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Wednesday 16 March 2016


Nigerian Army Confiscating Newspapers In Aba
The unquenchable hunger by the Buhari led government to murder Biafra is an obsession that needs immediate intervention by world leaders, international bodies and human rights organizations.
The situation has become dire to the extent that newspapers are targeted via confiscation because they contain news pertaining to Biafra.

Due to distaste and pure hatred, they intend to utterly and typographically kill her, but unfortunately, there won't be any burrow pit for her. We will not allow this press suppression, because it is a complete infringement on the freedom of press and right to expression. It is indeed very shameful that such a scenario which is predominantly found in a millitary dispensation, has become a norm in a so called democratic society of Nigeria.

On the 14th of  March, 2016, Soldiers from the 144 Battalion, under Ohafia 14 Brigade descended on helpless vendors and took away their means of livelihood as they confiscated their newspapers, to the amazement of onlookers, simply because they had Biafran news. What were the vendors offense that could warrant such wicked act? Does the government provide their daily needs?

Are soldiers now in charge in Nigeria, a supposed country that claim it is practicing democracy? Has it become a taboo to speak, write, read or publish any Biafra related news? They have infringed on our right to information and knowledge, do they want to sanction knowledge?
This is a desperate move to keep information from the masses, and if asked why, the Nigerian government will provide no sensible response to justify this act.
How long will they continue to murder Biafra?
They now want to dictate to us on what to read and know.

This is not the first time such move to suppress freedom of presst has taken effect.
Recently, Dr Danfulani, a lecturer at
Kaduna state university was arrested and detained for over 24 hours, he was alleged to have criticized Buhari on Facebook.

An American based Nigerian lawyer, Emeka Ugwuonye Esquire, was on January 14th 2016, arrested at the international airport and detained overnight for allegedly addressing Buhari in what they termed disrespectful.
In October 14th 2015, Director Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB was abducted and till date made a prisoner of conscience for speaking the truth, for
Calling a spade a spade, and demanding for his people's freedom.

Related Article:Soldiers Banned Newspaper Vendors In Aba From Selling Papers Bearing Biafra Reports
His plight has introduced a new phase to the struggle, creating wider publicity and acceptance for Biafra restoration. Mammoth crowd, both old and young, big and small, rich and poor, literate and illiterate are all interested, involved, hoping, praying and working towards Biafran freedom. Therefore the Nigerian government must understand that what has been impacted in the mindset of Biafrans, is more than what they read in a Newspaper. Truth has pierced through the heart of every living Biafran, eventhough the love of money and power has beclouded the sense of reasoning of some greedy old men in form of Ohanaeze and their  political counterparts.

This baptism of truth has not augured well with the Nigerian government. They began their first move to  suppress the truth being preached on Radio Biafra  by bribing Satlink to cut us off their satellite, but as formidable and resolute the leadership of IPOB was, we got better offer to carry our signal via Short Wave (SW) . The media warfare has been raging on, and in the end IPOB always win. Now in a bid to salvage their lies from being further exposed, the military have been deployed to every nook and cranny of  Biafra land to maim, kill, and silence every carrier of truth.

Alas! The more they try, the more supporters of freedom increase. The harder they try to suppress or murder the truth, the viral the legendary story spread.
B - behold the lost
I - Israelites
A - are
F - found
R - residing in
A - Africa
History has it that Biafrans are the lost tribe of Israel. There was Biafra before 1967, she lost her sovereignty to colonial powers. Early maps from the 15th - 19th centuries drawn by European cartographers from accounts written by explorers and travelers revealed that the original word used by the European travelers was Biafara. Biafra people were already known before they came in contact with the first European merchants.

The ignorant Nigerian government removed Biafran history from its archives after the war 1967- 1970, and has tried to bury the truth but TRUTH has always resurfaced, no matter how long it is hidden, it will pop up and hunt its silencer.
Our forefathers refused and rejected slavery, They fought relentlessly to retain their freedom until the colonial masters conquered with superior gun power, thus they were joined in a conflicting union of divers minds and ways.

Related Article:Army, EFCC behaved like illiterates – J Ade Adesomoju, Abuja
Mazi Dimkpa Ojukwu revived history in 1967-70 but the world aided Nigeria to subdue Biafra.
Now, Biafra has gained momentum under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu and since his illegal abduction and continued illegal detention has gotten to a crescendo beyond every suppression.

They can try as much as they can, But they must understand that Biafra has thrived and will continue to survive both in good and perilous time, such as this one she is faced with. Alhough she has been submerged more than once, but this time, technics and tactics have changed.
The soldiers who invaded St Micheals road, Aba, in Abia state disrupted the reading culture of the masses, at the order of the dictatorial president Muhammadu Buhari.

The people were deprived information and knowledge, which they have a right to gain access to.
Will Nigerian government now instruct and guide us how to read, what to read or not to read at all because they want to stop trending news? Can any sane human being still maintain that Nigeria is indeed practicing democracy as against the autocratic rule en vogue?
Too bad they can only confiscate the physical papers, but the original gospel of freedom preached by Nnamdi Kanu, will continue to resonate inside our heart, mind, spirit, body and soul. Never to die or confiscated.

Written By Victoria. O.C. Agangan 
Edited And Published By Nwosu C.S
By Biafra Writers

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