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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Major Reasons Why Britain Strongly Supported Genocide against Biafrans And Starvation of Biafran Children

Major Reasons Why Britain Strongly Supported Genocide against Biafrans And Starvation of Biafran Children
By Ibeh Gift Amarachi
(For Family Writers)

On 30th of May 1967, Biafra declared Independence and on 7th July The Federal Military Government of Nigeria began operations to defeat Biafra. The War lasted until January 1970 as an extremely well-equipped Nigeria Federal Army Men who was supplied by BRITAIN took on volunteer Biafra Army, much of whose equipment initially came from the hand made weapons and from captured Nigeria supplies and which later was able to procure relatively small quantities of arms from outside. The wishes of Biafrans were never a major concern of British planners. The priorities of Britain was maintaining the unity of Nigeria for Geo-political interest and protecting BRITISH OIL BUSINESS INTEREST.
     Biafran children starved to death by Britain and Nigeria
 A few days before the Nigeria-Biafra war, the British office stated "Our direct interests are trade and investments,including an important stake by SHELL/BRITISH PETROLEUM in the Eastern regions. There are nearly 20,000 British Nationals in Nigeria,for whose welfare we are of course specially concerned. COMMONWEALTH MINISTER GEORGE THOMAS wrote in August 1967, "The sole immediate British interest in Nigeria is that the Nigeria economy should be brought back to a condition which our substantial trade and investment in the Country can be further developed and particularly so we can regain access to important OIL INSTALLATIONS". Thomas further outlined the primary reason why BRITAIN was so keen to preserve Nigeria Unity,noting that "Our direct interest in the maintenance of the federation is that Nigeria has been developed as an economic unit and any disruption of this would have adverse effects on trade and development.

If Nigeria were to break up,we cannot expect that economic development and trade to proceed at the same level as they would have done in a unified Nigeria,nor can we now count on the SHELL/BRITISH PETROLEUM concession being regained on the same terms as in the past if the East and West assume full control of their own economies".  In the run-up to GOWON'S declaration of War,BRITAIN had made it clear to the Federal Military Government(FMG) of Nigeria that it completely supported Nigeria unity. GEORGE THOMAS told the Nigeria High Commissioner In London at the end of April 1967," The Federal Government of Nigeria had our sympathy and our full support". The then HIGH COMMISSIONER IN LAGOS 'SIR DAVID HUNT',wrote in a Memo to London on 12 June 1967 that "The only way of preserving unity in Nigeria is to remove OJUKWU by force,who was committed to remaining the ruler of an Independent State and that British intrests lay firmly supporting the Federal Military Government(FMG) Of Nigeria.

Before going to War,GOWON began what was to become a TWO AND HALF YEAR LONG SHOPPING LIST OF ARMS that The Federal Military Government of Nigeria wanted from BRITAIN. On July 1st 1967,he asked Britain for Jet Fighters/Bomber Aircrafts,Six Fast Boats and 24 Anti-Aircraft Guns. BRITISH OFFICIALS in a statement noted "We want to help The Federal Government Of Nigeria in any way we can".  They supplied the Anti-Aircraft,Guns and provided training courses to use them. HIGH COMMISIONER SIR DAVID HUNT said "It would be better to use Civil Aircraft to deliver these Guns and secured agreement from Nigerians and there  will be no publicity in supplying them". When GOWON complained about BRITAIN not supplying more Arms,WILSON agreed in July to supply the Federal Military Government(FMG) of Nigeria with Fast Patrol Boats. THIS WAS DONE IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THEY WILL HELP THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA MAINTAIN THE BLOCKADE AGAINST BIAFRA. WILSON wrote to GOWON saying, "We have demonstrated in many ways our support for your Government as the legal Government of Nigeria and our refusal to recognize the Secessionists. Britain does not intend to put any obstacle in the way of the requests for reasonable quantities of Military of types similar to those you have obtained here in the past". GOWON replied saying, "I have taken note of your Concurrence for the usual purchase of Arms Supplies to continue and will take advantage of what is available now and others. By nearly August  BIAFRA FORCES had made major gains against The Federal Military Government(FMG) of Nigeria and had invaded the Mid-West region.

On that note,COMMONWEALTH MINISTER GEORGE THOMAS raised the option of BRITAIN launching a Peace offensive and halting all arms supplies. But this was rejected by DAVID HUNT in Lagos and other British Men,since it would cause "Great resentment on the part of The Federal Military Government of Nigeria against The British Government'. David Hunt and other British Government Officials decided to continue the flow of Arms and Ammunition of types previously supplied by him and on December 1967 noted that," Lack of supplies of ammunition is one of the things that are holding operations up". He told the British Government to agree on the recent shopping list of the Federal Military Government(FMG) of Nigeria and said "A favorable response to this request ought to give us every chance of establishing ourselves again as the main supplier of the Nigeria forces after War. If the War end soon the Nigeria economy will start expanding and there should be valuable business to be done". He went furtherto say," Anything that we do to assist the Federal Military Government of Nigeria should help our OIL COMPANIES to re-establish and expand their activities in Nigeria after the War and more generally should help our Commercial and Political Relationship with Post War Nigeria".

1 comment

  1. Britain with their evil interest starving kids to death. They must surely receive their rewards


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