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Thursday 18 February 2016



We are in an era of widespread distrust, from which no person and no institution seems to be able to avoid. No, what I speak, and we see easily even in our everyday behavior, is the distrust in interpersonal relationships and its counterpart in social relations, that is, the mistrust of the "authorities and Judges" and to representative institutions at all levels and in all sectors, public and private.
When distrust is to touch an appreciable extent as far as the judiciary, we find ourselves at the extreme limits of civil society and therefore must immediately take a wake.
I write these things because, with the case of IPOB Leader and Radio Biafra Director, Prince Nnamdi Kanu, we see emerging the confirmation of a gradual erosion of confidence in justice system in general and prosecutors in particular.

After seeing what happened at the Federal High Court Abuja on the 29th of January 2016, when Mr Kanu was refused bail on the bases of dual citizenship the World have widely condemned the way in which Hon Justice John Tsoho of the Court 3 Division of the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, handled the case of Citizen Nnamdi Kanu who is a Prisoner Of Conscience, and others so far .
A closer look at the most ridiculous developments in the ongoing Nnamdi Kanu's case reveals that the reason behind Justice Tsoho's unprofessional utterances 
may most likely be connected with the ambition as per who becomes the next Chief Judge of the Federal High Court when the current CJ, Hon Justice Ibrahim Auta leaves office in 2017. The current CJ (Ibrahim Auta) and his second in command, Hon Justice Adamu Abdu Kafarati will bow out of the Bench in 2017 at the same time on the grounds of mandatory retirement age of 65 and 35 years of service respectively; thereby clearing the coast for Hon Justice John Tsoho to emerge as the next CJ.
It is recalled that the current Chief Judge (CJ), Hon Justice Ibrahim Auta headed a military tribunal constituted by late Gen Sani Abacha that condemned to death Late Ken Saro Wiwa and other eight Ogoni activists; leading to their hanging on 10th of November 1995 without a right of appeal. They were arrested in 1993, held without charge and trial until the then military authorities successfully plotted “strawmen” that engineered conspiratorial murder of some elements of Ogoni origin who were military apologists and protagonists of oil spillage in Ogoni Land. It was upon the said basis that Ken Saro Wiwa and eight others campaigned against and got framed up, arrested, detained, falsely charged, murderously convicted and sentenced by hanging and brutally executed on 10th of November 1995. This is what we mean by Auta Justice! The World has confirmed that what is playing out in the case of Nnamdi Kanu (Prisoner Of Conscience) being handled by Hon Justice John Tsoho may most likely be the return or repetition of Auta Justice.
Disturbing reconstructions, those that emerges from the corruption of the current Nigerian president, Muhammadu Hitler Buhari, in the courts of Abuja Nigeria, since Nnamdi Kanu was unjustly arrested and detained illegally and extrajudicial. Hitler Buhari has promised CJ position to Hon Justice John Tsoho to influence the judgments, defer the hearings, privare trials and not to accept the bail application of Nnamdi Kanu, but instead sentence him to life imprisonment and have him murdered.

The main reasons why Nnamdi Kanu is a Biafra freedom fighter is because Biafrans have been enslaved, killed, starved to death, tortured and marginalized by Nigeria Federal government. The main ways Biafrans are marginalized are as following:
1. There is no federal infrastructure in the entire South East(Biafraland).
2. The South East(Biafraland) and many parts of the South South(Biafraland) are being strangled to encourage migration that will eventually expel all of them from that area. It’s a continuous process because the British has been at war with Biafra since they arrived the bight of Biafra.
3. No serious business is allowed to thrive in the South East and South South (Biafraland), and if you remember Obasanjo nearly killed Ibeto, you remember Savannah bank and the likes of Slok and Sosoliso? These are scripts played by the British but executed by Nigerians. Why will someone who wants his country to develop agree to close a company with 500 people employed in it because he hates the MD?
4. The South East (Biafraland) as a region, is the only region that does not benefit anything at all from the Nigeria federal government.
5. The South East and South South (Biafraland) migrate more than any other region, all the embassies are in Lagos and Abuja, many Biafrans have died to go get their visa from Lagos or Abuja -Again what do they gain from Nigeria? Nothing.
6. The South East(Biafraland) never had an international airport since the war and has suffered more to travel than any region.
7. The South East (Biafraland) imports more than any region but the revenue accrues to Lagos and they have to now pay to bring their goods back to the South East (Biafraland) whereas there is a Port Harcourt , Akwa Ibom and Warri that could have been used- What have they gained from Nigeria? Nothing.
8. A South South and South East will struggle sell land, sell car borrow and travel abroad and ships a container, the same federal government that is useless to them is waiting to collect duty for another state. What have they gained from Nigeria? Nothing.


"Prisoner of conscience: The term refers to anyone who is imprisoned on the basis of certain characteristics such as race, religion, skin color, language, sexual orientation and political beliefs, in all without haven used or relied upon the use of violence" - Amnesty International
The Department of State Service of Nigeria (DSS) kidnapped and arrested Mr. Nnamdi Kanu, the Leader of IPOB and Director of Radio Biafra on October 14, 2015 in Lagos, and he was accused falsely of engaging in terrorism. On the contrary, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu has been a quiet but outspoken leader, a leader who with his mouth wisdom and truth brought much needed attention to the situation of Biafrans, because his people, the Biafrans, have been killed, tortured, enslaved and marginalized in Nigeria.There were mega protests in all cities of Biafra in solidarity with the arrest and illegal detention of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu. Many Biafrans were killed and continued to be killed by the Nigerian government and combined Police and Army during the protests despite the fact that Biafrans always protest peacefully and unarmed. Prince Nnamdi Kanu and Biafrans never killed or harmed anyone. Mr Kanu has been physically, mentally tortured and suffered by the Nigerian DSS. Nnamdi Kanu has no interest in
overthrowing the government of Muhammadu Hitler Buhari, actually Nnamdi Kanu is not even interested and do not care in anything concerning and belonging to the British expired contraption called Nigeria!
All Nnamdi Kanu and Biafrans want is the total sovereignty of the Republic of Biafra. 
Nnamdi Kanu is not a terrorist. He hasn't committed any treasonable felony. He hasn't overthrown any goverment or committed any coup d'etat. Nnamdi Kanu is therefore being held, by Hitler Buhari, as a prisoner of conscience, and Hon Justice John Tsoho therefore must not allow Hitler Buhari to use him as a puppet to jail an innocent man. Hon Justice John Tsoho MUST release Mr Kanu immediately and unconditionally without further delays.

Written  By  Anderline Nkiruka Amamgbo.
Edited  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

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