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Thursday 18 February 2016

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY...The 19th of February, 2016

TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY...The 19th of February, 2016

Since October, 2015, October, 14th,
Tomorrow has been coming and going.
From one court to another
From one judge to another
From one lawyer to another
From one jail to another
And tomorrow 19th February, 2016, is yet another day.
In this race for justice,
This struggle for freedom,
Emancipation from bondage,
Irrevocable and complete release is sort relentlessly.
Many souls have been lost, many others maimed, more are lamenting on hospital beds, while much more are languishing in secret and known cells.
It is eminent to ask questions posing as food for thought to reasonable and calculating minds.
Words of wisdom imparted by heavenly guidelines. Soul searching words that will resurrect passion, evoke missions and transcend focus to a higher realm for our actualization as a free born and worthy humans.
This Biafran saga has gradually mounted heights that cannot be cowed to ignominy and must be sustained till eternity.
Tomorrow is another day when drama will once again unfold itself in Abuja federal high court, where Nigerian government will be made to dance nude publicly again as mad person in the market square.
They will be covered in the euphoria of shame because the hunted has indeed become the hunter. Their lack of evidence and baseless accusations will turn mockery as I eagerly await dawn. Before I draw the curtains on this stage of mine, I ask these questions;
What is treasonable felony, treason and coup d'etat?

Who between Nnamdi Kanu of Biafra and Abubakar Shekau of boko haram has harmed Nigeria more?
Has Nnamdi hijacked any city, state or part of Nigeria and pitched his flag as a caliphate or country?
Has he held the country called "Niger- area" at random, by murdering and slaughtering innocent men, women and children?
Has he abducted anybody's family member and sold them into slavery, war or forced marriages?
Has he recruited little boys and girls, young men and women into suicide bombings and terrorist activities?
Learned legal family of Niger- area, do tell me, what treasonable felony, treason and coup d'etat is.
Buhari has ordered the extinction of Biafrans to enable him confidently and without opposition scoop the eastern resources to his northern origin , haba! What wickedness!
He led and was part of the army which caused mayhem in Biafra land 1967-70.
He has led and participated in various coup de' tat, overtaking democratic government 1983-4.
He is still murdering souls like never before, his hobby and the activities that characterized his wicked reign in 1983-4 are very intact.
Year 2011, many died because he instigated their murder, having lost at the polls. 2015 till today, he is still killing innocent Biafrans because we have taken our stand to ask for our right to exist as a people. The ball has been set rolling, now we are on our marks, pointedly, unshakeably awaiting the next move as they romance with impending doom.
History will vindicate the just tomorrow but if not history is set to replay itself
John Tsoho is not God and like Pharoah and Herod, he will be shamed on the seat. The battle line drawn is of the Lord and we shall surely see his salvation tomorrow.
Mark my words: "Tomorrow is Another Day for our Victory!"

Written   Victoria O.C. Agangan
Edited   Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa


  1. Yes, tomorrow is truly another day...FREE NNAMDI KANU! FREE BIAFRA!

  2. Indeed Biafra/Biafrans must win the war for our freedom whether the paedophilic murderous the beast of daura like it or not , long live Dr NNAMDI Kanu, long live IPOB long live BIAFRA NATION.

  3. Biafra must come, I told Buhari even as an APC member I strongly believe in Biafra


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