Federal Appeal Court, also in Abuja. However, in spite of the appeal, Biafrans think they must register their disagreement with the decision by making millions of calls to important judicial officials in the country, as well as prominent judicial personalities, to have them put pressure on Tsoho and Nigerian government to do the right thing. They believe it would also help in convincing anyone in doubt, either in Nigeria or elsewhere in the world that they are solidly behind Kanu.
The program, which commences Saturday, March 15, will concentrate on officials and prominent personalities in Nigerian Bar Association (NBA); Attorney General of the Federation and Ministry of Justice. They believe if these officers and personalities would put pressure to defend the Nigerian Constitution, the situation would be brought under control.
The calls will be made by millions of Biafrans in Diaspora who have already declared their disagreement with the disgraceful performance of Tsoho, and would want something to be done about him. Biafrans in Biafraland and Nigeria are advised hide their phone numbers before participate in this program, too avoid possible persecution from a section of the Nigerian Police and military, including other security agencies. They are aware that personnel from the following agencies get serious kicks from oppressing Biafrans.
Tim Tochukwu
For Biafra Choice Writers

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