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Sunday 3 January 2016



As the intensified course and struggle for the restoration and execution of the Biafran project deepens, the enemies of this noble cum legitimate course are day-by-day been exposed. Some of which made callous and despicable statements and moves against the struggle because of one unmerited favour or monetary inducements for personal aggrandizement.
But the one uncannily disturbing is the fact that some of these "enemies" are of the Eastern extraction who are fully aware of the deliberate alienation and asphyxiating travails and/or sufferings of their people but are compromised or rather insensitive to their plight because they felt the odds favour them, and so their conscience doesn't prick when they sell out their people for 30 pieces of silver coins just like the biblical Judas Iscariot did to our Lord Yehshua, all which only gives momentarily satisfaction at the detriment of the future of their people.
This "Eastern enemies of Biafra" portrayed in this piece are the so-called leaders of the South-East and South-South whom have relegated and outlived their primary purpose and are seen scavenging from pillar to post in their pursuit for mundane wealth.

These crop of leaders so to speak, ranges from leaders of ethnic sociocultural groups from the Eastern region, example Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Indigenous members of the Eastern Political class talking of the Governors, members of the National and State Houses of Assembly, etc, even some of our clergymen are not left out as some of them have failed in their religious obligations.
They are all aware of the true yearnings of their people but feigns ignorance of their plight.
The ethnic sociocultural groups like Ohanaeze has outlived their importance and functions over the years in driving home the general interests and needs of the people they pretend to be leading. This has made them lose the trust and respect posed on them by the people who now sees them as political jobbers out there for their own selfish interests and lying in-wait to use any government that comes to power to further enrich themselves without setting out or presenting a redefined and sound objective aimed for the betterment of their people. It is pertinent here to set the records straight that at no point in the history of the Igbo speaking people of Biafra was there a consensus election of a socio-cultural representatives of the Igbos in the name of Ohaneze Ndi Igbo, to represent or champion the political, social or cultural interests of the Igbos with a set goals. The people parading themselves now as "Ohaneze Ndi Igbo" are just a group of people who came together to form a social club with personal and individual interests at heart and not that of the generality of the Igbos. Yes! Can anyone point at any project, whether developmental or institutional that has the Ohaneze Ndi Igbo tag on it since its inception. These people, (unlike the Arewa Consultative Forum or Northern Elders Forum, which has the interest of the North at heart) has no interest in anything that has to do with betterment or development of the Igbo people. They are only using the name of Igbo people to enrich themselves. They are irrelevant to the Igbo people and a clog on the wheel of Biafra Restoration.
And for the political leaders, their case is nothing to write home about as each time the trumpet heralding the political rate race is blown, the "messiahs" fills the air with dozens and loads of stale promises to redeem the world: "We shall offer free education for all, minimum wage shall be observed and paid on time, free medical services for all, all roads shall be tarred, pipe-borne water will be provided for all and sundry and all what not?. That is the only period they remember their people distributing handouts, petty food items and other kinds of illicit gifts. And then vanishes into thin air immediately their ambitions are been realized.
The governors embezzles and siphons the larger chunk of the public funds that accrue to their states from the Federal government and also illegally divert monies meant for development from the state generated revenue to their personal bank accounts. They fail to develop Biafra land, fulfilling its legal obligations as a government and selfishly depriving the poor masses what is due to them.
Members of the national and state houses of Assembly from the eastern region has also failed woefully in their primary function of quality and virile representation. One may be forced to ask them; how many bills they have sponsored for the development of their constituencies or how many programs have they initiated for empowering the teeming youths and unemployed graduates in their constituencies or even for the marginalized in their region?. The truth is that they have not represented us at all. Most of them only show their faces whenever there is a political gathering in their constituencies and during the elections. Some doesn't attend plenaries and will be busy making merry and traveling abroad for vacation. They fail to bring to the table issues bothering their constituents. Some siphon funds meant for their constituency projects.
Some clergymen who knows all these evil and injustices perpetrated by these unscrupulous leaders but having compromised their faith finds it difficult to speak out against them, they rather shower encomiums to those evil enemies of Biafra to gain their support and eventually curry favour from them.
Do not get me wrong, they also have the inalienable right to demur or refuse to identify with the Biafran project for reasons best known to them but the mindless strategy of using the blood, tears, sufferings and sorrows of frustrated people (who have lost faith in Nigeria), to seek for political favour or appointments from Buhari and other Nigerian politicians is unacceptable and tantamount to shooting oneself on the leg. This has created a huge and a wide chasm or gap between the leaders and the led.
We are aware that some unscrupulous Igbo leaders promised to crush the current agitation for Biafra at a recent meeting with President Buhari. And it was against this backdrop that Igbo youths and Pro-Biafra groups sternly warned some leaders of the South-east to desist from negotiating with the Nigerian government on their behalf over the wave of protests that has overwhelmed many states in the defunct Eastern region. This so-called leaders whose penchant and greed for money have beclouded their sense of reasoning that they are now insensitive to the plight and yearnings of the masses and are bribed into halting, jeopardizing and sabotaging the struggle for their freedom and emancipation from the oppressive Nigerian State. They fail to realize that Biafra is a long-cut ideology which cannot be defeated, stopped or halted since its time has reached even more now that the youths have determined to have their destinies on their hands. They have also failed to see and identify the root causes for the agitation of a separate nation but are more after the crumbs of bread that will fall off from the table of the Federal government.

Written  By   Ucheagu Chukwuemeka Chimerue

Edited By   Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa


  1. All Ohaneze executives and some of our Governors should be watched. Once we achieved the Biafra, they all should be banned from politics.

    1. That's the true. Ohaneze and the governor of imo state.


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