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Wednesday 26 August 2015

Radio Biafra Apps

Free Radio Biafra Apps debut in just barely three weeks ago standout and tall amongst every App out there. The free Radio Biafra App is outstandingly first in many fronts and fairly so especially with its presentation considering the scintillating but deeply meaningful calming tri-colours and background picture  that not only speaks volumes but makes it captivatingly attractive for anyone to ignore. It is not out of place here to correlate these brilliant attributes with the level of patronage enjoyed by the Free Radio Biafra Apps. As at August 5, 2015, about 257 users have given their respective and very impressive reviews on the new app, giving it a whooping average of 4.6 out of 5.0 points on scoring scale. In addition, ranging from 5000 to 10000 users have already downloaded and installed the spanking brand new app.

Muse over the Apps’ record yourself and give your own independent appraisal. Obviously, with the current Apps download and install rate today and the complimentary clout following Radio Biafra presently enjoyed across all walks of life, over 10 million patrons will be recorded by December, 2015.

Functionally, Free Radio Biafra App seamlessly epitomizes the state-of-the-art streaming application with every user-friendly need-to-have and of course, good-to-have features. It’s easy to download, install and use across divergent devices with different platforms. Another yet attraction is the minimal core navigational buttons with optional direct link to Radio Biafra Facebook and its “follow us” buttons as well as that of Twitter. By simply sliding to the left or right the volume control, you are at liberty to take charge of the loudness of the streaming Radio Biafra program at any point in time. And to pause or for the play to play on, all that is required of you is to touch the play/pause control.

In a nutshell, the free Radio Biafra Apps is aptly designed just to do one thing and that is to drive, facilitate easy access to the ace broadcasting and independently verified trending radio station – Radio Biafra. As the slogan implied; “In defense of freedom”, Radio Biafra inevitably is charged with the dignify Biafra Restoration Project.

Synoptically, Radio Biafra has no match when it comes to projecting, promoting and preserving those democratic ideals and ideas that make a people and by extension, a nation thick. It stops at nothing on Human Rights issues or the Rights of Indigenous People to Self-Determination as declared by the United Nations when broadcasting predicated on truth and honesty is really concerned. And therefore, the place of the Free Radio Biafra Apps was strategically positioned to extend the coverage landscape and the listenership – making streaming broadcasts much easier and accessible to the teaming population of the global village.

The Free Radio Biafra Apps is indeed free at all platforms, and takes comparatively minimal time to download and install. The same can be said as per the space required for the installation. Updates to the apps will in the same vein be made free of charge to users.

Finally, the digital space no doubt has witnessed in its annals of history yet another pulse in radio streaming which we envisage will herald more and more streamingsignals for the education, entertainment and information of all the listenership of Radio Biafra. Free Radio Biafra App truly is a testimony and a clear manifestation of the winning stride earned so far over the media war. Indeed, it will remain a landmark living legacy for years to come.

Click to Below to Download Radio Biafra App


Amazon/ Blackberry/ Kindle 

iPhone and iPad 

By Leonard Anemene

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