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Thursday 31 December 2015

The leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu 2015 Person of The Year

2015 has been a remarkable year and in 3 days’ time, we’ll say goodbye to it. A review of the year shows lots of people around the world that dramatically changed the cause of events. Amongst these people, Prince Nnamdi Kanu stands out.

 No Nigerian in 2015 has dominated discourse more than Mazi Kanu. Before October,Mazi Kanu was simply referred to as that fellow on a Radio Station fighting Nigeria with his mouth and Biafra in the other hand, was seen as something only restricted to a Radio Station and Internet. That changed after he was arrested in October 14 and illegally incarcerated by President Muhammadu Buhari. He’s now fighting Nigeria with his life and Biafra has not only left the Internet to the streets, her independence is also being debated at the British Parliament – a motion initiated by MP Danny Kinahan and MP Tom Elliott. This was after another Member of the Parliament; Harriet Harman forwarded a letter to the British Secretary of Foreign Affairs asking for the Foreign Affairs’ intervention in the release of Mazi Kanu. There were also reported calls from the Kremlin and Jerusalem demanding for his release.

 However, major world media outlets like CNN, FOX, BBC, IBTimes, AFP, Reuters, AP, New York Times, Washington Post, France24, Yahoo News and Bloomberg etc., all have written headlines about Mazi Kanu and millions of people around the globe that never heard of Biafra before are now very much aware of it. No wonder he was one of the most Googled persons in 2015.

 Hate or love him, the fact remains that no Nigerian alive can make the youths in their thousands to willingly be on the streets protesting and risking their lives for months. That is how powerful Azi Kanu has become.

 Those that oppose Azi Kanu’s style of self-determination are of the opinion that he’s inciting hate and calling Nigeria a zoo. But, no Nigerian has threatened Nigeria more than Mr. Buhari and his northern people e.g. Junaid Mohammed, Lawal Kaita, Ango Abdullahi etc. Mr. Buhari threatened to slaughter Nigerians who he termed “dogs and baboons” if he lost the 2015 election and he was rewarded with the presidency for that threat not to become a reality. This was after he incited his slaves that massacred over 800 Nigerians including 10 Youth Corpers and displaced over 65, 000 because he lost the 2011 election. So, those that say Mazi Kanu is inciting hate are making noise otherwise someone like Mr. Buhari would have been in jail by now instead of Aso Rock.

 Mazi Kanu was also able to prove that Nigeria is indeed a zoo, or how would one explain a country where the security forces kill unarmed peaceful protesters and her president disregards the constitution (he sworn to protect) and disobey court orders with reckless abandon.

 On December 2, 2015 the Joint Task Force (JTF) comprised of the Army, Police and Civil Defence opened fire and killed 9 unarmed peaceful protesters (Anthonia Nkiruka Ikeanyionwu, Angus Chikwado, Felicia Egwuatu, Kenneth Ogadinma and Chima Onoh etc.) at the Niger Bridge head Onitsha and injured dozens. This ugly incident was repeated on December 18, when the same JTF opened fired on IPOB members that were celebrating the Federal High Court, Abuja judgment which discharged and acquitted Mazi Kanu. About 5 persons were shot dead. The JTF also went to Multi-care Hospital and abducted their corpses and arrested those receiving treatment. Which country can this happen if not the zoo country?

 Mr. Buhari in the other-hand has shown he is nothing but a dictator. Three judgments have been delivered against the federal govt which he has disregarded. The Magistrate Court which he secretly arraigned Mazi Kanu granted him bail, he met the bail conditions on the 21 October, 2015 but Buhari’s DSS refused to release him. The same Magistrate Court discharged and acquitted him on 17 December, 2015, Buhari disregarded the court order but took the case to the Federal High Court which acquitted and discharged Mr. Kanu unconditionally. He still refused to release him but instead tried to force the case until the presiding Judge, Justice Ahmed Mohammed exempted himself from the case to show he doesn't want to be part of Buhari's executive lawlessness, impunity and recklessness!

 Is it still up for a debate that Nigeria is indeed a zoo or we should just simply agree with Mazi Kanu? Anyway, Mazi
 Kanu had an amazing year by exceeding expectations (which his enemies can't even achieve in their dreams) and indeed, unarguably, indisputably, undoubtedly and firmly, the 2015 Person of The Year. #‎FreeNnamdiKanuNOW

Slik O. Austin

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