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Thursday 31 December 2015

Biafra: ABA, "ENYIMBA CITY Mega Peaceful Protest 2016"

Leader of IPOB - Nnamdi Kanu
Following the judgement and sentencing to death of the leader of Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) Mazi Nnamdi Kanu by Muhammadu Buhari on a media chat last night that was broadcasted on national television on the 30/12/15, The Office of Directorate Of State (DOS) of Indigenous People of Biafra has mandated that all road should lead to ABA, Enyimba City for the mega peaceful protest tagged "ENYIMBA CITY 2016".

This is in continuation of the demand of Biafrans worldwide for the immediate release of the leader of IPOB and Director of Radio Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu from the gulag of Buhari's men, DSS. 

Any announcement/statement contrary to this "Official Announcement" is null and void. 

We call on everyone to join this peaceful protest tomorrow 1st January 2016 by 9:00am and 2nd January 2016 in keeping with our creed EITHER BIAFRA OR NOTHING" because our protest has torn apart the foundation of the ZOO called Nigeria and we will never give up till our Leader and all those in the ZOO detention are freed. 

For further information on the starting point and change of time (if any) please contact your local, zonal Coordinators or contact ABA Coordinator, Mazi Ikechukwu Ugwuoha, National Coordinator, Mazi Chidiebere Onwudiwe for guidance. Please Spread this information widely. 

DOS, HOD, COC and IPOB Principal Officers.

President Buhari Disregards 4 Court Rulings and Refuses to let the Leader of IPOB go

The Plot to Kill Nnamdi Kanu (Update)              By Ndubuisi Anukwuem
Twelve days later, Buhari’s alter ego, Department of State Security (DSS) agents continues to detain and torture the leader and director of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu in flagrant contempt of the High Court.
President Buhari falsely charged Mr. Kanu with “terrorism”; but when the Court found otherwise and acquitted him, Buhari not only disregarded the court’s ruling, and refused to release Mr. Kanu; but he quickly brought a new set of backup charges; only this time suddenly remembering that Kanu is guilty until proven guilty of “treasonable felony” and charging him as such to the bewilderment of the High Court Judge, Ahmed Mohamed – who was embarrassed to the extent that once the defendant objected, he quickly seized the opportunity and recused himself until a reprobate judge is found who must convict the innocent and unleash the guilty.
Woe betide the Judge that would trade their soul for money and pervert justice.
Meanwhile, more than a dozen Biafrans were murdered at Onitsha for jubilating immediately after the breaking-news circulated that Kanu was “supposedly” set free by Abuja High Court. 
Read story here:

Buhari adamantly labels Biafrans lawfully demonstrating for independence, “insurgents” and “terrorists” to justify his brutality and rampantly “enforced disappearance[s]” against Biafrans in full view of the world; especially Britain, the arch benefactor of Nigeria, whose policy, in the face of existential threats posed by militant Islam, still, is to keep 99% Christian Biafrans from South East at the disposal of 99% murderous Muslims from the north, under one sadistic contraption called British-Nigeria. 
Buhari’s Boko Haram security forces has been abducting thousands of both wounded and peaceable Biafrans from hospitals, prison cells, their homes, and roads, incarcerating them arbitrarily, torturing, executing, and drowning many overboard, and pouring acid on Biafrans to render them unrecognizable according to reliable sources.

He has flagrantly usurped the powers of the Judiciary, legislative, and executive arms of government, but hitherto places himself above these powers. Detaining Mr. Kanu arbitrarily, while violating extant court orders, and piling new charges, is lawlessness and tyranny.  
And if British-Nigerian Judiciary and the legislature refuse to wrest back their separate but equal constitutional powers from Buhari—assuming they doubt the putative lawlessness of the zoo—then, by virtue of silent acquiescence, they would thereby have conceded their constitutional powers, and sanctioned this brazen coup d'état against the rule of law.  

The cowardly silence of the legislature further implies that Buhari now officially has power to kidnap members of the judiciary and legislative branches of government, if in his remote calculations they “erred.” The real dangers here are upon the players of British-Nigerian Ponzi.

Clearly, Jihadi Buhari has no interest in democracy but came, like he did before, to subvert it, and inspire anarchy with delusive intent to “dip the Koran in the Atlantic ocean” as his forebears pre-deluded immediately before and after British Nigeria’s scam independence in 1960.

Here are the blueprints laid by the Saduana of Sokoto, leader and premier of Northern Nigeria from 1954-1966.
“We the people of the north will continue our stated intentions to conquer the South and to dip the Koran in the Atlantic Ocean after the British leave our shores.” — Ahmadou Bello, 1957.
Clearly, Ahmadou Bello came into Nigeria filled with hate, malicious intent, Jihad, and conquest, which beg the question, why are Hausa, Fulani and Yoruba pathologically antagonistic, belligerent, and morbidly terrified by Biafra’s quest for independence? Or is this fatal attraction? Bello continues:
 “The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power; we must use minorities in the north as willing tools and south a conquered territories, and never allow them to rule over us or have control over their future.”— Ahmadou Bello, October 12 1960.
Now watch Bello shamelessly espouse the northern Nigeria policy towards Ibos (Biafrans):

It is no surprise then that Buhari has foresworn to spread Sharia to the ends of British-Nigeria; and continues to threaten or insinuate war and genocide, while actively incarcerating and massacring Biafrans who are peaceably protesting for independence.
Buhari’s insidious Islamism needs addressed. I beg to digress; but this fantasy about dipping the Koran in the ocean has no basis. If anything, the real goal is to dip Biafrans into the ocean by genocide and rob them of their densely endowed and beautiful land. The Fulani’s dream to rape, and seize Biafra didn’t start today. In fact, it underpins every subversive policy and the crocodile cry of one Nigeria to date. Before the British conquest, they attempted on fifteen different occasions to conquer Biafra but were comprehensively humiliated on fifteen occasions by His Almighty Grace.  

Their hatred towards Biafrans is incidental to the enmity long ago established between good and evil; God and Satan; light and darkness, angels and demons and so on. Because the devil hate God’s chosen people, it is no brainer that he must raise his own “chosen” people with intent to overthrow God, and wreak havoc on the people of God.
Notice for instance how Buhari contested four consecutive elections and raised hell every time he lost? He was at no time ever qualified to be president, but that did not dissuade him. He finally had his way by aggressively undermining the seemingly clueless administration of Goodduck Jonathan.

Is Buhari’s underhanded ascension to power to be confused, as some pastors have insinuated, with the virtue of persistence, and, or resilience? Not a bit; unless you think that satanic aggression or persistence is a virtue. Of course Nigeria would have bled to its own death had Jonathan not bowed out. Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba thus are demonically driven to kill, pillage, and destroy Biafrans both physically and spiritually, as are Palestinians, albeit inversely, to Israel.

Keep in mind that the invisible world informs and controls the visible world; “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, [and] against spiritual wickedness in the high places” (Ephesians 6:12). The application of this principle does not by any means preclude you from engaging in physical warfare; rather, it ought to prepare you in all the dimensions of warfare.

British-Nigeria’s hatred (Ibo-phobia, not unlike anti-Semitism) and aggression towards Biafra is devilish, but masked with naked “economic interests,” and unlikely to ever subside, unless Biafrans rise up and circumscribe their territory. It’s not enough to say you want peace. Of course, the children of darkness would only misconstrue your peaceable disposition as weakness, and greenlight to tighten their leash on you; to kill, destroy, and pillage as their bloodline dictates. Biafrans must therefore resolve to drive home the point by pursuing the enemies to the cores of their fortresses, and decisively bringing down every lofty edifice erected for the propagation of evil, and to the detriment of the children of light. 

In any case, Buhari, Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba are betting that Britain will again join them or at least help tie Biafrans’ hands and legs; and perhaps drug them to deep slumber, so that Hausa- Fulani and Yoruba can dash out like mindless maniacs—killing and raping defenseless women and children. I admit you are not entirely wrong because you and Britain share the same bloodline. But of course, you are all welcome to meet your doom.
The ongoing pogroms, mass incarcerations, killings, massacres, impunity, mass graves, and lawlessness are very consistent with the infernal empire because the untamed hyena has come upon the rabid dogs. Both are the same save their degrees of ruthlessness and blood thirstiness. Both the judiciary and legislature are inundated with murderous and corrupt officials; so let him with clean hands raise the motion to impeach this wild and crazy beast.
Should Biafrans surrender to murderers? Far be it from you. But you must plan ahead and be ready at all times to defend your life.

As an indigenous people, Biafrans have every right to use the principle of self-determination to free themselves from all the ramifications of British invasion (colonialism); and by the principles of universal human rights and self-defense; you have the right to defend yourselves from Hausa-Fulani AK47 rifle wielding cattle herders and terrorists; and act in matters that concern your individual, as well as collective safety, freedom, and destiny because British-Nigeria fails woefully to guarantee your safety, and inalienable rights.

If the Hausa-Fulani nomadic cattle herders could acquire AK47 assault rifles, and frequently kill, pillage, and rape defenseless women, village farmers, and Biafrans in general, then, every Biafran has the right to seek whatever weapons you can lay hands on, and defend yourselves. Remaining enfeebled in the face of murderers emboldens them, and endangers you more.

Self-preservation is a cardinal attribute of life. It is perfectly moral and natural to want freedom, to be alive, stay alive, and preserve your family, property, community, and heritage. To these ends—especially in the face of nomadic Boko Haram Fulani cattle herders, Boko Haram Security apparatus, Boko Haram DSS elite squad, Boko haram terrorist cells, Boko Haram terrorists, Boko Haram politicians, political thugs, kidnappers, etc., plus the failure of rogue British-Nigeria to safeguard your life as evidenced by rampant sale of human body parts, massacres and mass graves—you must as a matter of duty wake up to your responsibility, and organize yourselves for the purpose of forcible self-preservation.

In United States for example, every now and again, gangs or robbers lunch into residential areas while families are at work or school, and speed terrorize, abduct, rape, rob, vandalize, or shoot up the neighborhoods. Most times, police will arrive a few seconds late. Therefore, to forcibly preserve themselves, residents of such neighborhoods take matters into their own hands. They wait for nothing. They organize themselves into “Neighborhood Watch” or “Crime Watch”—as the name implies, it means neighbors who come together to watch out for criminals, and plot how to remain safe in their neighborhoods. When they see something odd, they call the cops or take action; for example, citizen’s arrest—i.e. catching and holding a criminal by force, if you can, before the real cops get there.
In Nigeria’s case, the Boko Haram police may well be out robbing Biafran motorists, and later arrive to count, by ratio, the number of dead bodies. So what do you do when Boko Haram cattle herder comes for you? Run, hide, beg, or just give up? …Thus, encouraging the killer to come back for your neighbors; OR fight, kill, die fighting, survive? The choice is yours. And for those who mindlessly invoke “turning the other cheek” mantra; pray for understanding.

Impeach Buhari
Buhari’s inability to understand the nuances of democracy, the rule of law, the United Nations Charter on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and Human Rights conventions has no other remedy but impeachment. But who will rise to the call. Who has the fortitude to table a motion to impeach this lawless brut? And when will United Nations fulfil its charter?
According to the UN High Commission on Human Rights, the Indigenous Peoples Rights are established to protect subjugated, or once subjugated peoples; or peoples who were forcibly colonized and dominated by foreign invaders. States, such as British-Nigeria, have no right to impede or block the liberation of indigenous nations and peoples without violating international human rights standards enumerated in international Human Rights Covenants to which British-Nigeria, as a co-signatory, is liable to obey.

We therefore call on the comity of nations to intervene to enforce international laws and treaties because President Buhari is a lawless genocidal dictator who underhandedly returned to power with the help of Britain, and President Barak Obama to kill, pillage, destroy, and Islamize Christians. Watch YouTube comment:

Unfortunately, David Cameron has been silent on this monstrous violation of the civil rights of a British Citizen by an Islamist for obvious reasons. See
But anyone that is scheming to kill Mr. Kanu in order to keep Biafra under British-Nigeria for the sake of crude oil or any reason whatsoever, schemes but in vain. 

History and True Color of British-Nigeria in Pictures


(To be continued)
Compiled By Ndubuisi Anukwuem

The leader of IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu 2015 Person of The Year

2015 has been a remarkable year and in 3 days’ time, we’ll say goodbye to it. A review of the year shows lots of people around the world that dramatically changed the cause of events. Amongst these people, Prince Nnamdi Kanu stands out.

 No Nigerian in 2015 has dominated discourse more than Mazi Kanu. Before October,Mazi Kanu was simply referred to as that fellow on a Radio Station fighting Nigeria with his mouth and Biafra in the other hand, was seen as something only restricted to a Radio Station and Internet. That changed after he was arrested in October 14 and illegally incarcerated by President Muhammadu Buhari. He’s now fighting Nigeria with his life and Biafra has not only left the Internet to the streets, her independence is also being debated at the British Parliament – a motion initiated by MP Danny Kinahan and MP Tom Elliott. This was after another Member of the Parliament; Harriet Harman forwarded a letter to the British Secretary of Foreign Affairs asking for the Foreign Affairs’ intervention in the release of Mazi Kanu. There were also reported calls from the Kremlin and Jerusalem demanding for his release.

 However, major world media outlets like CNN, FOX, BBC, IBTimes, AFP, Reuters, AP, New York Times, Washington Post, France24, Yahoo News and Bloomberg etc., all have written headlines about Mazi Kanu and millions of people around the globe that never heard of Biafra before are now very much aware of it. No wonder he was one of the most Googled persons in 2015.

 Hate or love him, the fact remains that no Nigerian alive can make the youths in their thousands to willingly be on the streets protesting and risking their lives for months. That is how powerful Azi Kanu has become.

 Those that oppose Azi Kanu’s style of self-determination are of the opinion that he’s inciting hate and calling Nigeria a zoo. But, no Nigerian has threatened Nigeria more than Mr. Buhari and his northern people e.g. Junaid Mohammed, Lawal Kaita, Ango Abdullahi etc. Mr. Buhari threatened to slaughter Nigerians who he termed “dogs and baboons” if he lost the 2015 election and he was rewarded with the presidency for that threat not to become a reality. This was after he incited his slaves that massacred over 800 Nigerians including 10 Youth Corpers and displaced over 65, 000 because he lost the 2011 election. So, those that say Mazi Kanu is inciting hate are making noise otherwise someone like Mr. Buhari would have been in jail by now instead of Aso Rock.

 Mazi Kanu was also able to prove that Nigeria is indeed a zoo, or how would one explain a country where the security forces kill unarmed peaceful protesters and her president disregards the constitution (he sworn to protect) and disobey court orders with reckless abandon.

 On December 2, 2015 the Joint Task Force (JTF) comprised of the Army, Police and Civil Defence opened fire and killed 9 unarmed peaceful protesters (Anthonia Nkiruka Ikeanyionwu, Angus Chikwado, Felicia Egwuatu, Kenneth Ogadinma and Chima Onoh etc.) at the Niger Bridge head Onitsha and injured dozens. This ugly incident was repeated on December 18, when the same JTF opened fired on IPOB members that were celebrating the Federal High Court, Abuja judgment which discharged and acquitted Mazi Kanu. About 5 persons were shot dead. The JTF also went to Multi-care Hospital and abducted their corpses and arrested those receiving treatment. Which country can this happen if not the zoo country?

 Mr. Buhari in the other-hand has shown he is nothing but a dictator. Three judgments have been delivered against the federal govt which he has disregarded. The Magistrate Court which he secretly arraigned Mazi Kanu granted him bail, he met the bail conditions on the 21 October, 2015 but Buhari’s DSS refused to release him. The same Magistrate Court discharged and acquitted him on 17 December, 2015, Buhari disregarded the court order but took the case to the Federal High Court which acquitted and discharged Mr. Kanu unconditionally. He still refused to release him but instead tried to force the case until the presiding Judge, Justice Ahmed Mohammed exempted himself from the case to show he doesn't want to be part of Buhari's executive lawlessness, impunity and recklessness!

 Is it still up for a debate that Nigeria is indeed a zoo or we should just simply agree with Mazi Kanu? Anyway, Mazi
 Kanu had an amazing year by exceeding expectations (which his enemies can't even achieve in their dreams) and indeed, unarguably, indisputably, undoubtedly and firmly, the 2015 Person of The Year. #‎FreeNnamdiKanuNOW

Slik O. Austin

Wednesday 30 December 2015


Mohammadu Buhari 
We are raising a world wide alarm to  alert the whole world of the atrocity General Mohammadu Buhari is about to commit tomorrow 31st December, 2015 in port Harcourt. Confirmed information reaching the office of the Directorate of state of Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB has it that General Mohammadu Buhari has concluded plans to move about 700 IPOB members being held in Port Harcourt prison to Kaduna State for immediate execution tomorrow, 31st December, 2015.  Again two Biafrans wearing Biafra caps, on motorcycle along Igbo Eche road, were arrested this evening 30th December, 2015 by the police SARS in Rivers state with a  Toyota Camry car with two different registration numbers, one of which is- AH 972  LP. As we speak, the where about of these two Biafrans are unknown. We are hereby raising this alarm to inform all Biafrans and lovers of freedom around the world  that Buhari is systematically decimating Biafrans. We appeal to the International community to beam their Satellite on Nigeria and see what Buhari is doing to Biafrans. We are calling on the British Government, (the architect of Nigeria), American Government, Russia Federation, Germany, France and China to prevail on Buhari not to execute 700 innocent Biafrans who were arrested during the IPOB peaceful protest around Biafra land in solidarity with the Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu who has been in captivity in the Nigeria DSS Abuja since 14th October, 2015.  We are also calling on Amnesty International to move into Port Harcourt prison immediately and prevent the atrocity Buhari is about to commit against Biafrans. This is a crime against Humanity and undemocratic. Buhari wants to annihilate the people of Biafra for the sole reason that we are asking for our Freedom. United Nations agency for Human right should move to port Harcourt prison in Rivers state immediately and stop this genocide that Buhari is executing on Biafran people. DON'T WAIT UNTIL ITS TOO LATE. ACT NOW!




The Nigeria gutter media are at it again with lies and misinformation to the the gullible Nigeria masses about the leader of Indigenous people of Biafra Nnamdi Kanu. They have come up again in the business they know best- banding and dishing out lies in their gutter media to the zoo animal who know next to nothing about the word TRUTH because they have never been told one since the inception of the British contraption called Nigeria was concocted. This time the Zoo media led by "the mother of all liars- Sahara reporters, has come out with a trash that the leader of Indigenous people of Biafra Prince Nnamdi Kanu apologized to Buhari and others.


Well Sahara reporters and the rest of the gutter brown envelope journalist infesting the zoological republic of Nigeria should understand one thing. Nnamdi Kanu is not a Nigerian. He is a Biafran. He thought us one thing - ability to differentiate the truth from lies. That's is why when your politicians gives you brown envelopes to disseminate falsehood to the Nigeria populace, Nnamdi Kanu will sit in the studios of Radio Biafra and dissect each of them one after the other and lay the truth bare. So for you to come up with all the useless "Photoshop" pictures of Nnamdi Kanu and follow  up useless lies of his apology to the pedophile or the rest of the shameless Igbo men is an abrasion and misfiring. You all missed the target, try again, because Biafrans know their leader and what he can do.  Let it be known to you liars and gutter brown envelope journalist that Nnamdi Kanu will never apologize to Buhari or anyone for that matter on any statement he made on Radio Biafra because all he said is the truth and not lies. So why is he going to apologise? If he lied, yes he could apologize, but he never lied, so what is he going to apologize for. Or is this your own way of asserting to the fact that your president is a pedophile and a terrorist. Is Nnamdi Kanu the only one saying that Buhari is a terrorist? Didn't you read the report of American CIA on Mohammadu Buhari? Nnamdi Kanu will rather die than apologize to the truth he said.

So know it that your propaganda can never work because Biafrans are wiser now courtesy of our leader, Nnamdi Kanu. Times have changed and time have gone when you deceived the masses with your garbage we thought was news. Now we have Radio Biafra to rubbish all your junks. We now have the BIAFRA TIMES and the BIAFRA HERALD to counter your negative publications. We also have the BIAFRA TELEVISION to show and expose to the entire humanity all the evil you people, you journalist who are suppose to be the eyes of the people, are covering for years now. You all are in one almighty mess, because we are here now. Nnamdi Kanu is our leader, he never lies. Make no mistake about it, Nigeria will be destroyed with the instrument of TRUTH and Biafra will come because truth always prevails over lies and light over darkness.

Written  By   Ikechukwu Nwaorisa


30 December, 2015.

I can confidently say that by now, Nigerians have become accustomed and fed up to the brim, the series of concocted lies and fabricated stories been dished out to them now and then by the APC-led government that they now hold whatever they say like a pinch of salt. This present APC government has vomited a lot of lies even before its clinching of federal power that they resort to always cooking up several lies to cement and cover up the previous lies they have told in the past, thereby losing the confidence of the masses in them. It was with these endless lies and guile sold to unsuspecting voters and gullible-minded people that they were able to clinch power at the national and state levels. Without conscience, they have told so many lies in the recent past and present that they have transcended to now interpret the 'truth as lies and the lies as truth'. Often, people cannot help but wonder if this is the same government that boasts of the high level of integrity and claims to abhor corruption. They do not only peddle falsehood, but they also brazenly misinform the public in a desperate bid to uphold and retain their trust and support while misguiding them.The chronology of tissues of lies and falsehood has been peddled and spread by the APC since its formation through her then former party spokesman cum Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed can be dated as far back as I can remember.

Starting from the 2013 gubernatorial election in Anambra State, the APC through their spokesman, having lost to the ruling All Progressives' Grand Alliance (APGA) in the state, told anyone who cares to listen that the then PDP-led federal government connived with the former(APGA) to outwit them in the election adjudged by many to be free, fair and credible. They threw up all sorts of pawn pointing out that the election was marred by irregularities and shoddy practices, only to be proven otherwise by the law courts.During the running up to the 2014 Governorship election in Ekiti State, they brought up all manner of trumped up charges against the then PDP gubernatorial candidate, Ayodele Fayose, accusing him of using political thugs to destabilize their campaigns. They also accused him of conniving with the Presidency in using the military to influence the outcome of the election and to force voters into voting for him. They also alleged that the military under the control of former President Jonathan barricaded the roads and airport in order to prevent the erstwhile Governor of Kano state; Rabiu' Musa Kwankwaso and other Governors on the platform of the party in flying into the state to campaign and show solidarity to their gubernatorial candidate, Mr Kayode Fayemi, only for Kwankwaso's media aide to later announce that his Principal attended an important function and, therefore, couldn't make it to Ekiti. Even when their candidate, Fayemi lost to the incumbent governor, accepted and conceded defeat, they levelled up charges of gross misconduct, mechanized and systematic rigging that didn't see the light of the day at the law court.

In that same year, at the peak of Osun gubernatorial election, the now tension-gripped APC having woefully lost both the Anambra and the Ekiti States gubernatorial elections told Nigerians through her spokesman, Mohammed that Jonathan was trying to promote a one-party state by the use of State security apparatus to muscle the opposition. They went as far as drafting a fake publication on the National dailies in what they termed "The Proposed Rigging Manual" of the PDP for the Osun election. They swore to boycott the election and threatened to form a parallel government if the then ruling PDP rigs them out in the election. Nigerians were able to see the height of their desperation through their callous and unguided vituperations when their candidate, Aregbesola was declared the winner of the election by INEC.
Again, during the 2015 General election, the APC went haywire, feeding the public with all kinds of lies and deceptive promises which they later denied after the election. They brought to the public domain, washed and occupied the media with frivolous and unfounded allegations against the then incumbent President in a desperate bid to outwit and wrestle power from him. Even when they won, they continued to behave as if they are still in the opposition. They couldn't wait patiently for the outgoing President to conclude his tenure, trying to stampede him out of office. At a time, Buhari started giving out orders even when he was yet to ascend lawfully to power, reeling out and circulating stale promises which he is yet to redeem.During the transition period, Lai Mohammed told the world that the outgoing President Jonathan's transition group failed to cooperate with the Ahmed Joda-led transition committee set up by Buhari. He alleged that Jonathan's transition group were not forthcoming with the handover reports and other transition documents, only for Joda to make contradictory statements by saying that the transition committees on both sides are cooperating and peaceful. The transition period was complete with declarations and counter-statements, claims and counter-claims between Buhari and the APC which continued to expose their inconsistency having ridden to power through lies and insincere promises.

When it was time for "walking the talk", Lai Mohammed who by now has been dubbed "Lair Mohammed" for his ingenuity and penchant in disseminating cheap lies, disinformation and propaganda unbecoming of a man of his age, shocked Nigerians when he said that his party circulated the promises during the campaign are no longer from them. Buhari himself presented his "One Hundred things he will do in 100 Days" on the assumption of office. But Mohammed in a swift reaction overtly denied the promises Buhari and his party used to ride to power. He swore that Buhari never promised to do anything within 100days, saying that the public must have gotten the wrong information. When he talked about the N5000 monthly stipend to be paid to unemployed citizens, he said that the government was ready to fulfill its promises to the unemployed youths and that it would be carried in the 2016 Budget. Said he: "the non-implementation of the payment policy so far is because it was not included in the 2016 budget. The Muhammadu Buhari administration has been putting in place, measures that will make it possible to start the implementation of this project". This has turned out, as usual, to be another "pack of lies" as the 2016 budget that has been announced portrays nothing about the N5000 stipend for the unemployed youths.

In one of the Presidential campaigns precisely in Owerri, Buhari stated that he would make naira equivalent to the dollar but regrettably, under his watch, the value of the naira has dropped from 230-280 to one dollar rendering it no worth than the domestic tissue paper.The APC and it's agents sold to the unwary public, all kinds of lies and deceit to achieve unmerited success in the election. In a bid to make Buhari acceptable to the masses, they told them that he is now a repented Democrat, an agent of change who is coming to salvage the country and its economy from the inglorious 16 years of PDP misrule. They told us he would uphold the rule of law and consolidate the gains of democracy that he corroborated when he said during the campaign: "You are all my people; I will treat you all as mine. I will work for those who voted for me, voted against me and those who didn't vote at all". But surprisingly, during one of his political tours he recanted his earlier stance by saying: "those that gave me 97 percent cannot in all honesty be treated on some issues with those that gave me 5 percent". Faithful to his words, he has openly demonstrated this via his deliberate sidelining and alienation of the Southeast and South-South geo-political zones in the appointments into his Kitchen Cabinets and the allocation of budgetary funds meant for the development of the zones.

On the course of his election into office, he stated; " Democracy and the rule of law will be put in place: I pledge myself and the government to the rule of law, in which none shall be so above the law that they are not subject to its dictates, and none shall be so below it that they are not availed of its protection". But under his government, impunity have found shelter as democracy and the rule of law has been reduced to a 'laughing stock' due to its constant abuse, violation, perversion and trampling upon by his overzealous Department of Security Service (DSS) agents whom have defiantly ignored several court verdicts as evidenced or witnessed in the case of Kanu and Dasuki whom their personal rights to liberty has been severally denied and abused. He also redeployed the River State Tribunal Judge, Justice Muazu Pindigi and replaced him with Justice Ambrose, who acted his script by quickly upturning and nullifying Wike's and the PDP's victory. Buhari has no doubt by these brazen acts of perversion of Justice murdered and buried democracy and the rule of law. He has by so doing, revealed to the world that his dictatorial tendencies are still active and incurable.Buhari and his co-travellers lambasted and criticised the erstwhile President Jonathan for soliciting help from neighbouring countries like Chad, Cameroon and Niger Republic and the international community in tackling the Boko Haram menace but is it not hypocritical that he had almost toured the whole world for the same reason more than the former President, squandering Billions of naira as he embarked on a spending spree with his entourage while the economy of the country continues to dwindle and depreciate under his watch. He has admitted the sick nature of the economy of the country, but he spent Billions of naira trying to stop the broadcast and transmission of Radio Biafra to some sections of the country.

The APC been a conglomeration of strange bedfellows under a foundation solidly built on lies, deception and falsehood with no clear cut ideology or right policy formula targeted or geared towards improving the lots of the people which now made them to resort to blaming the immediate past government due to their ineptitude, cluelessness and lack of vision. The so-called "agents/wind of change" we have witnessed so far are voluminous groups of nomadic and insatiable politicians who dispossessed with ideology decamped from their former political platforms to APC for their selfish gains. It is pertinent to note at this juncture that they have deceived the masses with cooked bunch of lies and what they now see at the federal and state levels is only a mere change of one ruling political party to another without the perfection of the real positive change they envisaged as sold to them Alhaji Lai Mohammed in his "bed of lies" having graduated with first class degree in the position of the spokesperson cum Publicity Secretary of the party(APC) have now ascended into the shoes of the federal Minister of Information and Culture in Buhari's government to commence further his Masters' Degree in his dexterity in finding it very easy to fabricate lies. Barely two months of assuming office, he has proven to be an embodiment of incurable lies and deceit following his subsequent transformation from "the Honorable Minister of Information to a Dishonorable Minister of Misinformation".

At the heat of the calls, wave of protests and agitation for the Sovereign State of Biafra, he admitted that it is "legitimate", but he did not deem it fit to advise his paymaster (Buhari) to release Kanu and other Pro-Biafra activists illegally detained, stop his foot soldiers and other state security agents from kidnapping, arresting, torturing and killing of Pro-Biafra protesters and letting them go if they are not comfortable with the Nigerian state. He never found it worthy to present all these issues to Buhari; rather they pressed more of spurious and unfounded charges against him.

This same man had on 23rd December, 2015, granted a press conference with editorial heads of media outlets in Lagos, with the information that the Nigerian military has met the deadline given to them by the President to defeat Boko Haram. Said he: "Today, I can report that the war against Boko Haram is large won. Today, I can report to you that the entire 70plus kilometres stretch from Maiduguri to Bama and all the way to Banki which leads to Cameroon and the Central African Republic are in the hands of our gallant soldiers. They have so degraded the capacity of Boko Haram that the terrorists can no longer hold on to any territory just as they can no longer carry out any spectacular attack". This statement was also backed by Buhari, who told the BBC: "Boko Haram has reverted to using improvised explosive devices. They have now been reduced to I think technically we have won the war because people are going back to their neighbourhoods. Boko Haram as an organized fighting force, I assure you, that we have dealt with them". So my question is, what about the "phantom Chibok Girls?". What happened to them?. Buhari seems to have forgotten that in his inaugural speech, he stated that: "We cannot claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by the insurgents". We have not heard anything about the Chibok girls, but nevertheless, the President and his Minister had declared that Boko Haram has been defeated.

Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state while challenging their puerile outburst advised that they should relocate to Borno State or Sambisa Forest if indeed they have defeated the terrorist sect. While we were still waiting for them to comply, the unflagging terrorist sect who they say could not carry out any spectacular attack, struck again in a well-coordinated attack barely 48 hours after their false declaration.They attacked Kimba in Borno state, killing 14 hapless people instantly, and razed the village to the ground. According to an eyewitness report, "not even a single house was spared in the arson". The next day, a coordinated attack unit of the sect's infantry stormed and invaded Maiduguri with a military convoy and engaged in a gun duel with the Nigerian Army.

As if that was not enough, two female suicide bombers detonated deadly explosives in the Jiddari area of Maiduguri with casualty figures clocking above 60. This orchestrated attacks by the insurgents no doubt was propelled and fuelled by the false victory declarations over them by members of the APC who choose to play politics with the lives of innocent citizens whom following their false information returned to their homes hoping that the terrorists had been squashed.

By Ucheagu C. Chimerue.
(For Biafra Writers).

Tuesday 29 December 2015


Mohammadu Buhari
The media briefing organised for Nigeria's president Mohammadu Buhari to be hosted today 30th December, 2015 has brought out the devil in him. Buhari is scheduled to host a media chat today during which he is expected to address some issues making news or affecting Nigeria and in fact the state of the Nation. The organiser had planned with journalist some of the questions to be asked to the president. At least so the dullard president could rehearse his answers in order not to call his party APC "All Progressive Confidence" or INEC "International Nigeria Election Commission". But the crime the organiser committed was to include the questions concerning Nnamdi Kanu and Biafra. Buhari is said to have slapped the organiser and subjected him to severe punishment and is quoted as have openly said that, "there is nothing to discuss about Biafra". He went on to say that "Biafrans are slaves. How can a King discuss about slaves in his palace? Let no body ask me any question concerning Biafra" he concluded. The question now is why would Buhari not address the issue concerning Biafra? Is there any other matter concerning the stability of his country Nigeria now greater that the issue of Biafra? This will prove to the whole world how devilish Buhari and his administration is. How can a president of a nation call a section of the people he is ruling "slaves"?
Biafrans should now wake up to the reality of the time and face what is really facing or confronting them. For the Nigeria president to refer to Biafrans as slaves, the section that produces the means of Nigeria survival and livelihood is most undesirable. BIAFRANS, we will remain in Nigeria contraption if we really agree and accept that we are indeed "slaves". So rise up Biafrans and prove whom you are - Children of the Most High Chukwuokieabhiama.

Written By  Ikechukwu Nwaorisa



The drama  of the abduction and detention of Mazi, Nnamdi Kanu and the Kangaroo charges leveled against him played out on two separate occasions, at the magistrate court and a high Court, Abuja respectively exposing the nakedness of Nigeria as an edifice of corruption and terror. At the two court arraignments, the Federal Government of Nigeria and its agent of Terror, the DSS were disgraced out of the court "stage". Instead of the Duo to accept defeat, bury their corrupt faces in shame and release their captive to go, they shamelessly decided  to show the world their true colour...."a lawless state" by blatantly disregarding the court  orders to release Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally. .
Consequently, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu  objected to go on trial before a high Court Judge on the recent TREASON CHARGE leveled against him, because he feared he wont have a fair hearing and that even if he gets a victory again, the Nigeria criminal enterprise will not obey the court ruling. In view of all these, Nnamdi Kanu, the director of Radio Biafra is about to serve the Buhari's led corrupt government with the same dish.
Today, 29th December 2015, Nnamdi Kanu though absent, sues the Nigeria Government for his illegal and unlawful detention and other atrocities committed against Biafrans. This is going to come as a huge blow to Nigeria Government and there is no escaping the judgement that is to come, as they are still in an endless quest of a pseudo judge from Biafra land who will accept their blood money to do the impossible, which is  to convict Mr Kanu, It is certain that such malicious quest will as always end in futility
Nevertheless, the Nigeria president Buhari who claimed to be a repented Democrats have once again proved Mr Kanu right that "Once a dictator always a dictator". But he seems unaware that the ground on which he stands is so slippery and the preparedness of Nnamdi Kanu to strike him from behind. His fall will be very catastrophic and disastrous.
Therefore, as we await the rulings of the court in the case against the Nigeria Government, we hereby call the attention of International Organizations, Human Right organisation, Media Houses, Africa Union, European Union, United Nations etc to take note of what is happening in a country that claims to practice democracy..

Written  By   Anyikwa kelechi Cynthia
Edited By   Ikechukwu Nwaorisa

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