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Saturday 12 March 2016


Muhammadu Buhari with the minister of foreign affairs of Sahrawi, Mohammed Salem Ould Salek, alongside the ambassador of Sahrawi in Nigeria
Once again, Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria has despicably displayed another staggering brand of hypocrisy in one of his usual globetrots. He has countlessly proven that he is utterly incapable of discernment and therefore unfit for the position he is occupying. The mobile president has shown the world that his style of leadership is one lacking in purpose and vision, a leadership that adds no value because he has nothing to offer.

 Since his assumption into office, he has been malingering and gallivanting from one country to another with no perceivable purpose. He has continued the proverbial “rat-chase in a house being ravaged by an inferno”. With all the evidences that abound, one can no longer doubt Buhari’s radical Islamic bigotry even if he denies it, because he has time and again, proven to the world by his actions and inactions, that he is a chauvinistic primordial tyrant, who can neither accommodate an opposition nor tolerate other views different from his. A man like Buhari should not be allowed to smell the corridors of power in a secular entity like Nigeria because his dogmatic religious views and gestures are completely malevolent and catastrophic in nature.


During the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held on the 28th of September 2015, Buhari in his address, declared that Nigeria has remained committed towards upholding the same principles upon which the United Nation was founded, which include peaceful coexistence and self-determination. He also went further to point out that no one has the justification to deny any people freedom, speaking about the Palestinian question and that of the Western Sahara. In his words, “the unresolved question of self-determination for the Palestinian people and those of the western Sahara, both nations having been adjusted by the United Nations as qualifying for this inalienable right must now be assured and fulfilled without any further delay or obstacle.”

 He further explicitly stated thus, “…neither do we have the moral right to deny any people their freedom or condemn them indefinitely to occupation and blockade.” In a similar vein, on the 28th of February, Buhari expressed the same interest during one of his visits to Qatar by making it clear, his willingness to support the Palestinians, by calling for a 2-state solution for the problem in Palestine. Recently, he has equally expressed support for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, SADR, by assuring them that Nigeria will stand by them in line with the AU’s resolution on their right to self-determination. He stated this on the 11th of March, as he received SADR’s Minister of foreign affairs – Mohammed Salem Salek, at the presidential villa in Abuja.

Related article: Buhari Back Western Sahara On Self Determination From Morroco
There is no doubt that everyone deserves the right to self-determination, we all acknowledge this fundamental fact of life and right as it concerns every people of the world. However, the problem is the hypocrisy that Buhari frequently displays, when he moves between countries and hangouts, preaching self-determination for other people but orders soldiers to eliminate Biafrans in Nigeria who are seeking for the exact same right. This is utterly nefarious and hypocritical. Buhari has again and again shown the world the height of his Islamic extremism and therefore should not be condoned.

 The world should not expect any meaningful achievement to come from Buhari as he is morally and mentally incapacitated. Apparently he still thinks he is a military junta and so he goes around the world without purpose, making careless comments without regard of its implications. Very recently, while in an interview on Aljazeera TV, he mentioned that he would not tolerate Biafra; this is completely malicious and obviously the height of his stupidity.

If Buhari supports self-determination for the Palestinian people because they are fellow Muslims, then orders his Islamic soldiers to exterminate Biafrans because they are Christians, does that not amount to animosity? If Buhari goes to the UN assembly to express support for the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and the people of SADR who are fellow Arabs, then returns to Nigeria to kill Biafrans who are Christians and who are peacefully protesting for the same reason, wouldn’t that be cruelty in its heinous form?

If Buhari welcomes the people of SADR in the presidential villa and assures them of his total support towards their right to self-determination, then orders soldiers in Aba to kill peaceful Biafran-Christians having prayer sessions and who happen to be in the same plight as the people of SADR, does it not show that he is monstrous in nature? Why then should the world continue to listen to Buhari’s lies and pretentious plots while he continually eliminates innocent Biafrans who are peacefully protesting and simply seeking for their right to self-determination?

How long shall we continue to wait for the UN to speak to the conscience of the Nigerian dictator cum president, letting him understand that he is actually demonizing what he is advocating for others? Is it not logical for UN and the world as a whole to tell Muhammadu Buhari to practice what he preaches, with respect to his hypocritical stance on self determination for other countries?  How long would the world pretend that Buhari is the man he claims to be even with all the evidences that abound? How long should the world listen to his lies before they prevail over him to end his atrocities and do the needful in order to alleviate the plight of Biafrans in the unfavourable union – Nigeria.

We are therefore calling on all people of goodwill around the world to intervene in this critical matter for an amicable resolution. Biafrans have respected and would continue to respect the principles upon which the United Nations was founded and therefore are calling on the United Nations to, as a matter of urgency, expedite action on the Biafran question. The Biafran question is peculiar and an age-long one at that, therefore we plead with the United Nations to live up to its creed and to prevent another possible catastrophe. We expect the United Nations to prove to Biafrans and indeed all the people around the world that its principles and policies as it affects religion and the people of the world, is not lopsided by giving the Biafran quest an urgent and scrupulous attention. There is no better time to do the right thing than now.

Written By: Kenechukwu .H. Okekenta
Edited And Published By: Nwosu C.S
By: Biafra Writers

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