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Saturday 12 March 2016


According to an Igbo Proverb, you cannot tell a blind man that there is no salt in a soup but you can only tell him that palm oil is the element missing in the soup. We have political carnivores in Nigeria who keep talking nonsense about Biafra and their revolutionary demand for freedom to make things appear as if the agitation for Biafra is against the law. No doubts, most of these politicians speak through their nose just to protect their comfortable positions in Nigeria. Others are mute for fear of being humiliated by the tyrant Buhari, the Adolf Hitler of our time. 

One of these shameless decrepit politicians is Chief Jones Dike. A disgrace to the Igbo raceChief Jones Dike recently made a lousy pronouncement out of his conceitedness to retain his position with Buhari. No wonder! He is one of them pretentiously fighting corruption with Buhari the chief looter himself but we know that someone who lives in a glass house do not throw stones. 
Nigerian politicians in Biafra land found it comfortable to see the rights of their people destroyed as far as it is a cheap and lucrative way to sustain their positions or to be recognised easily by Buhari the enemy of self-determination of Biafrans but an advocate of self-determination for the Palestinians and people of western Sahara. 

Related article: Chief Dike urges Biafra agitators to support Buhari

Jones Dike's statements are satiric and myopic, he cannot derail us from protecting our right and we cannot abandon who we are and where we belong, to stand with Buhari who keep practicing anti democracy, disobeying his judiciary and killing innocent unarmed protesters. Let these politicians stop all this abracadabra and rise up against the inhumanity they are sponsoring against the Indigenous people of Biafra. Let Chief Jones Dike have a rethink and stand up against the killing of the Innocent Biafrans and the systematic elimination of human right in Nigeria instead of anchoring the disastrous tyranny against Biafrans with Buhari.
If anyone think that Biafrans are going to succumb to the feeble senseless military tyranny against unarmed Biafrans, he is dreaming. Biafra is not negotiable, unstoppable and irreplaceable and people like Chief Jones Dike is inconsequential on the track of Biafra's moving train.

Written  By MyEminence Akaeze
Edited  By  Ikechukwu Nwaorisa

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