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Sunday 27 December 2015


Mohammadu Buhari

Nigeria is one of the most corrupt country in the world (144 over 177 for "Transparency International"), where nearly 70% of the population lives below the poverty level '. A corruption so 'voraciousthat it is estimated that, since independence to date, nearly 400 billion dollars have disappeared into the pockets of Presidents and Governors. Among the structures of the state, the most 'corrupt are the Executive and the Police, followed by the political class and the judiciary. The undisputed primacy inthis race of who steals better goes to the current President Muhammadu Buhari. But in this competion.a bit of all Nigeria's Presidents participated, especially the Hausa and the Yoruba origin, violating the very human rights of the people, as could be seen in the case of the Leader of IPOB and Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, who was abducted last October 14th 2015, by Nigerian DSS. We wish to remind the world that Nnamdi Kanu is still in incarceration despite three court orders to release him and two court judgments discharging and acquitting him of the various charges by the DSS. Kanu is still being  subjected to mental and physical torture, malnutrition, and forced to eat and drink what he do not want to eat or drink, leaving him to sleep on the bare floor. In Nigeria , in theory , there is 'freedom' of the press and of speech , but the arrests of citizens of the state of Biafra, the disappearances of journalists are recurring events everyday, especially if you write articles against the government officials and their corrupt practices, including the president. Even the Nigerian judicial system are 'theoretically independent, but corruption is what determines judgments. And the police turn   investigations upside down and decides if you be released or not depending on your readiness to pay the outrageous bribes they charge.
Boko Haram has been rightfully accused of crimes against humanity and therefore included in the listof terrorist organizations (from the United Kingdom in September 2013 and November 2013 by the US),  Since President Buhari was elected, human right abuses have become characteristic of Nigeria polity on the one hand  and the atrocities of Boko Haram against the population, on the other. Indiscriminate arrests, torture, extrajudicial detention and killings, extortion and violence committed by military and police have become an everyday phenomenon. Finally the massacres of innocent  non armed Biafrans protesting peacefully, around Biafra land in solidarity with their leader Nnamdi Kanu by the police, army and navy has gone down in the history of Nigeria as the only country where the government violet the rights of the citizen with impunity.
Muhammadu Buhari, has made himself abundantly known as the most terrible dictator ever to rule
Nigeria.Since Buhari came to power, the situation looks much worse. The spread of corruption in public administration has also infected the courtroom that, from places dedicated to the search for truth and justice, the fight against crime have also become the occasion for illegal business. The crime of the judiciary is a particular segment of the whitecollar crime. In Nigeria, judges, clerks, officials and agents of the judiciary, police commercialized
the power that the law gives to them to carry out all forms of extortion of various degrees.

CRIMINAL COURTS: In Nigeria who wants to get rich illegally lard the judiciary has a thousand
ways to do it. The classic method is to adjust judgments, but sifting through the papers of the latest investigations is the fantasy to become the main protagonist.
In recent events on the case of Nnamdi Kanu, we saw how a federal judge withdrew (excuses self)
from the case because the charges against Mr. Kanu, by the DSS, were unfounded and meaningless,
also because the DSS had not obeyed and respected previous orders, by the former judges of the
Magistrate Court and the High Court in Abuja, to release him immediately and unconditionally. With this move of the federal judge, will it be a new twist on the Nigerian judicial system? Is this a new way to bring about justice to free once and for all Nnamdi Kanu immediately and unconditionally? Will there ever be a true judge who will enforce the law on Nigerian DSS? All Biafrans eagerly awaitthe next developments on the case of Nnamdi Kanu.

Written   By Anderline Nkiruka Amamgbo.
Edited  By   Ikechukwu Nwaorisa


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