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Thursday 4 February 2016


The Indigenous people of Biafra IPOB is breaking another world record after beginning a ONE MILLION PHONE CALL CAMPAIGN TO THE US WHITE HOUSE AND THE UNITED NATION OFFICIALS. appealing to all Authorities within the united states government and the United Nation to look into the case of Biafra and stop being Mute on their sufferings in Nigeria. They are calling to protest the continuous detention and incarceration of their Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the refusal of the Nigerian Government to grant him bail or free him unconditionally.
Reports filtering from our sources indicates that the Phone routing system, call representative and most agent responsible for the listed phone numbers are having the hardest time of their lives. Starting today Hundreds and thousands of callers dialled in from all over the world requesting to speak with Obama or any other united states leader and also the United nation secretary General or any other UN Leader.
An extract of the publication by the IPOB encouraging their members to begin the One Million Phone Calls Campaign is found below.

The UN &US Gov’t Phone Numbers are as follows

1.    President Barack Obama, White House

+1 202 456 1111
2.    US Congress/Capitol
     US Congress Direct Number

+1 202-224-3121
+1 202-225-4361
3.       United Nations Secretary General: Ban Ki-moon

+1 212 963 1234
4.       Speaker of House of Representatives: Paul Ryan       

+1 202 225-0600
5.       Republican Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy

+1 202-225-4000
6.       Democratic Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi

+1 202 225-0100
7.    USA Senate President: Orrin Hatch
+1(202) 224-5251
8.    Republican Majority Leader: Mitch
+1 (202) 224 2541
9.    Democratic Minority Leader: Harry Reid Phone
10.  US Senate Foreign Relations Committee : Chairman, Senator Bob Corker; Senator James E Risch; Senator Marco Rubio; Senator Ben Cardin; Senator Barbara Boxer

+1 202 224 4651

11.  US House Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations: Chairman, Ed Royce; Ranking Member: Eliot L. Engel
 +1 (202) 225-5021

12.  Secretary of State: John Kerry:

From USA, call
    From overseas

     888 407 4747
+1 202 501 4444

Do you think it is right for this people to bug the US and UN with calls demanding for the republic of Biafra


1 comment

  1. I made my calls to Obama's, Paul Ryan's and Ban ki-moon's offices today. The lady that answered for Ban ki-moon's office said that Ban ki-moon knows about Biafra and they have been getting thousands of calls. Lend your own voice too and call. Ndigbo si na anyuko mamiri, ogbaa ufufu. God will help Biafra to materialize as a nation physically in Jesus' name amen.


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