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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Address made by the leader of IPOB Mazi Kanu at World Igbo Congress 2015

Address by Radio Biafra Director & IPOB Leader at WIC 2015 Convention
With great humility and submission to the will of the Most High Chukwu Okike Abhiama puru ime ihe nile, I stand before you today here in Los Angeles California, in the presence of the children of light, the custodians of our traditions in faraway lands, the bringers of hope and savior of the Black race the World Igbo Congress. I acknowledge the presence of each and every one of you, especially the members of the high table, distinguished ladies and gentlemen here gathered and those listening around the world. I say “ndewo nu umu Chineke” to all of you.

It is my guess that the question on the lips of every delegate here today is perhaps ‘what is Nnamdi Kanu doing here at the congress of all Igbos worldwide talking about the global effort to restore Biafra’?. My answer as always is a very simple one, ‘izu ka nma na nne ji’. There will be no Biafra without the support of World Igbo Congress in particular and the Igbos in the USA in general.

Every right-thinking human being knows that the slogan “One Nigeria” is a ruse. Nigeria was not a united country and will NEVER be a united country even in the foreseeable future. To refresh our memories, Nigeria is a country made up of three distinct nations with mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed and irreconcilable value systems. Among these nations, BIAFRA is the only one with a distinct and internationally accepted Republican value system predicated upon the twin philosophy of (1) “Egbe bere ugo bere” the principle of natural justice, fairness, equity and equality before the spiritual and temporal laws and (2) “Eziokwu bu ndu” which is the weaving ofthe irreducibility of truth into the day to day discourse of life, in essence a life of nobility predicated on honesty.

Futhermore and ingrained in the DNA of every Biafran, is the axiomatic expression that “Chi bu Eze” or God is King. Regrettably, the British colonial masters forcefully merged BIAFRA with the other two nations of AREWA and ODUDUWA to form what is known today as Nigeria. Implicit in our value system and its incompatibility with those from other merged nations lies the need for the immediate extrication and restoration of the nation of Biafra from the country called Nigeria to represent as it was ordained a pinnacle of hope for the black race the world over. That Nigeria is perpetually in the doldrums politically, economically, and socially is of no surprise to any discerning mind and keen followers of the miserable history of Nigeria. After all, is it not why today we found ourselves in far flung lands like the USA and many more countries around the world? The frustrating part of this history is the fact that Biafrans have been at the receiving end of the sorry state of affairs in Nigeria even though they possess the manpower and resources to sustain themselves and flourish as an independent nation.

Biafrans are known for their industrious and enterprising lifestyle propelled by sheer hard work and the “can do” spirit. Biafrans don’t run away from history, rather they make history. Biafrans are adventurous and are not afraid to venture into the unknown. But the same cannot be said of other merged nations in the country called Nigeria. Biafrans have been held down and their development arrested by virtue of merging them with other nations to form Nigeria.

One of the questions going through the minds of many could be; but who are actually the Biafrans or put in another way; what is the footprint of Biafraland? Biafraland consists of the states in the present South East and South-South with the exception of Edo state but including Igbanke in Edo state. Biafraland also include Igala in Kogi state and Idoma land in Benue state. In all these areas we have the traditional four-market days and their women tie two-piece wrappers and have names and words that are interchangeable irrespective of the state.
For over 100 years Biafrans have endured the unholy marriage called amalgamation and creation of Nigeria by the British colonial masters. Biafrans at home and in the diaspora can no longer endure the subjugation of Biafra under Nigeria. As in most revolutions and emancipation struggles, patriotic citizens in diaspora are always in the lead for collective objective of achieving nationhood.

A very good example is the case of the State of Israel in which the Jews in America funded and supported the independence of the nation of Israel. We share a common ancestry with our Jewish brothers and shouldfollow similar strategy in achieving the nation of Biafra. In this regard, WIC is expected to play a critical role in the quest for the restoration of the nation of BIAFRA.

As some of you may have known, there is an ongoing effort to galvanize Biafrans globally to work together to achieve the collective objective of restoration of the nation of Biafra. This effort is spearheaded by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) with Radio Biafra London (RBL) as the media arm. The operational headquarters of IPOB is in Vitoria-Spain, outside of Nigeria for obvious reasons. IPOB is registered and recognized by various countries all over the world. Coincidentally, the USA headquarters of IPOB is here in Los Angeles—California. But what has IPOB/RBL achieved, you may ask? Through the works of IPOB/RBL within the past three years, we have achieved the following:

Radio Biafra is today the only African institution in the history of the world to be ranked No.1 in an independent survey against other (media) organizations from around the world. That Radio Biafra is today more popular than BBC Radio is clear testimony to what we can accomplish as a race when we put our minds to it.

Designation of Boko Haram as F.T.O. (Foreign Terrorist Organization) by the Department of States of the USA. We have the proof to make this claim.

IPOB gained recognition as national liberation movement in over 88 countries where we are registered and carry out our meetings and rallies unhindered.
Initiated and continued annual 30th of May Biafra Heroes Remembrance Day. The 2015 edition at Aba recorded over 3 million attendees without a single adverse incident recorded. Forced the Nigerian Government to halt the continuous aerial bombardment of Cross Rivers and Akwa Ibom under the guise of fighting kidnappers’ havens. We alerted the world that Nigeria used the banned NAPALM bombs on Biafrans for three consecutive days of June 17th—19th.

We have raised the consciousness of our people on the Rights and the legality of their quest for their nation of Biafra based on the UNDRIP which Nigeria is a signatory to.
Debunked and dismantled all the lies and innuendoes dished out by Yoruba and Northern media concerning Biafrans, which in some cases are geared towards dividing the various sections/areas of Biafraland.

We have formed an effective opposition to the tyrannical rule of the current president of Nigeria and checkmated him in trying to take Biafrans for a ride.

Nigerian Police now know that you can no longer kill a Biafran and get away with it. Through the activities of IPOB in Igweocha (Port Harcourt) the officer responsible for the shooting of an unarmed bus driver has been dismissed from the Nigerian Police pending trial. You will agree with me that this has never happened before.

Through our work/efforts, we got Microsoft to recognize the word Biafra.

We have brought Biafra restoration into global discourse such that media juggernauts such as CNN, BBC, VOA, RFI, etc., who hitherto stayed away from discussing Biafra are now forced to talk about Biafra.

We are also registered with the ECOSOC department of United Nations as INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF BIAFRA, where we made it clear that no organization is representing us but we are Biafrans and representing ourselves.

In my humble submission, I do strongly believe that WIC can get involved and help achieve more. The Igbo speaking Biafrans are known for their resourcefulness and resoluteness when they make up their minds to embark on amission. The Igbos from all I know about them, do collectively abhor evil, they love hard work, helped one another, and tenaciously believed that “nwanne di na mba.”

I am using this opportunity to call upon each member of WIC to join hands with other Biafrans and members of IPOB to work towards the restoration of our dear nation of Biafra. You can help in diverse ways such as funding, diplomatic connections, lobbying your congressmen and people of significant clout and influence, and sundry activities geared toward the singular goal of achieving sovereignty for the nation of Biafra. Your loved ones in Biafraland look up to you because we have it in our saying that “Onuru ube nwanne agbala oso.”
BIAFRA restoration is here, all you have to do is put in your efforts and BIAFRA will come. Like many other well-meaning Biafrans of Igbo extraction around the world, I look forward to the day when World Igbo Congress will be held in any of our towns and villages in Biafraland.
May Chukwu Okike Abhiama bless all of you and bless the nation of BIAFRA

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

*Address by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), at the
Plenary Session of World Igbo Congress (WIC) in Los Angeles--California, on September

5th, 2015.


  1. One of a kind, soft, short but worser than an atomic or hydrogen bomb. Well articulated and well spoken. An evidence that a nation that have hundred's of its(nnamdi kanu) kind can set the light of the world on a hill so everybody might see and darkness will only be seen in Claude cuco land. The spirit is alive. GREAT PEOPLE OF BIAFRA

  2. Iseeeeeeee!
    We have the duty to propagate the light, so it will shine farther and foever!
    In the Holy Name of Chukwu Okike Abiama, The Free and Independent State of Biafra shall be restored and reinstated forever!
    And remain as the light of the nations!

  3. Nnamdi kanu is a jobless criminal with evil mind, he will never never smell getting Biafra, his master Uwazurike will be better than him, if he hv gud agender for Biafra let go down to Biafra land to mobilized youths nd make peace to these he betray their sisters nd dump them, these he scam nd take their money nd run away, a freedom fighter sleeping from one 5 star hotel to another, i see the reason he insult and abuse igbo ppl, he called igbos fools and that s pure truth, because igbos contribu money for him to building mails in umuahia and promising them one thing to another, only fools he can deceive with his sweet mouth, in one of his broadcast on his internet smartphone radio he mention if Nigeria police kill any of his crew brainwash IPOB members that war will start in Nigeria, today what hv happen? since last month how many of innocent ppl hv killed by Nigeria police and he still hv mouth to jump from one hotel to another enjoying his life, even ppl in USA who i think they hv wisdom i dont no that d are fool and animal as Nnamdi kanu use to say the are only Good in eating HAMBURGER, well we are waiting for him to get Biafra he hv collect a millions of dollars from brainwash animail in Diaspora , fools let him step in to Nigeria, he can make noise on his internet smartphone radio , but not in Nigeria , his name will be sorry nd others, a criminal who stay in UK for 25yrs doing fraud before his master Uwazurike employed him nd he graduate from Uwazurike nd start his propaganda ,we wait nd see

    1. Advocate of the animal kingdom! You are really doing a great job for client, hope you're well paid. You're calling him a criminal because he's exposing the criminal activities going on in the zoo call Nigeria by you and your leaders. well! if he is a criminal, then what are your leaders ? licensed commander in chief of licensed armed robbers and looters.

  4. The sad story of the imperialist's plan to continue to control a people against their will is well-played in the geographical entity called Nigeria: It is not a nation, but a forced union of different peoples who are of different race, language, religion, beliefs,behavior pattern,etc. As chief Awolowo once said (in 1947?) "Nigeria is not a nation; it is a mere geographical space" It has been helped to stay together by Britain which created it. The succession of brigands who operate as rulers there did hurt Britain when they hired international terrorists to kidnap a man named Umaru Dhikko. They attempted to take him out of Britain to Nigeria under cover of Diplomatic Baggage - Muhammadu Buhari was the head of the government that financed and carried out that plan. No wonder he was overthrown by a Babangida,who after successfully completing that task was received with honours (thankfully!!) by Britain's head of state. The question is, Why did Buhari, on finding himself in control of Nigeria again have to to be seen standing at the door of 10 Dawning street? To apologize over his past terrorism on British soil while seeking for Britain's continued guidance and assistance? As it is rightly said, a leopard cannot change its colour; it may conceal it temporarily.

    This comment is from an interested observer.


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