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Monday 1 February 2016


It is no longer news to see or hear Nigerian politicians, especially those of them in the All Progressives' Congress(APC), speak ill or say things that could not pass for a joke as regards Biafra agitation. In that same vein, one would not find it difficult to decipher or comprehend the recent vituperative comments credited to an erstwhile Governor of Anambra State and incumbent Nigeria's Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Nwabueze Ngige during the funeral ceremony of his late father, Pa Pius Okonkwo Ngige(alias Akunnia).
Ngige while fielding a question directed to him by a journalist concerning Biafra agitators and the wave of protests embarked upon by the Indigenous People of Biafra(IPOB) which has saturated the entire Biafraland and beyond, had said that: "there is nothing like Biafra, there is no struggle anywhere. There is even no agitation, it is just discontent".
While we view people of his class who has come out to futilely tarnish, destroy, hinder and/or try to put a cog in the wheel of the current progress and achievements of Biafra activists/agitators for an independent state of Biafra, we also understand that he is merely acting to save his job as a Minister of the oppressive Nigerian State that has been killing and subjugating innocent Biafrans and in that light, Ngige can never speak on behalf of Biafrans since he has never identified himself as one. In fact, he is one of the last persons a sane individual would approach to seek response or comment from when it comes to the issue of Biafra. Ngige is just someone having benefited from the Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government via his Ministerial appointment, would do anything possible to secure his position, hence it did not come as a surprise to me when he implied that there is nothing like Biafra and dismissing the agitation as promulgated by discontented people.
If we may want to probe further, Ngige should have told the world what discontent he was talking about that could make a great number of people to leave the comfort of their homes and businesses to storm the streets of Biafraland and other regions to picket and/or protest for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and the restoration of Biafra? Senator Ngige also failed to explain what steps he took as a former Senator representing his constituency in the upper chamber of National Assembly to quell or avert any form of discontentment that may arise in the future. How many bills targeted at making the lives of ordinary citizens better did he initiate as an erstwhile Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria?. If there is none, then Ngige has no locus standi to talk about the issue of Biafra the way he did. I visited Ngige's Mansion at Alor in Idemili South Local Government Area during one of the festive seasons late 2013 and was able to identify the wide gap he shares with an average citizen who have determined to restore his pride and nationhood.
The dictum of Biafrans, yearning for their freedom and independence from the already wrecked country they found themselves and their unbridled passion in seeking to restore and build their own independent nation surpasses any individual or group of people no matter their social strata. Obviously, Ngige does not share the same views or ideas with these group of people when he stated that the protesters are to the East, what Boko Haram is to the Northern part of the country and Oodua Peoples Congress(OPC) in the Southwestern part of Nigeria. In his very words, Ngige has said that: "the people who say that they are doing Biafra agitation are the same thing and will be handled the same way others have been handled". It is most unwarranted and ill-conceived that Ngige apparently striving to keep the crumb from his pay master's table flowing, will compare or liken the struggle for the recognition and independence of the Biafran State with the Islamic fundamentalist movement. His assertion of course stretches credulity to the limit because the Indigenous People of Biafra overtly and peacefully goes about with their activities under the full backing of the internationally recognized law of self-determination and that too in such a civilized manner, the Boko Haram terrorist sect believes in killing, maiming and unleashing mayhem on Innocent civilians in their pursuit of carving out an Islamic caliphate. There is no single ground or basis for comparison between the aforementioned groups because their interests and ideologies are not in any way aligned.


Finally, while I commiserate with him over the death of his father, though not entirely new, it however baffles me that such statements could emanate from a so-called Honorable Minister of the Republic of Nigeria who chooses to lie on his father's grave, which left one to wonder whether he was speaking with the right frame of mind or was he hallucinating. But we are not totally at a loss as to this stance of his when up until now, the autopsy of the Ezu river massacre is yet to be carried out, years after Peter Obi presided over the massacre of pro-Biafra agitators and he, Ngige has not come out to condemn it because in his views, there is nothing wrong in killing pro-Biafra agitators
. However, it will seem surrealistic for Ngige and his likes to wake up one day only to discover that the Republic of Biafra has risen and re-declared. Nothing had presaged the dreadful fate that will befall him and his co-travellers fighting against the restoration of Biafra.

Written  By  Ucheagu Chukwuemeka Chimerue.
Edited  By  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

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