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Tuesday 23 February 2016



                            NNAMDI KANU
                      Joshua of our time

Things have fallen apart and the center no longer holds in Nigeria. The man of the people has give us great expectation and clearly told us "weep not child, weep not my people" Like Gulliver, we are in a sojourn to take back our land but these soldier ants surrounding us are hindrances we have to overcome. If we become careless and tactless, we may need a reborn to become mayors of Biafra land. We are in our era and God has risen to the occasion for us, he will fight our battle with disregard to Nigerian baseless efforts. God never lies, nor fails but always wins, therefore he has given us a modern Joshua to steer us to the promised Land.; Biafra. The he presently resides in the enemy's camp, we are not under any illusion if he will be victorious, for we know that He who is with him is more than a great multitude, not even the Nigeria Army.
Today with the Nigerian army, police and navy, we are faced with cankerworms, seen as the giants but all the same, the walls of Jericho facing us now will crumble as in the days of old. Let us cue into this battle spiritually, tactfully, wisely and relentlessly. Director Nnamdi Kanu is a living legend. His poise, strides, actions, expressions, words,body language and eyes, all speak volumes of his resolve and stand on the issue of Biafra. He caricatures the shameless federal agents of Nigeria in court; turns their tables against them, then knowingly smiles at their calamity in the face of trials. Nnamdi patiently awaits success and justice while maintaining his vision and upholding the mission. Who would have thought that a handsome, learned, well to do hero, a born Prince, who lived comfortably abroad could undertake such a crusade, crossing oceans for his brethren and fatherland?
This is pure depiction of love, such as Jesus had and died for humanity.
Nnamdi is an epitome of the selfless, sacrificial agape love. He is the chosen vessel, carefully endowed and prepared with all needed attributes for the restoration of Biafra. Our resolve should be nothing else but to march on to victory. We must take our kingdom by might and bravery. We must leave no stone un-turned, having touched the plug, there's no looking back, when we remember our comrades downed, no going back! When we think of our land  with untapped rich resources, no going back! Our resolve is not to cast blames or fight one another but strengthen ourselves for the war ahead. Our activities must be unique, valuable, stylish and internationally attractive to woo enormous supports and resources.
We need more actions, less words to embolden our steps and match the enemies, leg to leg like Israelite fought their way to Canaan. Our focus and goal must be one objective, Biafra. Our Biafra! Our promised Land! She is ready to accommodate us and be harvested. No number of Buharis, nor multitudes like Nigerian police force, naval force or army can barricade the expressway made by God, nor prevent this salvation already paid for half a century ago by over three million souls. 
As we approach steadily, we must focus on the resolve on our director's face. Keep faith alive, encourage each other with affectionate pats; saying " we can make it"as we go. Bear in mind, even if you get overrun and have to continue from the other side, do not be sad but glad. You were a part of the procession and have written your name in the book of records with golden pen.
God bless Biafra!

Written By Agangan Obioma
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa

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