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Monday 29 February 2016



                Land of The Rising Sun

All hail Biafra; the land of the rising Sun.
The world and even the Nigerian government have noticed and acknowledged how great and insurmountable you have become that they conspired and perpetrated all manner of evil against you in order to subdue and prevent you from reaching the crescendo. 
They have sought and fought so much to expunge your name from the annals of history and world map,  but that failed woefully. They indeed came for your total destruction and elimination but their evil motives were discovered on time and that was fully materialized upon arrival. Your enemies were so mortified and awestruck at the progress and momentum which you have garnered over a short period, the fear and thought of losing the chances of milking from you awakened their vicious, murderous and bloodshot eyes seeking to curtail your overbearing influence and popularity to the ends of the world. They have continued to hold steadfastly on our land(Biafra) and refused to let go. Now, the Nigerian combined security forces are on the trail of Biafrans, in an evil mission to forcefully and aggressively curb their rising but legitimate activities. Like Dracula, their need for blood has become insatiable.
In and out of Biafra, they march like soldier ants creeping in on innocent civilians, killing, abducting and locking them up in various detention cells, invading homes and communities and causing pandemonium and unrest to the host communities. The land is filled with the blood of massacred peaceful and unarmed Biafrans perpetrated by the forces of the Nigerian state.
Since 14th October last year that the prisoner of conscience, Nnamdi KANU was illegally arrested and detained which sparked off series of peaceful protests, they have ceaselessly and brazenly spilled the blood of Biafrans, terrorizing and wrecking wanton havoc on them in their own land.

On the 9th of February, 2016, they unleashed terror on Biafrans praying at National High School Aba, killing over twenty two peaceful and unarmed Biafrans, leaving scores of others seriously wounded. They also took 13 dead Biafrans from the massacre with their hands tied, blindfolded eyes and embalmed bodies, dumping their corpses in a borrow pit recently discovered in Aba. Thankfully, this has exposed the horrific display of pure hatred, injustices and terror meted out on Biafrans simply because they are exercising their rights to self-determination. Another recent attack on 22nd February, 2016, by the members of the Nigerian Army is their invasion of Ogoni land, another Biafran province, sent by President Muhammadu Buhari. And as usual, they left scores of innocently civilians which they would have protected, dead as other inhabitants of the community fled to neighbouring communities while scampering for safety. Just like the biblical Abel, the spilled blood of Biafrans are restless and seeking redress, hoping for vengeance  hoping that justice will prevails. Surely, the perpetrators of these inhumane killings and crimes against Biafrans must not go unpunished. Nigeria, after much interference and evil plottings must surely bow to this great emerging nation, Biafra.
The unusual and uncivilized strangers occupying our lands will have no choice but to leave on their own. The inevitable end is near for these killer machines in uniforms, armed to the teeth and sent out to eliminate Biafrans by their despotic leader Buhari. Biafra has arrived at the appointed time and without much ado, the earlier they embrace the truth and submit to the general will of the people, the better for them. Amnesty international has finally reacted in the direction of influx of calls on its table, ordering for investigation of the continuous terror attacks and crimes meted on Biafrans by the oppressive Nigerian State. It is hoped that through the detailed research and findings, they will support and give the agitation for the restoration of Biafra a boost by calling for a snap referendum. There is absolutely no need to further delay things.
These uniformed men of the Nigerian army and Police constantly besieging our communities and terrorising Biafrans should be made to face the wrath of the law. There is also the need for Biafrans to remain determined and resolute even in the face of austerities, until our common goal of restoring the pride of our fatherland is accomplished. Until we fly her flag so high for the whole
world to see and applaud, there will be no retreat, nor surrender!
These killings must energize us and serve as a constant reminder to us that we are sacrificing our lives for the sake of the existence of our generation and let that spur us to show more commitment and devotion in the pursuit of self-determination. All hands must be on deck in seeing that this is realized.
William Wilberforce ended slave trade a long time ago and democracy is all about freedom of speech, association, and even self-determination which is recognised by the Nigerian construction, the European Union and United Nations. What harm will conducting a peaceful referendum cause, when other countries have towed the same path peacefully? Is there a hidden agenda to begin another genocidal war obstructing the restoration of Biafra?
But surely this plan will never yield any result as you cannot quell or quench an idea whose time has come. You cannot cover or prevent a rising sun from shinning. Biafra is greater than any individual or group to subvert.

Written By Victoria Agangan
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa

Father Mbaka the Babalawo of Buhari was spotted in Aso Rock blessing the camera

Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka blessing the camera of Sunday Aghaeze‎, Personal Assistant On Photography to President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday, February 28, 2016 in Aso Rock, Abuja.

Reverend Fr. Ejike Mbaka was spotted in Aso Rock blessing the camera of  Sunday Aghaeze‎, Personal Assistant On Photography to President Muhammadu Buhari.
This is following Aghaeze’s appointment which was confirmed on Sunday, February 28, 2016.

Aghaeze’s appointment which was conveyed in a letter signed by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr Babachir Lawal, took effect from Monday, June 1, 2015.
Mixed reactions have trailed the cleric’s action.
Rev Father Ejike Mbaka during an audience with President Muhammadu Buhari at Aso Rock Villa on December 18, 2015 | State House Photo




Chief Garry Enwo-Igariwey

I have wondered so much why a group of people should gather and call themselves ohanaeze ndi igbo, with the aim to defraud the people, and the government. I am an Igbo speaking Biafran and in our land, any man or woman, who will serve as a representative to the people, must be known and chosen by the people.
Before I proceed, let me translate the three words “oha na eze”; it simply means, “The people and the king”, so when you say oha na eze ndi igbo, you are referring to “the people and the kings of Igbo land”. This group of people who called themselves Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, by implication is saying that they are representing the entire people and the kings of Igbo land, when in actual sense they were not chosen by the Igbo people to represent them anywhere. It might interest you to know that the Igbo people do not know these men.
The original ohanaeze formed in 1976, was banned by Nigeria military government. The men parading themselves as ohaneze ndi Igbo now, are group of fraudsters who seek to enrich themselves at all cost, even at the expense of the well being of Igbo people who they claim they represent. This self-acclaimed fraudulent Ohanaeze ndi Igbo who the world see as an apex Igbo socio-cultural group in Nigeria has been deceiving and defrauding the government of Nigeria for many year without Nigerian government knowing it. Ohanaeze ndi Igbo made Nigerian government to believe that they can play a lead role in the so called south-south and south-east, in maintaining a one indivisible Nigeria but lo and behold it is all fraud. We will advice President Muhammadu Buhari to order the arrest of this Ohanaeze ndi Igbo because all the fat cheque they have been receiving from the government is in vain. The Igbo people should look out for these evil men and ostracize them from the communities.
It is a fact that Ohanaeze received some Billions of Naira from the ruling Mohammedan Emirates of the north and signed a memorandum of understanding to bury any Igbo person that dies in the northern Nigeria there in the North, when they know that it is an abomination to bury an Igbo person in a foreign land. These men are betrayers and killers of destinies.
The worst of it all is the meddling of Ohanaeze ndi Igbo in the matters of the Indigenous people of Biafra IPOB. The world must know that Biafra is far bigger than Igbo, Igbo is only a language spoken by a section of the people in the nation of Biafra. This Ohanaeze fraudsters cannot negotiate the release of our leader Nnamdi Kanu, they are trying to impose themselves on Biafrans the way they superimposed themselves on the Igbo people. Biafrans did not invite these fraudsters and will never need them in our struggle for the restoration of Biafra.

Okechukwu Isiguzo

These evil men out of the millions they collected from Nigerian government to sabotage Biafra, paid the media N 600,000.00 and fronted one Mr. Okechukwu Isiguzoro to impersonate our leader Nnamdi Kanu. This is sacrilegious.The international communities, friends of Biafra and lovers of freedom should take note: Nnamdi kanu is the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, director of radio Biafra and Biafra TV, and our spoke persons remains Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya and Barr. Emma Mmezu. Only these men can speak for Biafrans for now. The fraudulent Ohanaeze ndi Igbo is working acidulous with Nigeria government to jeopardize the struggle for the restoration of Biafra, and they must be stopped.

All hands should be on deck to ensure that self-determination for Biafra is achieved because freedom for Biafra is freedom for Africa and the world at large.

Written By Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa



Biafrans have reached another milestone as members of the Indigenous People of Biafra stormed the Vatican City in their large numbers to see the Pope. This happened as part of the on-going quest for the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra. Biafrans in Italy yesterday, the 28th of February 2016 trooped out en masse to St. Peters square in the Vatican City to meet with the Pope and to register their desire for "Holly See's" intervention and mediation in the restoration of Biafra. During the rally, Biafrans who were also joined by numerous Italians matched peacefully with mini and large banner Biafran flags, walking into the square to celebrate mass with the Pope at the Vatican City in Rome, Italy.
In some of the footages released by the Indigenous People of Biafra, policemen were spotted watching over the peaceful protesters, while some were seen receiving fliers from them and encouraging them for their orderly conduct. Recall that Biafrans had a day before, embarked on a “phone call campaign” to the Vatican, to send the message of the restoration of Biafra to the Holy Father. The Papacy who celebrated the mass himself, spoke mostly Italian as the mammoth crowd of Biafrans watched, listened and waved their flags in happiness. At the end of his sermon, the Holy Father acknowledged and greeted the indigenous people of Biafra among other people who were present at the square.
You would recall that months ago, the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra – Nnamdi Kanu, was extra judicially incarcerated for seeking a different identity from the Nigerian oppressive state. There were numerous outcries from both the international and local quarters for his unconditional release, but the government of Nigeria led by Gen MNohammadu Buhari, remained adamant even after several courts have pronounced Kanu innocent of all charges and called for his unconditional release. Members of the IPOB in various countries embarked on peaceful protests for the release of Kanu and the restoration of Biafra. You would also recall that there have been numerous cases of human right abuses and military clamp-downs on peaceful Biafran protesters in Nigeria including mass murder of Biafrans who gathered for prayer sessions in Aba and numerous other cases where the armed forces in Nigeria fired live ammunitions and killed innocent Biafran protesters who peacefully matched to register their desire for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra. However, the gruesome approach which the Nigerian government is taking on the matter has proven to be utterly ineffective as the Biafran spirit cannot be crushed.
The Vatican City rally is indeed, another landmark achievement as Biafrans hope that the papacy would utilise his revered office to prevail on Nigeria to do the needful which is the unconditional release of Kanu and an immediate conduct of referendum to determine the fate of Biafans. Nigeria has to be made to go back to the drawing board before it’s too late. Biafrans are peace-loving people and have remained peaceful in their approach to achieve self-determination, amidst the oppression and the excessive use of force by the military but Nigeria must be made to understand the need to prevent a possible catastrophe before it happens. As events unfold, one can no longer question the resolve of Biafrans to restore Biafra. As the message of the restoration of Biafra spreads like wild fire; to every country of the world, to every media outlet and to every international personality, one can no longer misconstrue the message of Biafrans nor pretend to be unaware of what they represent or want. Biafrans in their peaceful approach have succeeded in registering their message and the message is crystal clear – “Biafra or Death.”

Written By KeneChukwu HalleluYah Okekenta
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa

Biafra war hero, third in command Gen Nwawo dies at 92

Conrad Dibia Nwawo, the most senior officer in the entire People’s Army of Biafra, died on Sunday morning at his hometown, Onicha-Olona, Aniocha Local Gov­ernment Area of Delta State.
A colonel in the Nigerian Army, but a Brigadier-General of the People’s Army of Biafra, Nwawo was function­ally the third in command in the Bi­afran Military High Command, al­though he was senior to both Ojukwu and General Philip Effiong, Ojukwu’s deputy. Nwawo was Commissioned in 1954, Effiong in 1956, and Ojuk­wu in 1957.
According to close family sourc­es, Nwawo died in his sleep in the early hours of yesterday February 28. Nwawo, born in 1924, died at his home in Onicha-Olona, Aniocha North L.G.A. of Delta State, at the ripe age of 92, after a brief illness as­sociated with old age.
Colonel Nwawo, whose number was the Number 10 in the Nigerian Army, was, therefore, the tenth offic­er to be commissioned of the Nigeri­an Army having joined the Army on the 1st December, 1950 and commis­sioned on the 28th of May, 1954 as a 2nd Lieutenant in the then Queen’s Own Regiment, as the colonial Nige­rian Army was then called.
Officers who served in the de­funct Biafran Army told The AU­THORITY that the war exploits of the late war commander, were sourc­es of inspiration to most Biafran offic­ers and soldiers. Nwawo was said to have been trusted for his loyalty and competence by Ojukwu who was said to have handed him many sensitive and herculean commands in the Bi­afran Army.
These, our correspondent learnt, included Administrative Officer, Bi­afran Army Head Quarters, Com­mander of the 11th and 13thDivisions of the Biafran Army both of which he commanded at different times, and lastly the Guerilla Commando Unit.
Our correspondent equally learnt that it was General Nwawo who was reputed for having the courage and clout to persuade Major Chukwu­ma Nzeogwu who was most popu­lar with the troops in the course of the January 1966 coup to surrender, right amidst his victorious troops; a task which was at great risk to his life.
He will, however, be better re­membered for his many war exploits both in Biafra (1967-1970) and earli­er on in the Congo campaigns, along­side General Ironsi in 1961.
Notably also were his gallant military campaigns in the Onitsha, Abagana and Umuahia sectors. At a particular incident in Umuahia, he was said to have held the Feder­al troops with a handful of his men who were already cut off and isolat­ed from their Biafran compatriots, for two long days and nights, eventually clearing the lines in favour of the Bi­afran Army.
In the Congo, then a Major, he had fought alongside a compatriot, the late Colonel Adekunle Fajuyi. The two young officers had been so out­standing that they earned the prestig­ious award of the Military Cross giv­en to them personally by the Queen of England. Nwawo and Fajuyi were to be the first and only recipients of the Queen’s award in the Nigerian Army. With his death the only sur­viving awardee of the Military Cross is thus no more.
Nwawo started his career in 1946 after he graduated from the School of Agriculture in Ibadan in that same year. He worked as a civil servant first in the Moore Plantation in Ibadan, Nigeria and then the Cameroons until 1950 when he joined the Nige­rian Army as a foot soldier. He re­ceived officer training at the prestig­ious Mons Officer Cadet School in Aldershot, the United Kingdom.

The Chairman of the South-East Council of Traditional backs Biafra agitators

The Chairman of the South-East Council of Traditional rulers, Eze Eberechi Dike, has hailed the call for a Biafran nation, adding that the agitation for the ‘Republic of Biafra’ is to enhance peace and unity among the Igbo.
Dike stated his support for the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, during an interview with journalists in Minna after his interaction with the Igbo living in Niger State.
He said the ongoing agitation would put back the Igbo nation on track to self determinism.
He added, “Those behind the agitation deserve a pat on the back because the objective behind the cause is not for anything but for peace and progress of the eastern region.
‘My problem has been the unity of the Igbo people because this is the only way we can achieve unity and my goal has always been how we can bring positive changes to our people.
The traditional ruler, who is also the Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Minna, promised to move the institution from its present ranking both in Nigeria and Africa to a new level.
He said, “Education is the right of every Nigerian child and as the Chancellor of FUT, I promise to promote new and wonderful innovations for the overall development of technological education in Nigeria.”


Emir of Kano Sanusi Over Ese’s Abduction, Forced Marriage and Islamization

Nigerians have expressed outrage over the alleged abduction of 14-year-old Ese Oruru by one Yinusa, aka Yellow, who also forced her into marriage.

Nigerians, who read the story of the helpless minor on The PUNCH’s website on Sunday, took a swipe at the inactions of the authorities, saying the girl was abandoned to wallow in captivity.

Yinusa, a tricycle driver, took away the minor to Kano on August 12, 2015, from her mother’s shop in Opolo Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State. The mother, Mrs. Rose Oruru, had gone out on the day leaving Ese and her siblings in the shop. Yinusa seized the girl in her absence. Rose’s attempts to seek the release of the girl at the Emir of Kano’s (Sanusi Lamido’s) palace, where she was reportedly kept met a stiff resistance.

An online reader, who identified himself only as Seagols, wrote, “I feel so ashamed of the Bayelsa State Police Command for saying it’s not abduction, but elopement of a 13-year-old? Shame on the Bayelsa State Government, which can’t stand for the rights of its citizen. Shame on the Emir of Kano, who allowed such injustice. Finally, how could a guy who sold his keke in Bayelsa be this powerful? Just that the police are already biased. More will unfold if only the police were to do their job.”

A commentator, Edward Owens, expressed worry and wondered, “Why is the IG of police and the National Assembly silent on this issue? It is taking too long. Why is the presidency silent on this?”

Another reader, Fineman Peters, said Ese’s case defied sanity and urged the authorities to rise up to the case and ensure that the girl was freed.

“Am I reading a true story here or some kind of fiction? I hope the VP, IG and DSS DG will pick a copy of The PUNCH and read this. What happened to us as a nation? From the word go, everybody involved in this should have been in police net. This is the most blatant state-sponsored case of a paedophile that I have ever seen. My heart is broken as I read this. Our government should be ashamed. If I was in charge of this country, heads will roll. Many heads will roll,” he wrote.

In his comment, Samuel Ogbonaya, said, “This should never happen in a country where there are laws. The laws are clear. How on earth does any sane mind accept that a 13-year-old girl has the maturity to accept to be married and her religion forcefully changed without the express approval of her parents? I thought it is the convention that parents approve their kids to be married and are believed to be the ones to hand over their children to whoever that has followed the process?”

A reader who went by the alias, Thorn in the flesh, said, “This is disgraceful to say the least. How can anyone abduct a 13-year-old girl and term that to be elopement, when the girl in question is an underaged child who certainly cannot give informed consent.”

Another commentator, identified simply as NG, blamed Sanusi and the police for playing politics with the girl’s freedom.

“There is nothing we cannot hear in this country, imagine this? Even the Emir can’t be straight on the matter; the police could not take action and get the girl out. The parents even saw the girl brought in a black SUV. Why weren’t they allowed to take the girl right away, and they were being denied access to their child, saying she had been converted to Islam. How can you marry someone’s child without the knowledge of the parents and the so called Emir and police can’t do anything about it? An underage girl for that matter.”

The Truth wrote, “A 13-year-old girl got married without her parents’ consent? May God Almighty punish Yinusa who abducted the girl, repay Lamido Sanusi for not standing for justice, punish Kano Police Command and DSS for doing nothing. They should arrest the criminal boy called Yinusa and prosecute him. PUNCH please monitor this case to the last because of the girl. Please don’t let this girl perish in the hands of these wicked souls.”

“If the Nigerian government does nothing about this, the parents and their lawyers should petition the African Union, United Nations, Amnesty International, the National Human Rights Commission, the International Criminal Court in the Hague, and all involved should be arrested, tried and jailed,” Donloke wrote.

A reader, Casca, wondered why the Emir was passive on the case despite his level of education and exposure.

“This is unjust provocation. God help us. Nigeria is a failed state. Even IG could not do anything about this too! I am disappointed in the so called Emir, after all he is educated and he understands the meaning of a pedophile,” he wrote.

We’ll probe if trafficking is established – NAPTIP

The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and other related offences has said it will intervene in the alleged child marriage case of 14-year-old Ese Oruru if trafficking is confirmed.

The Head, Press and Public Relations of NAPTIP, Josiah Emerole, said the act, the means and the purpose of the abduction would show if it was trafficking.

He said, “First of all, I do not have details of this incident as of this moment. But one fact is that the issue of child marriage is always captured under the Child Rights’ Act and the Child Rights’ Law of each state. It is not necessarily within the laws of NAPTIP.

“Under the Child Rights’ Act, getting married to an underage child is a criminal offence which the police and the ministries of youths’ development can handle.

“Yes, NAPTIP can move in if the facts say it is trafficking. In trafficking, there are things to prove. It is not enough to say somebody has taken my child from a place to another place. There is what we call the act. Then, there is the means and there is the purpose. These three things must be proved before we can establish trafficking.

“But as of now, we are not aware of the incident. When it is reported and we discover the matter is not our area of investigation, we use matter referral mechanism to take it to the appropriate quarters.”

Ese’s release dependent on Emir’s intervention –IG

The Inspector-General of Police, Solomon Arase, says the release of the 14-year-old girl, Ese Oruru, allegedly abducted from Yenagoa, Bayelsa State to Kano and said to be in the palace of the Emir of Kano, was dependent on the intervention of the emir.

Arase said this in an interview with PUNCH Metro on Sunday, adding that the delay in Ese’s release was a result of the emir’s trip to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for lesser Hajj.

Sunday PUNCH had reported that Ese was abducted on August 12, 2015, by one Yinusa, aka Yellow, and taken away to Kano State where she was allegedly converted to Islam and held in the palace of the Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi.

The teenager’s parents, who noted that the matter was reported at the Ekeki Police Station, Yenagoa, and to the Kwani Police Station, Kano, had said all efforts to secure the release of their daughter from the palace had proved abortive, adding that they had not been able to see her since that day.

On Sunday, the IG said the police authorities did not abandon the matter as being insinuated, adding that the release of the girl would be “sorted out as quickly as possible.”

He said, “I have just spoken with the Sunday PUNCH’s editor. I explained to her about the delay. The police command in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, actually followed up the matter right from Kano State.

“The emir decided that he was going to mediate. But, because of his trip to Mecca with the president. That was what caused the delay. But now that he is back, we are going to sort it out as quickly as possible.”

When asked how soon Nigerians should expect the release of Ese, the IG noted that it was dependent on the intervention of the Emir.

He said, “Well, that is dependent on the intervention of the Emir. We have agreed to resolve the matter. I cannot give a timeline.”

When our correspondent asked again, “Sir, you mean the release is dependent on the emir, and not the police?”

Arase said, “I have not said anything like that. Have I? I have told you I have discussed these things with the editor. You can ask her. You are starting a different line of interview.

“But what I am telling you is that we did not abandon the matter as being insinuated. We have been following it up. The issue will be resolved.”

NHRC to investigate Ese’s abduction, forced marriage

The National Human Rights Commission will likely take up the case of an alleged abduction of 14-year-old schoolgirl, Ese Oruru.

Ese was allegedly taken to Kano for a forced marriage after he was said to have been converted from Christianity to Islam.

All efforts by her parents to retrieve her even after visiting the Emir’s palace, among other places in Kano, where the girl was allegedly taken to, had yielded no fruit.

The Chief Press Officer of the commission, Mrs. Fatimah Mohammed, said on Sunday after she was briefed on the incident by our correspondent on the telephone, that Ese’s case had yet to be brought to the NHRC’s attention.

She, however, said the commission was empowered to, on its own, take up investigation of allegations involving rights violations without any official complaint by the affected parties.

“The commission is against child marriage, and nobody has the power to convert somebody to another religion. If it is true, the commission will investigate it,” she added.

When contacted on Sunday, the Office of the Attorney-General of the Federation said it was not aware of the incident.

Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the AGF and Minister of Justice, Salihu Isah, who was also informed of the incident on Sunday, said it was an issue that should be handled by Kano and Bayelsa states as well as the police in the two states.

“We are not aware of that and I think the question should be directed to the police and the governments of Kano and Bayelsa states,” Isah said. News source


The attention of the Biafran people was indeed drawn, due to the latest Evil, Betrayal and Sabotage perpetrated by few infamous individuals or group who parade themselves as OHANAEZE, while disassociating/banning these fraudsters, some Biafrans wrote against their atrocities, others tweeted against it while so many Biafrans have called(phone-call) on them to steer clear of Biafrans affairs.
But while we vent our anger on OHANAEZE NDI IGBO, no one have cared to ask what really is the meaning of the word "OHANAEZE"? The word OHANAEZE was fraudulently hijacked by few money-minded individuals led by one Mr Nnachi Enwo-Igariwey and Okechukwu Isiguzo from the real owners of the name. Those parading themselves as OHANAEZE are Evil, they are Hausa Slaves and always fought while sharing money given to them by their Hausa-Master. They may be Evil, but the word OHANAEZE is not Evil. The above mentioned individuals hijack this name "OHANAEZE" for the purpose of fame and aggrandizement at the expense of ordinary people, just as Tortoise did in our famous children fairy tale way back in the days,----"Once upon a time, there was an important meeting of all the animals in heaven, when they(the animals) set to travel to heaven, the Tortoise tricked them into adopting different names each for proper identification in heaven. As the rest of the Animals took one name each representing there individuality, tortoise took a surprising name 'UNUDUM' meaning; 'All of You'. During the meeting there was also entertainment and refreshment.As the meeting is on going in heaven, when ever foods, gift or any other thing is presented to the whole animals, the presenter will always say, this is for UNUDUM, meaning this gift is for "All of You". Tortoise will quickly stand up and claim the food since his name is, "All of You"  "UNUDUM'."

RELATED: OHANEZE COMFIRMS THEIR STATUS AS SABOTEURS The name OHANAEZE is an Igbo word and a combination of three words OHA, meaning the "THE PEOPLE", NA, meaning "AND", EZE, meaning THE KINGS, OHA NA EZE-- THE PEOPLE AND THEIR KINGS, just as we have in Ancient Rome; Senatus Populusque Romanus SPQR, which means 'The Senate and People of Rome'. The name OHA NA EZE is as old as Biafran people, and was borne out of republican-nature of Biafran people, depicting the fact that a decision can only be taken in Biafra Land by THE PEOPLE AND THEIR ACCEPTED KINGS, and not some few fraudulent individuals who lived in Lagos and Abuja doing the biding of their Hausa Master, adopting the name 'UNUDUM' just like tortoise, claiming to be both THE PEOPLE AND THEIR KINGS---OHA NA EZE.
In Biafra Land, just like in every other republican nation, the people chooses their kings or leader. A detailed look at the wave of Protest, Tweets, Petitions-Signatures and other Social-Media support that ran in millions across the globe and in Biafra Land in favor of NNAMDI KANU, any sane person will know that Truly the Biafran people have declare him their King or Leader. NNAMDI KANU  is the one and only legitimate or Leader of Biafrans, while IPOB and other Biafrans are the People(OHA). So any persons parading themselves as both the PEOPLE AND THEIR KINGS(OHA NA EZE) must be hounded to death.
When you allow a stranger to hijack and bear your surname, your properties shall go for him. We must hunt the hijackers of our name, the intruders, the OHANAEZE NDI OSHI NA NDI ATURU, we must redeem our name, we must redeem OHA NA EZE NDI BIAFRA. We are IPOB, we are OHA NA EZE NDI BIAFRA, and we are Biafrans. The Fraudulent Ohaneze Ndigbo do not represent the Biafrans, neither do they represent even the Igbo speaking Biafran in any station of position. Any Further pronouncement of this so called Ohaneze Ndigbo on behalf of Biafrans or even the Igbo speaking Biafrans will be viewed  a sale out of the people and who ever make such pronouncement must be brought to book.
Long Live Biafra. Long Live Nnamdi Kanu.Long Live IPOB

Written By Obinwa Ndubuisi Ezeonyebuchi.
Edited By Ikechukwu Nwaorisa



She was a beauty, spreading her graceful glances throughout the eastern region of the River Delta, Niger to the south-eastern Cameroon. She had a large family and they were industrious, illustrious and great merchants. They traded along the coastlines and beyond her boundaries. The white traders nicknamed them Ebos. She loved her family and manifested her beauty in various forms for their comfort. She had beautified herself with resources for her family's use. She provided enough for everyone; they had in abundance, oil, gold, coal, zinc, rivers, mangroves, salt etc. In the early days, they lived happily as clans in hamlets. She was peaceful until she was raped. How horrible!
The white men invaded her in her privacy, her center fell apart and consequently, Biafra lost her virginity. Her family men and women fought bravely and relentlessly but were overwhelmed by the scavengers. The scavengers were armed to the teeth with trickery, treachery and all kinds of vices. Eventually, Biafra fell to the pillagers and plunderers. She had promised to resurrect, hence her reincarnation is here today, lurking with us. The British conquered and amalgamated her in an unholy union with strangers of dissimilar interests, religion and values. Therefore like an over sized and overripe boil, Biafra has come to take back that which was taken from her and which rightly belongs to her. Like a boil long overdue for elimination, she has vowed to continually cause discomfort for the host until she is burst free. Nigeria has no choice left but to comply. 

Nnamdi Kanu

A star was born in November 1967. It was a critical era. Many screamed and groaned, the newborn observed his mother’s predicaments even as he too, partook in the horrifying experience. He quietly and carefully listened, overhearing the sounds of gunshots, the whispering of survivals, then he realized there was no place for him aboard the ship and so he resolved to subscribe to a mission.
An honorable prince of Afara ukwu, Umuahia, Abia state has so far become the biggest boil in Nigeria's scrotum. For more than a decade he has denied himself comfort and has nearly traveled all over the world preaching the gospel of the restoration of Biafra, teaching and galvanizing the cooperation of his kith and kin. Many before him had tried but lost focus and fell out like the seeds from the sower which fell by the wayside.  His brain gave birth to Radio Biafra with which he spread his gospel and got many to hear him and hence endeared many more to himself. The quest escalated but Buhari, antagonistically ordered his abduction since 14th October, 2015. He has remained the matured boil in Buhari and Nigeria’s scrotum. They can neither stop his quest nor dismiss him. He has the key and his fists are tightly clenched on their most vital possession. 
Buhari is going to be the instrument for bursting open, these overripe boils, and this is why his heart, like the biblical pharoah remains hardened. He has sworn to continue the elimination of innocent Biafrans until he receives the cataclysmic consequences of his evil deeds. 
Amnesty international, United Nations, African Union, and all concerned people of the universe are cordially invited to Intervene and to ensure that history will vindicate the just. We invite everyone to uphold justice for those unjustly depraved, deprived, detained, jailed, maimed and killed, for the mayhem meted out against Biafrans are totally condemnable. 
We ask for nothing else but freedom from an unjust union, an oppressive union, a union of conflicting features and interests. We are no criminals, yet uniformed terrorists under the guise of security agents have been deployed to our land with standing orders to kill and silence our people. How can we explain the killings of innocent, unarmed, harmless Biafrans? It is pure terrorism and should be treated as such. Therefore we have requested the support of all relevant local and international organizations of the world.
Come to Biafra's aid as the boils are too ripe to remain on the scrotum sack. Help us burst them now before it metamorphoses into a cancer. 
Free Nnamdi Kanu! Free Biafra!

Written  By  Victoria. O. C. Agangan
Edited By  Ikechukwu Nwaorisa

Sunday 28 February 2016

Play/Download (7 PM) Segment of Radio Biafra LIVE Broadcast of 28 February 2016 London

Biafra live in Vatican city 2

Biafra live in Vatican city

Pope Pronounce Biafra Vatican city



The Nigerian police is systematically killing unarmed pro-Biafra demonstrators. Their leader is still detained in prison, despite four judges have pronounced for the release
By saying “Biafra”, you might think about the pathetic humanitarian advertising from the 70s, in which swollen-bellied-babies served as unaware receptors for moved-hearted-donators, mismanaged by the international cooperation. The aftermath of the three years of war between the Nigerian government and their allies against the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra, from 1967 to 1970, reached three million deaths and, in the decades to come, it caused repression and discrimination towards people of the Igbo ethnic group. As a consequence of this, a mass exodus occurred from the Niger Delta area and the South-East to Lagos and, above all, to the West. A large number settled in Canada, in the US and in Europe. An increasingly organized diaspora which, thanks to new technologies, can constantly monitor what is happening today with the Biafra independence’s activists.

45 years after the civil war, the situation might explode again. As we have already told in a previous article, on October 14th 2015, Nnamdi Kanu, a British citizen and leader of IPOB (Indigenous people of Biafra), was arrested at Lagos airport. He was charged with “incitement to terrorism”. Despite two trials took place – in which the courts have stated for his release – Kanu is still captive.

His detention caused thousands of people to demonstrate in the streets of many cities of the Niger Delta and of the Southeast of the country. In a number of situations, the protests have incredibly been placated with blood. “An orgy of massacres”, so it was called by Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe. First of all the manifestation of Onitsha, the commercial Capital of the Region, on December 2nd and 17th 2015, in which the military has killed at least nine activists (yet some sources speak of 25 victims). And then the outstanding massacre of Aba, on February 9th. A media activist has shot a long and detailed video about it. It shows how the demonstrators had gathered in the courtyard of a school – with Bibles and flags – to praying for the release of Kanu. Suddenly the participants in the sit-in were surrounded by the military, by the police and by plainclothes officers. They were hit with tear gas. In this exact moment the video becomes confused, but you can still see weapons and it’s clearly audible the gunfire and the screams of the civilians. The final part of the video was filmed in the streets of the city and in a hospital, among corpses and crying people.

The final tally of the victims is said to be 22 deaths. This number is disputed by the police, which justifies itself by claiming that the demonstration was disturbing lessons in the school. Many of the victims are said to have died during the transportation to the hospital.


A soldier is said to have told a witness of the slaughter that Buhari himself had given the order to repress with blood anyone who mentioned Biafra. Indeed, among activists and ordinary people from the South-East, it’s common opinion that the President is more concerned with maintaining the territorial union in the South-East rather than with fighting Boko Haram in the North. Not to mention that in Biafra area it’s common opinion that Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups branches of the Nigerian army, which are Muslims, are particularly involved in the repression. It might look like a counter-action to the war that other branches of the army are carrying on in the North against the Islamic State affiliated jihadist.

“Since President Buhari’s election – states IPOB in a note – the abuse of human rights turned to be a characteristic of the Nigerian political system itself. From one side you have Boko Haram’s atrocities against the population, from the other one you have indiscriminate arrests, tortures, extrajudicial detentions and killings; extortion and violence that military, police and secret services are committing are now a daily phenomenon.”

According to a report from Amnesty International, the problem of regular use of torture by the army is growing serious and more serious. Tortures are said to have turned such a fundamental part of police’s activity in a way that many police’s stations are said to have a “torture attendant”. Among the practices to gain information there would be the extraction of fingernails or teeth, electric shocks and sexual violence.

Meanwhile two militant groups from the Niger Delta area (LMC and NDPDF) have declared that they are ready to fight with the Federal Government if Nnamdi Kanu was not released. The targets of these announced attacks would be the States of Abia and Anambra, and the Federal Capital Abuja, as well. The “main places where the Federal Government had sprayed the blood of our brothers and sisters”. The attacks, as explained by the leaders of the two groups, would be directed to governmental objectives and not toward civilians.




It is very disheartening to note that while the Arewa Consultative Forum, Northern Elders' Forum of the Northern Nigeria are United in furthering the course of the Hausa/Fulani northerners and the Yorubas united in protecting their own, the ones that called itself "an apex social cultural group of Ndi Igbo ...the Ohaneze" are busy selling out their lives and future generation to the Hausas and Yorubas, pledging to support the indivisibility of the corrupt contraption called Nigeria. What a shame.
For Ohaneze to come out to lie to the whole world that they have discussed with the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra Prince Nnamdi Kanu to abandon the Biafra restoration struggle for a one Nigeria, based on the issue of Biafrans having commercial interest in various parts of the country is most regrettable. Who ever told these old fools that when Biafra is restored, Igbo properties in other parts of Nigeria will be lost? The Big question to these old retarded fools called Ohaneze is..."Is material things more important to them than the future of their children and future generations?"

Ohaneze, which is the stooge of the Hausas and Yorubas being used to sabotage the efforts of Biafrans towards the restoration programs should be made to understand that by this singular act amongst myraids of other betrayals they have been known of in the past have finally driven down the last nail to their coffins. They should expect the saboteur treatment as we Biafrans will not be silent while they destroy all we are fighting for from within. Every member of Ohaneze is an enemy of Biafra and we are now aware of that. Its only a fool that gets blinded by same stick twice. It happened once in the 1967/70 war. It wont happen again. Biafrans are not fools.


Igbos committed the greatest atrocity in life by selling their brothers as slaves in the times gone by, yet Ohaneze have not repented. They are bent on selling Biafrans again to the housas and the Yoruba Nigeria for a paltry sum of money. Biafrans would rather die than see that happen.You can collect Billions of Niara from the government of Nigeria to Sabotage the efforts of Biafra restoration and build "ten star" Hotels in Abuja, not minding what happens to your generation, but you have not stopped for once and ponder what happens to your wealth when you are no more. Ohaneze must be made to understand that Biafrans will not fold our hands and watch anyone or group sabotage all our efforts. Every obstacle on the way of Biafra restoration must be destroyed because, just as the Directorat of State stated, "Our march to freedom is unstoppable, unquenchable, unchangeable, unquestionable, and irreversible". OHANEZE NDI IGBO SHOULD KNOW THIS.

Written By Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa



It is disheartening to hear that Nigeria army and police intercepted and arrested 22 Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on 26th Feb 2016 who were returning from the burial of one of their brothers by name Nzubechukwu Onwumere who was shot dead on the 9th of February 2016 while praying for the release of leader Nnamdi Kanu and the restoration of Biafra at national high school Aba.
They have killed these unarmed Biafrans, and will not allow their people to bury them. This is the only country where quest for self-determination is interpreted as treason and attending the burial of indigenous people a crime. This is unbelievable. Nigeria is a disgrace to black Africa and a disappointment to democracy.
I am forced by this barbaric act of the  Nigerian army to believe that Nigeria government led by President Muhammadu Buhari has employed released members of Boko haram, to ensure that total annihilation of Biafrans is achieved.


It is important to note here that, over 28 Biafrans were shot dead on 9th January 2016, more than 16 people massacred between 22 Feb. to 24 Feb. 2016 in Ogoni Rivers State, and the killing continues on daily basics. And all this people who has been killed by the Nigerian armed forces must be buried by Biafrans and any attempt to arrest them, must be condemned by all.
On this note, I hereby appeal to Human Right Watch, Amnesty International and other human right organizations to call Nigerian government to order. Self-determination is a universal law; United Nation should stand up to its responsibilities. I also call on the European Union to stand on the part of justice and call for referendum for the freedom of the Indigenous People of Biafra. The right of the indigenous people to self determination is an inalienable right. Why is Nigeria killing Biafrans on the basis that we ask for our right to be independence. Is the agitation not lawful?If it is, why is the United Nations that made that law not saying? 

Written By Chijindu Benjamin Ukah
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa


Press Release

Biafrans woke up on Friday the 26th of February 2016 to read of claims by Ohaneze Ndigbo that they (Ohaneze group) are negotiating with the government of Nigeria on behalf of the Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. This compromised Igbo-onlyorganization went further to claim that they have discussed with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and convinced him on the need to drop the agitation for Biafra restoration especially as Igbos have business interests worth trillions of Naira which are located all over Nigeria, outside Biafraland. In furtherance of their wicked and malicious claims, this money-minded Igbo-onlygroup averred that they are speaking on behalf of members and officials of IPOB. Curiously, this group in the same publication, affirmed their unshakeable belief in the indivisibility and oneness of the British-created country called Nigeria.
We hereby make it crystal clear that these claims by Ohaneze are terrible lies from the pit of hell. Ohaneze is an Igbo-only organization whereas IPOB is about the citizenry of the nation of Biafra. Igbo is a language spoken within certain areas in Biafraland while Biafra is about a nation of people with a common value system and different languages among which is Igbo. In other words, Ohaneze is group of individuals that came together based on the commonality of the language they speak which is Igbo. On the other hand, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is the Leader of ALL Biafrans and NOT just the Leader of a language-based group such as Ohaneze. It is also important to note that IPOB has a structure with clearly identified representatives among whom are the under-signed.
We want to reiterate that those in Ohaneze claiming they are speaking for or know the mind of the Leader of IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, are either hallucinating from the side effects of hard drugs or they are trying very hard to justify the bags of money they collected (as usual) from Buhari and his murderous agents. If Ohaneze knew Nnamdi Kanu and his fanatical love for Biafra freedom, they wouldn’t have come out with such disgusting lies! Also, Ohaneze must know that nobody negotiates for IPOB or for the release of our Leader unless such a person or group of persons are designated officers of IPOB worldwide.
The Indigenous People of Biafra through the Directorate of State (DOS) have put in place a Legal Team and we are in court and our wish is to expose the fraudulent charge of treasonable felony before the whole world. At the end of this court case, the corrupt and compromised segment of the Nigerian Judiciary will be publicly disgraced. Our march to freedom is unstoppable, unquenchable, unchangeable, unquestionable, and irreversible and this is something Buhari ought to know. We have come to die for Biafra if that is what it will take to be free. Our resolve should NEVER be underestimated. As our Leader Nnamdi Kanu will always say: “Nigeria will kill us, we will kill them but in the end we win.”
Therefore, Ohaneze’s claims should be consigned to the rubbish bin where they rightly belong!!!

Barrister Emma Nmezu                                                         Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya Spokesperson for                                                                       Spokesperson for            
Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)                                         Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)

Saturday 27 February 2016

African Hitler Buhari Spends Most Of His Time In Mosque, Instead Of On The Job – Fashola

The former Lagos state Governor, Babatunde Fashola on March 30, 2014, accused former President Goodluck Jonathan of spending more time inside the church than leading the country.
Fashola stated, “I know that we have employed somebody for the top job in this country but when we asked him about his qualifications and experience, he said he had no shoes. You must decide whether you want someone who spends most of his time in church or mosque, or the man who is ready to spend his time on the job.”
Juxtaposing Jonathan’s name with Buhari, you would discover that President Buhari is doing even more of what prompted the APC leaders to mount attacks against Jonathan. In other words, Buhari is spending more time in the Mosque abroad than he spends on his job in Nigeria.

Also, more Nigerians are reacting after images of Buhari praying in foreign country surfaced. One of the social critics, George Onmonya Daniel wrote:

“Does Prayer Change A Country? No. Prayer does not change a country. Most of the people who have changed this world from time immemorial have been great scholars, even prophets were scholars or men with great common sense and special intelligence, if not no one would have listened to them.
“I am tired of seeing images of Nigerian politicians in Israel or Saudi Arabia looking all pious with feign countenance telling us they are praying for Nigeria. Pls let politicians pray for themselves and work for Nigeria. Most of leaders who are building the United States, China and even Britain, Germany and other rich countries we hear about and even visualize this places as heaven on earth are neither Christians or Muslims, they don’t even believe in God.
“If you like carry the Mosques in Saudi Arabia and the churches in Israel and Rome and bring them to Nigeria or pray inside them, even join fasting for one year, nothing will change here if our mentality does not change. Religion and religiosity does not change anything.

“If I am the president’s people, I would be sharing serious businesslike pictures instead of people of him in mosque. But in a country where people pay billions of tax payers money to babalawo, pastors and imams for prayer, what can I say?”




Biafrans in the diaspora and in Biafra land and in the Wider Nigeria contraption are hereby advised to initiate ONE MILLION PHONE CALLS to the office of his Papacy with an appeal to rescue the Biafran Catholics from the Islamic Nigeria, starting from ...

Time...9 am, Biafra land time to 4 pm, 
Date...Sunday, 28th February, 2016,

YOUR HOLINESS, YOUR CHILDREN IN BIAFRA LAND ARE BEING WIPED OUT BY MOHAMMADU BUHARI. Remember, your predecessor POPE PAULUS VI, in 1968, visited Biafra land and Blessed us. Save us now...
The numbers to call are as follows: 

+39 (06) 69881022

+39 (06) 698.83.438
+39 (06) 698.83.014

+39 (06).
+39 (06).

+39 (06)  69.89.21

“Dear Pope Francis, please, separate the Biafran Catholics From the Islamic Nigeria.” 


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