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Saturday 12 March 2016



Who is a prisoner of conscience?
Anyone imprisoned because of their race, sexual orientation, religion or political views. Anyone who is persecuted or imprisoned for his non-violent expression of conscientiously held beliefs. Permit me therefore to introduce a hero who has been made thus, and who will not sell out on his beliefs. He is the voice of Biafra crying through Radio Biafra like age-long John the Baptist, calling on the people to repent. He has been crying aloud concerning the corruption and iniquities in the country formed on a volcanic foundation, the ill-conceived idea of Britain through Lugard to subjugate Africa - Nigeria. This same man who stood his ground fearlessly in the face of danger and threats has maintained with incessancy, "Biafra or Death.” Even in the courtyards and in custody, his converts and millions of voices across the globe continue to chorus
“Biafra or Death”.
It is an impact the world will never forget and like an earthquake, has shaken the Nigerian foundation with possible eruption. This voice crying out to his people; “wake up for Biafra has come!” is none other, than the voice of Nnamdi Kanu even as he has remained in detention. Biafrans shook the pillars of Nigeria like tornado, frightened the high and mighty in her, who stupidly think Biafrans can end this music and re-introduce rhythms that would wane out and sound like curses to the enlightened minds. Nnamdi Kanu still has all he needs to comfortably reside abroad as a citizen of Nigeria as well as Britain, but he forsook them. Like the Israelites of old, he desired his root, he discovered his genealogy and selflessly awakened sleeping and lifeless Biafrans to action. He provoked spirits already burdened and dampened as a result of the plights of Biafrans for well over forty years ago.
His messages hit targets who see hope as manifested by this great leader. Nnamdi Kanu remains a prisoner of conscience, but still a committed evangelist. He has sojourned various places, preaching the gospel he strongly believes in. He out rightly rejected offers from corrupt Nigerian leaders to jeopardize the struggle, and therefore the noble objective - Biafra. Kanu can been compared to great men like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, who stood their grounds and remained focus, until the great dividend came forth. South Africa gained freedom and today a black man - Barack Obama, presides over the affairs of the United States of America. Nnamdi Kanu equals late Professor Chinualumogu Achebe, who severally refused to be a hypocrite and who rejected Nigerian national awards because the government is characterised by iniquitous practises.
Kanu is a prisoner for speaking the truth, frankly taking steps to sanitize his people in their forlorn circumstances. Like David, he has boldly stood against Goliath – Buhari, shaking his system by its root. We therefore must not give up in our march to victory but remain resolute and consistent in exposing the atrocious nature of the Nigerian entity and the injustices our hero is being subjected to by the lawless Nigerian government. Fortunately, the fallow ground is gradually breaking open, many people are discovering their misplaced hopes and embracing Biafra, locally and internationally. Many who had castigated Biafra have gone into recession. News on Biafra is now in vogue for the newspapers as Biafra is fully represented on newsstands everywhere. The awareness has gone viral like wild fire and there’s no quenching it. It has become a whirlwind.
"Biafra or Death".
All these were made possible by Kanu and our relentless Biafrans whose astuteness and resoluteness, even in court, has embarrassed the Nigerian government, as they vainly seek for secret trials and masqueraded witnesses to attest to their lies. The Almighty foiled their plans and made them laughing stocks. With great expectations and enthusiasm, we await the collapse of the Nigerian fallacies. All international personalities and observers are cordially invited to pay rapt attention again. Kanu's innocence will be proven beyond doubt, it will only be, "Biafra or Death".

Written By Victoria Agangan
Edited  By  KeneChukwu HalleluYah Okekenta

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