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Monday 7 March 2016


This pregnancy is a lost case. It's miscarriage is imminent. President Buhari can not sustain the pregnancy he conceived.
The doctor(prosecutor) is sweating out at the clinic(court) as they lack equipment (evidences) to prevent this miscarriage of a bastardized pregnancy.
At exactly 9:56AM, director Nnamdi Kanu walked into the courtroom alongside two other accused Biafran Freedom fighters.
They were all dressed in white depicting IPOB as whiter than white and as white as snow. Director's pocket was laced with the Biafran flag and these message affirms his stand in the struggle. The prosecutor shamefully presented a piece of paper for lack of evidence but the judge furiously refused the trash.
The comedy continued as the prosecutor fumbled woefully as always. Bar. Ifeanyi Ejiofor's case of threat to his life by the DSS was presented in court with evidence and this put another stumbling block on the already upset prosecutor's path. 
After a recess of thirty minutes, the court resumed with the Biafra's counsel stating that the defendant is illegally held against court orders for over four months without conviction or trial.
He confirms that the so called prosecution witness(s) lack addresses and noted that " there is no place in law for sentiment or emotions.
The elements were clearly against this ill fated pregnancy as the prosecutor had no single witness to present. Our able Director laughed continuously at their futile efforts. It was fun galore as the audience caught fun. The prosecuting comedian has even admitted that " anytime my fellow colleague is talking I listen to learn from his wealth of experience "
The catastrophic pregnancy is ready to be aborted as the prosecuting lawyer struggles feebly without evidences or firm back ups to buttress case and failure to obey previous court orders.
The court has even turned into a music class as the audience chorus: " hmmmmmmmmm!" " Na waoh!"
The day was fun filled. The accused family members, along with Director Nnamdi Kanu are amused and smiling at the shame staring Nigeria in the face.
Judge Johnny seems confused and indecisive as he silently keeps writing, delaying the inevitable. Angry San Chuks Muoma tells them, he can afford to wait until Friday for the drama to finally unfold.
The die is cast and we await the verdict.
Tension rises when prosecutor made one frantic effort to request for telecast of witnesses but Biafran counsel disputed with the fact that Nigeria practices common law as Britain, and not Civil law as practiced in Francophone countries.
The otherwise mute judge jumped at a seeming life line that will save him from the devil and sited Ivory coast as an example.
While our counsel, Chuks Ejiofor argued that it was against Nigerian practice. 
Alas: Compromised Judge Johnny Tosho, went ahead to approve behind the screen witnesses and adjourned the case to 9th March, 2016 with only the legal counsel allowed into the court.
Alas, Compromised Johnny defecating on the law, he vowed to protect and execute.
Nigeria is a goner!

Written By Victoria Agangan
Edited  By  Ikechukwu nwaorisa

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