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Thursday 3 September 2015

The Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) Youths, Today Pause In Awe To Remember all The Patriots Who Paid The Ultimate Price For The Course Of Our Nation Biafra

Today, we the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Youths pause in awe to remember all those patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice for the course of our nation Biafra. Fallen brothers and sisters, who never came home to their family and friends. Liberty is a precious gift whose benefit we all enjoy but too often gives little thought to the price paid for it. As time beget all things, the fruit of labour of our fallen brothers and sisters who put all energy for the course of Biafra shall be seen throughout the world & shall be celebrated.

We stand firm in our cause and infer that “it’s not in our nature to seek out the act of violence & conflict in our pursuit of our freedom but whenever they come, when adversaries (navy and police) who claim to receive orders from above gives us no alternative. Let them know they only give us more reason to keep the faith & fight for our cause which is pure and true. We categorically want you to know IPOB youth will always stand ready to take the risks and pay the ultimate price.

We shall remain strong in spite of the recent peaceful protest that resulted to the injuries and death of our beloved, as it is said "it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it". We shall continue the fight for freedom to honour our fallen heroes. We can only hope that the sorrow of the families of our fallen heroes is tempered by the knowledge that their loved ones died in a noble quest. We owe them to complete the mission for which they gave their lives - to bring justice and freedom.

May Chiukwuabiama (God) bless Biafra.

Emeka Nnaoma (On behalf of IPOB Youths).

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