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Saturday 12 September 2015



By Ikechukwu Onyedika Oruche
(For Family writers)

Biafra has always been an independent nation before the coming of the British, the evil that brought us together, the evil that kept us where we are today, the evil that left us struggling for our freedom ,we have always been free all this while before you came on your ships. You merged us with unknown entity not minding its effect on my people, savages who know nothing else than to kill. All for your own benefit. While leaving, you handed over authority to Hausa-Fulani for been submissive to your will, because they are easily manipulated so you can have access to our oil.

We must take a bold step to say NO to one Nigeria. We aren't Nigerians, we already had a nation even before Britain came, the land of the rising sun, one flowing with milk and honey, and we want to return to our home, to the days of the old, when we know neither Hause-Fulani nor the Yorubas. We have every right to fight for our freedom, why are we been denied that right by killing and arresting IPOB members with false allegations, civilians who were agitating peacefully for their freedom.
It hurts to know that the world knew the truth and kept quite or do the world still wallow in ignorance, unaware of the evils and atrocities committed by the Nigeria government against our people.  As for the blood of innocent civilians shed on daily bases, unarmed Biafrans killed by Nigeria police, Navy and military less regard for human right ,all this and much more have we seen in the zoo called Nigeria and more are yet to come if we do not take the bold steps to fight for what is ours. A lot of blood has been shed by Nigeria government, kids starved to death, killing of unarmed civilians.

Welcome to a country where unarmed civilians were accused of possessing weapons by the police for easier kidnapping in the name of arrest, a country where the police will arrest you for listening to the truth, for listening to a radio station, I keep asking when has that become a crime? Why must we stay in such country? How long do we have to endure? How long do we have to be killed before the world admits the truth? I tell you, all this might sound crazy to the foreign world but that's how silly things have been in Nigeria.  Dear IPOB family members, in our struggle for freedom, we must remain resolute, we must fight not for ourselves but to set our kids free from Hausa-Fulani, so they can live to tell our story. We must let the world know the truth about Nigeria, we aren't Nigerians, we already had a nation whom is as old as the Egyptians pyramid, older than Britain, we only want to go back home.


  1. On our freedom we stand!Relentlessly we will not give up till we are freed from unsolicited bondage and union with Nigeria! Great Biafra is our beloved country!God bless Biafra!

  2. We need Biafra freedom from the zoo period.


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