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Monday 21 December 2015

Thank you Femi Fani Kayode for all your efforts to make Nigerians and the world to realize that Nigeria is a failed nation

We thank you Femi Fani Kayode for all your efforts to make Nigerians and the world to realize that Nigeria is a failed nation. Thank you for your recent message to Nigerians and the world on Vanguard Newspaper. Thank you for using the Biblical story of Cain and Abel to illustrate the current state of Nigeria. We want to let you know that we have got the information and full details of why you sent out your message. We know it will be difficult for you to break-down the entire message due to your political status. Don't worry! We will help you to expose the whole truth.

Dear Biafrans, other well meaning Nigerians and the entire world, the whole truth has exploded, about the Cain and Abel story compared to the present day Nigeria by Femi Fani Kayode.

Gideon Akaluka, a young Igbo trader who was said desecrated the Koran was beheaded in the year 1995 in Kano State, Nigeria. Gideon was murdered after his wife allegedly used some pages of the Koran as toilet paper for her baby. Gideon Akaluka was totally innocent of the charges and allegations against him by the Islamic mob in the ancient city of Kano.

As at that time, investigation revealed that Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and currently the Emir of Kano, played the key role in the death of Gideon Akaluka. Then, Sanusi was just a member of the royal family circle.

In the royal family circle, Sanusi was treated as an outcast because he has long time ago eyed the throne to become the Emir of Kano. It can be recalled that Sanusi posed as a threat to Emir Ado Bayero during the late Emir's lifetime.

Sanusi was not a happy man because his grandfather, was deposed as Emir of Kano, and his own father was also denied the throne. So, his anger grew uncontrolably. He wished to do everything to get back the throne. He wanted popularity, the support and solidarity of Kano people and the northerners. He used Gideon Akaluka's case to achieve his success.

While Sanusi was treated as an outcast in the royal family circle, Sanusi who had a degree in Economics from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (ABU), ran to Khartoum, Sudan where he earned another degree in Sharia and Islamic studies, at the International University of Africa, Khartoum, Sudan.

In Sudan, Sanusi became a Wahabist. Wahabism is a conservative branch of Sunni Islam. It is a religious movement among fundamentalist; and they are alleged as Extremists. Sanusi became a recluse and immersed himself in the Koran and became a teacher of the Hadith as espoused by the Wahabists. He came back to Kano and fully joined the Wahabist Islamic Group in Kano.

During that period, the incident of desecration of the Koran by the Akalukas surfaced. Sanusi along with 9 other members from the Wahabist Islamic Group led the angry mob to the Bompai Police station in Kano, where Gideon was taking refuge.

After a few hours the mob grew in their numbers and surrounded the police station. Sanusi and the 9 other Wahabists told the police officers on duty they will be killed if they don't release Gideon to them. The police officers released Gideon to the Islamic mob. Immediately, the mob lynched and beheaded Gideon in the police premises.

They severed Gideon’s head and hoisted it on a spike. The killers sang, danced and rampaged triumphantly around the city for hours with the head aloft. The mob jubilated and they were proud of their accomplishment. They also took photographs with the detached head. They chanted victory songs and danced because of killing of the  non-believer of their religion.

As at then, the Abacha Government was not comfortable with the growing numbers of extremists and their activities in Kano and other parts of the north.

Late Gen. Sanni Abacha silently arrested the extremists who led the mob to the killing of Gideon Akaluka. Sanusi was arrested and jailed along with 9 other members of the Wahab Islamic Group. Within a year, the 9 other members of the Wahab Islamic Group died in detention, while Sanusi remained alive but in a bad state of health.

The former Chairman of First Bank Plc, and father of Christmas Day bomber, Alhaji Umar Mutallab intervened on Sanusi's behalf. As a personality, he pleaded the authorities to spare Sanusi.

After much plea, Sanusi was released and handed over to Mutallab who pushed him into the banking sector. From there he moved to the United Bank for Africa, and later joined First Bank Plc, from there he rose quietly until the late President Umar Yar’Adua appointed him to head the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

This year makes it 20 years after the death of Gideon Akaluka, but the blood is still speaking. 'Blood is thicker than water' they said. Within the past weeks, the truth has surfaced in connection to the killing of Gideon Akaluka.

Gideon Akaluka was a father of 3 kids before his death. Today, the kids are all grown ups. A family member of the Akaluka's who identified himself as Maduabuchi, who is based in Germany narrated the death of Gideon Akaluka in an exclusive interview. The family member said:

''Gideon Akaluka a young Igbo trader in the ancient city of Kano, had a customer simply identified as Idris, who is an Hausa from Kano.

Due to the business relationship between the late Gideon and Idris, Gideon gave Idris goods worth over hundreds of thousand Naira; so that Idris should sell the goods and return his money. Idris sold the goods, but didn't return the money as they agreed.

Gideon kept asking after his money but Idris couldn't pay any broken Kobo. Idris later got an evil plan. Idris went and planted the pages of the Koran in the compound where Gideon was residing. Idris left the compound not knowing that a woman in the compound noticed him. The neighbor who saw Idris didn't suspect him because, Idris visits Gideon in the compound always.

After 2 hours, the Akalukas returned from the market. Immediately, a group of people came into the compound. The woman-neighbor started hearing the voices of people with the Akalukas in their compound. The Akalukas where replying in defense to the crowd, saying that they are innocent of the allegation upon them.

The neighbor came out and asked what was happening, and what was the crowd doing in the premises. The woman was also a Muslim from Kwara State. The Islamic crowd told her that the Akalukas used some pages of the Koran as toilet papers for their baby.

The woman told them that the Akalukas went to market and were just returning now. The woman further told them that a man walked into the compound, she saw the man coming out from the toilet direction. The woman described the man, the Akalukas quickly noted that it was Idris.

Gideon was trying to explain how Idris was owing him but the group of people never listened to him. Gideon told them that he want to report the matter to the police. A crowd of people followed Gideon to the Bompei police station where he made his report.

While Gideon was at the police station, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and also the current Emir of Kano, led another Islamic crowd into the police station.

The Islamic mob recognized Lamido Sanusi as a member of the royal family and also an Islamic teacher. As the mob hailed and cheered Sanusi, he(Sanusi) ordered the mob to surround the police station. Sanusi and other 9 Wahab Islamic Group members went into the police station and told the police officers to release Gideon to them or they will loose their lives along with Gideon. The police officers had no option than to release Gideon to the mob. The mob beheaded Gideon immediately while the police officers watched.

Gideon Akaluka had a lawyer then. Gideon's lawyer said his client Gideon and the wife were innocent of the allegations. The lawyer further added that he had evidences and witnesses which proved that his client and the wife was not at the compound, and are not responsible for the attrocity. Stating that it was a set-up which was planted in their compound by unknown person(s).

The lawyer who was also a Muslim still ponder why will they kill Gideon Akaluka, if it was the wife that used the pages of the Koran on her baby?

About a week later, the woman who testified that she saw Idris was murdered by unknown person(s). The woman was killed one early morning in front of their compound while she was going to the Mosque.

The lawyer later kept silent, as some mightier forces warned him to stay clear. After some years, the lawyer also died.

Before the death of Gideon's lawyer, Maduabuchi the family member went with the lawyer; and met the authorities that matters in the city of Kano. He got a lot of evidence and fact about Gideon's death. He also got vital information and a copy of the case file from Gideon's lawyer.

From the photo here, you can see Sanusi Lamido Sanusi (No.1), the current Emir of Kano, as he led the protest along with other Wahabist members.

Although the Akalukas kept quite all these years doesn't mean they can't pursue the case; but rather, they are waiting for the Government and supreme authorities to decide their fate. Till date, the Government and the law has been silent over Gideon Akaluka's murder.

By Maduabuchi Akaluka


  1. Please where are the protest pictures, kindly upload them. I want to see for myself because I was in Kano when that sad event happened under Military Governor Idris Wada, who denied us justice then but died in a plane crash months later.

    1. if you see it what will you do about it?

  2. Modern day zoos are better than northern nigerians bc at least in game reserves these days, u see some orderliness.
    Tell me how on earth will Gideon's children see those hausa/foolanis as human beings and not animals?

  3. please someone tell me this story is not true. I listened to this man(Sanusi) deliver a lecture on TEDX about way forward for Nigeria, and I said to myself, this is one true Nigerian with a vision.
    My feeling is so hurt right now. I am not sure who can be trusted anymore and anywhere for that matter.So pathetic.

  4. God is watching. There is nothing to be doubted about here.This kind of killing happens to igbos who reside in the north often.At every onset of religious crises,an hausa gate man will bring in his brothers to kill his ibo oga first.It is a fact.They killed the innocent man because of his money.His blood will hunt them throughout their miserable lives. Devils!


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