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Friday 29 January 2016

Nnamdi Kanu is dynamite!

After months of intimidation, psychological warfare and torture, Nigerians and their compromised media were expecting to see a man completely cowed in Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and director of Radio Biafra.
But when he appeared in court last Monday, January 25, 2015, they saw a man in high spirits and unbowed, who was radiating life, confidence and determination. It was apparent that all the work the Nigerian unit of terror, Department of State Security (DSS) had done on him in their gulag to break his spirit, amounted to nothing. He was smiling from ear to ear, and waving to his people and well-wishers.
It was easy to remember some of his declaration on Radio Biafra which must have kept him going: “It is Biafra or death; Without Biafra, what life is worth nothing; This life is nothing without Biafra; It is because of Biafra that my father married my mother and gave birth to me; we must win, in the end we win, we always win; They will torture us, they will oppress us, they will kill us, but in the end we win; I am fearless before my enemies because God told me to be fearless before my enemies, and I am fearless before my enemies; I will never betray Biafra, instead of that death is better; I have told God that any day I contemplate betraying Biafra, He should strike me dead immediately, I cannot live with the shame; and several others.”
With such declarations registered above, and several others not registered here, his body language and overall appearance in court that morning did not surprise many of his followers. Perhaps the people it surprised were Nigerians, especially the prison wardens by his sides who became mischievous.
Surreptitiously, they were pinching him and hitting him by the sides out of the view of the camera, perhaps to make him lose his composure. Indeed, they did everything to provoke him. The guiltiest amongst them was Opadotun Ki, whose jealousy and envy was so visible to all present. This continued until Kanu had to stop and tongue-lash him, warning him to stop the nonsense.

There was belief among Biafrans that Opadotun Ki was actually planted by Nigerian government to provoke him; to make him act in violent way, so that they would tell the world what a violent man he was. But if that was the case, they did not succeed.
Notwithstanding, this writer knows the type of Opadotun Ki well. They are wicked souls that do not find joy in seeing other people happy and joyful. Joy to other people is bitterness to their hearts. Seeing the Biafran leader in high spirit, smiling and waving to excited supporters must have been breaking his evil heart from within that he could not keep his evil hands down without hitting the man.
What the likes of Opadotun Ki, who are usually one-Nigerianists, do not know is that Nnamdi Kanu will continue to be bad news for them. Kanu is the dynamite presented by God to destroy Nigeria and one-Nigerianists. Once a one-Nigerianist sees him, his heart will continue to be bitter and expand from within him with hatred until it explodes and gives them heart attack.
For Nigeria, as long as Nnamdi Kanu is anywhere in that contraption called Nigeria, it will continue to go down until it is completely destroyed. There is nothing anybody can do about it.
By Tim Tochukwu

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