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Wednesday 23 September 2015


By Ifeanyi Chijioke
(For Family Writer)

Unity is a factor that shows formidability and formidable act is irresistible. Across the holy land of Biafra from Igbanke to Igala recorded unusual day as people in unison walks back home from their offices and market places to mark atonement day of Biafra that will end today 23rd of September by 4pm. The united and notable engagement for this year's atonement makes it more clearer that Biafra has already come, Biafrans are responding  immensely as family writers can confirm following the series of prayer sections all over the world.

Many people believe that this atonement ought to be faced with seriousness as it might be the last before the coming of Biafra that imminent. However the director of radiobiafra had previously advised that orders should be followed sequentially with every atom of discipline as events unfold for it citing that the bitterness or enthusiasm of people should not control their judgments or act as acting outside his order will undermine the effort of IPOB worldwide. Biafra is just seconds away as we have entered critical and decisive period of this struggle. Let's go on with our prayers orderly for God is examining our commitments and resolves through this atonement.

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