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Thursday 3 March 2016



Oha and Eze are two Igbo words co-joined to mean what can simply be explained as democracy. In other words, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people", without the "Oha" (people), there will be no "EZE" (ruler). While Biafra, as we know, comprises of various states and ethnic groups order than the Igbo, Ohaneze is purely an Igbo group, therefore, cannot be the mouthpiece of Biafra and hence do not have the authorization to represent Biafra in any form. The Igbo tribe as part of Biafra isn’t more Biafran than other tribes, hence it would be wrong to view Biafra as an Igbo agitation. Ohaneze is supposed to be the mouthpiece of the Igbo, fighting for the rights and interests of Ndigbo, but they have never made any impact nor a single achievement, past nor present. Many atrocities have been committed against the Igbo tribe consistently and not once have they spoken out against any of it, let alone act in defense of their people. Igbos are being constantly harassed and killed in Northern Nigeria but the so-called Ohaneze Ndigbo would never make even a comment to condemn these misdeeds.
The Igbo land remains under developed and neglected, Infrastructures are nonexistent, no functional federal government structures in place and yet Ohaneze claims to be representing the interest of Ndigbo. Igbo youths struggle too hard to make ends meet, they’re scattered all over other lands, they hawk around and sweat it out in order to survive, they’re made to face deportation as destitute even within the same country that is claimed to be one-Nigeria, yet Ohaneze concerns themselves only with sharing state allocations and stuffing their pockets, while selling out their kinsmen rather than ensuring they have essential needs.

Since October 2015, the Buhari led administration has continued a consistent onslaught on unarmed Biafrans - children, youngsters, men and women for seeking their rights, for peacefully protesting for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and for the restoration of Biafra among who are also Igbos, yet the Ohaneze has remained mute. Instead they seek to take the glory for the relentless hard work and achievements of the Indigenous people of Biafra. Their sole concern as usual is their pockets, they seem to forget that Biafra is neither their jurisdiction nor a pet project.
Ohaneze Ndigbo have never stood up for Ndigbo nor done any positive thing in the interest of the generality of the Igbo people. They have never added value to the creativity that is vastly inherent in Igbo land. They only scout for already made platforms to take undue advantage of, exposing their feebleness in the process. Out of greediness and selfish gains, they would prefer to fight against their own people, rather than remaining courageous with integrity to better their lots. Biafrans, among who are Igbos, have enough reasons to want a separate identity different from that of Nigeria. How then can a handful of men who lack honour and dignity, think they can overshadow the numerous people and tribes of Biafra clamouring for freedom and self-determination? It is practically impossible and should never be allowed.

Talking about hate speeches, do they refer to the exposure of the atrocities in Nigeria and the pitiable state of Biafrans in Nigeria as hate speeches? Radio Biafra is simply exposing the iniquitous nature of Nigeria, should that be regarded as hatred? It is reviving faith and hope in a people long oppressed, should that be called hate speeches? What is the essence in the freedom of speech if one cannot even express displeasure when he is being oppressed? Why should the Ohaneze continually play hanky-panky to the detriment of their own people? It should be noted by all and sundry that the quest for Biafra is not an Igbo-only project, hence Ohaneze has no right to and should never be allowed to speak on behalf of Biafrans in any capacity whatsoever. Any discussions or negotiations about Biafra involving Ohaneze should be regarded as a plot that is dead on arrival, as it is completely futile and deceptive. Nnamdi Kanu remains the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra and the director of Radio Biafra and Biafra Television, while there are designated spokespersons in the persons of Engr. Dr Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya and Barrister Emma Nmezu, therefore any discussions or talks that does not go through this channel is not for Biafrans. And anyone doing so is on his own. IPOB has stated explicitly that Ohaneze Ndigbo does not speak for them and should not be regarded as part of the quest for Biafra restoration as they are out as traitors to destabilize the hard work done by the IPOB.

Written By Victoria. O. C. Agangan
Edited  By  Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

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