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Thursday 24 March 2016

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Look What Britain Just Discovered Inside Muslim “Refugee” Camps

Donald Trump
A new report shows that British authorities, including Prime Minister David Cameron, knew that they were taking in tens of thousands of Syrians from refugee camps controlled by the Islamic State group, according to the U.K. Express.

According to the report from the Barnabas Fund, a group that aids persecuted Christians around the world, Prime Minister Cameron knew as early as September, when he visited the camps for displaced Syrians in Lebanon, that the Islamic State group was in control of them.

Cameron’s visit occurred before the British began taking in 20,000 refugees from the camp, leading to questions about whether the U.K. knowingly took in terrorists or radicalized “refugees.” Terrorists posing as “refugees” were linked to the Paris terror attacks in November, as well as other plots.

“In September 2015 Lebanon’s Education minister Elias Bou Saab told British Prime Minister David Cameron during a tour of refugee camps that some Syrian refugees traveling to Europe were Islamists, adding that this was also the case among those living in refugee camps,” the Barnabas Fund’s report read, according to the Express.

The report also said that “recent analysis” of the Free Syrian Army showed extremists were recruiting inside the Lebanese camps.

“While FSA does not seem to actively recruit among the refugees in Lebanon, radical Islamist groups appear to be active,” it read, according to the Express.

An investigation by the British Parliament’s International Development Committee also revealed that Cameron and the British government had received information that the Islamic State group controlled camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan from which the U.K. intended to take refugees.

In spite of this information, the government decided to take in 20,000 refugees from those camps over a period of about five years.

Mike Hookem, a spokesman for the anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party, said that he believed the camps had been taken over by the Islamic State group and that Cameron should be held to account.

“My sources in Lebanon have said for a long time that the refugee camps where Britain is sourcing the 20,000 refugees from are run by terrorists and are absolutely unsafe,” Hookem said. “If David Cameron did know about this and did not pay attention, at the very least, he needs to be hauled up in front of the Home Affairs Select Committee and answer these questions.

“We need make to make sure we have a prime minister who puts the welfare of the British people above the appearance of ‘doing the right thing’ in front of the international community.”

We hope the U.K. gets a leader like that. Maybe they could tell us what it’s like.

Donald Trump is looking more and more right every day. Please like and share this story on Facebook and Twitter if you agree.


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