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Monday 4 January 2016


Going by the word of The leadership of International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law that it is deeply dismayed concerning brazen falsehood being spread by the Presidency of Muhammadu Buhari and its procured agents, saying that Citizen Nnamdi Kanu was recently released and rearrested for charges of treasonable felony and four other lesser charges. We are not surprised at such falsehood and its originators; the Buhari’s administration, particularly owing to the fact that the foundation of the administration is laid on incurable falsehood and propaganda.
And that the truth is that Citizen Nnamdi Kanu had never been released on bail or unconditionally from the DSS custody since his arrest on 14th October 2015 till date. He had also never been rearrested since then. While Citizen Sambo Dasuki; recklessly accused of committing multiple offenses, was released on bail twice and rearrested twice including being placed under house arrest; Citizen Nnamdi Kanu was treated in harsher manner, by being detained for eighty (80) days without a single day of breath of freedom till date. This clarification is extremely important so as to disabuse the minds of all Nigerians and members of the international community targeted for contamination by the Presidency of Muhammadu Buhari and its hired agents who are desperately looking for escape routes, excuses or justifications over their abominable policy of judicial mockery, subjugation and suppression; which President Buhari recently and openly lent credence to.
NBA, SANs and INTERSOCIETY should do more. Blasting president Muhammdu Buhari on the news paper is not enough, you should understand that he is a daft, and can’t be moved by your blast on paper, notwithstanding that the fact has been said. My point here is; Nigerian Bar Association, SANs, INTERSOCIETY and other human right activists should take to the street and protest, you can go on strike, citizens of Nigeria, lovers of freedom, equity and justice should wake up and practically protest the dictatorship of Muhammadu Buhari which is leading Nigeria to anarchy. The song Nigerians should be singing now is “THE RULE OF LAW MUST BE RESPECTED/OBEYED".
Is it not obvious that the judiciary has been murdered, human right now under the feet of General muhammadu Buhari, and the rule of law massacred? This implies that soonest, it will be needless to go to court, because the rule of law will not be respected anymore. I hope you don’t expect the citizen to obey the law when the so called president is not respecting the rule of law. If NBA, SANs and INTERSOCIETY fails to do the needful, I bet you, your honorable profession will soon be gone.
Today, it is Nnamdi Kanu and Sambo Dasuki, who knows who is next?
Free Nnamdi Kanu Now.

Written  By   Chijindu Benjamin Ukah‎
Edited  By   Ikechukwu  Nwaorisa

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