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Wednesday 17 February 2016



It has been proven and it is true that President Muhammad Buhari the mass murderer and the Adolf Hitler of our time strived into power to destroy and to shed blood of innocent civilians which he's practically executing. Looking at the axiom "his aim of getting into power is to destroy and to shed blood" it is not an ambiguity. Since Muhammadu Buhari got into power the death of innocent civilians have enormously increased. So many children have been turned to orphans and many of our women have turned to widows just few months of Muhammad Buhari coming power. In the same way, the rate of injustice in Nigeria have increased and the number of innocent civilians being locked up in prison without without trial on convictions have exceeded 20,000. THESE ARE NOT FICTIONS, THESE ARE REAL.


Muhammad Buhari have succeeded doing these because he surrounded himself with only people who derive pleasure in shedding blood and those who are weak in confronting him with the truth,  Just the same thing Adolf Hitler did. Buhari have subjugated the three arms of his government under himself and that made his dictatorship the only option to accept. Despite all the pressures on them, I must commend the efforts of some Judges in the judiciary who have gallantly disassociate themselves from Muhammad Buhari conspiracy against civilians. Though these judges have worked hard to defend the law and innocent people, there are still other areas they must stand to defend. Let us focus our interest in the case of Nnamdi Kanu the Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra and the State Security Service of Nigeria. For over four months now the case has been handled lackadaisically  by the Nigeria authorities and it have become a delicate case which if not handled carefully will lead to bloodshed and this is what Muhammad Buhari wants, being a blood thirsty vampire.  To mismanage the issue in other to initiate another war which could give him chance to commit another genocide against Biafrans. The plan can't work unless the judiciary is manipulated and Buhari has fought all his best to persuade the judges to rule against Nnamdi Kanu. but out of fairness and equity they have all ordered for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and have withdrawn from the case. Out of lawlessness, Buhari have disobeyed several court orders and coerced and bribed a judge called John Tsoho  whom he has pressurised to do his bidding to jail Nnamdi Kanu. Justice John Tsoho could not conceal the conspiracy with Buhari as he has already condemned Kanu before trial. And I hope the defence will take note of that. I know the pressure is too much but he should say no to blood shed and to withdraw himself as other wise judges who understood the danger did. Its not too late to return Buhari's bribe to him and let justice prevail.

Written  By  MyEminence Akaeze
Edited  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

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