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Monday 24 August 2015

Dr Junaid, You Are Deluded -Buhari owes Igbos Nothing

We acknowledge your threat; 'Igbos should try secession again and live with the consequences.' In your imagination it seems to you that Igbos are currently suffering the consequences of the first attempt. First, be disillusioned of this fantasy because Igbos are not experiencing exceptional hardship of any kind despite the decades of economic deprivation by the Nigerian government. On the contrary, if you keenly check you will be amused to find out that after forty years of national looting the North remains the poorest region in the whole country and one of the poorest in the world today. So, as you can see, it is still your people that are living with the consequences of your wickedness. The barbarism which you take glory on is now comfortably living with you and shall continue living with you as long as the elites in your religion retain the manipulative mind set and continue enslaving your youths intellectually so that you can perpetually keep them docile in other to make them a handy machine for your violent motive while your own children are getting the best education available. This your intense love for 'One Nigeria' where does it stem from? Is it from love for the Nigerian identity or love for the oil wells? If there weren't oil in the south south and south east will you still be whirling for one Nigeria? Your delusion becomes obvious in the fact that you are still nursing the notion that we are still in the sixties; that you can forward your armed zombies to go and kill defenseless women and children of the Igbo extraction in your area and get away with it. Before you start be informed that you will be dealing with a different crop of sophisticated Igbos this time.

During the war, Biafra fought defensively, but next one will be offensive. You will be disappointed if you think you will send other people's children to the war front to go and kill and be killed why you and your own children will be hiding in comfort because if anything happens to the Biafrans in the north again the war will be brought to your door steps. The offensive will be on the elite and their families not the children of the poor northern women whom you and your cronies in the north have intentionally made docile foot soldiers and killing machines by consciously depriving them sound education and the opportunity to improve their lives intellectually so that they will never think for themselves and figure out your insidious manipulation on their mentality. Buhari, as a distinguished general, sure has the field to practice his trade now in the north east. He shouldn't worry about the Igbos because his hand is already filled; if he has nothing to do with Boko Haram before he sure has now. Igbos are civilized people who only want fairness not violence.

Dear Junaid, its unfortunate you believe that you can create a strong North by creating killing machines out of people who would've made a great nation by contributing constructively to the goodness of Nigeria and mankind as a whole instead of being a destructive tool in the hands of political vampires like you. Boko Haram flourish in the north today because of the intellectual deprivation you doctored on the northern youths. The same you wish to extend to the south. Now, search your conscience, upon all the money you and your cronies have been amassing from the oil loot, what positive policies have you introduced in the North that directly improved the lot of young people in the region? None! All your activities are with ulterior motive. You pretend to love one Nigeria when in truth what you truly love is the southern oil wells. It is the same cankerous attitude you have used to pined down enlightenment in the north which facilitates the breed of those violent sects tormenting your people now. If only Boko Haram can spare innocent villagers, defenseless women and children, and step up their activities on the Northern elites who stole their chance of having a good life, the whole world will pray for their prosperity.

No doubt, the Igbos have been forced to lie low, and we have decided to lie very very low with the bitter memory of those unarmed Igbos who gathered at the airport to go home whom your armed people circled and massacred, those female Igbo undergraduates in the north whom your armed people kidnapped and forced to be sexually abused by your people with leprosy, those unarmed Igbos who were residing in the north whom your people murdered in their houses even before the secession was conceived. Understand this clearly Junaid, if any single Igbo indegene is killed in the North again for the sake of your inherent avarice, you will be amazed how your dubious elite souls will be scorched. We want the past to remain in the past. If you attempt it again you will not have the luxury of living with the consequences, you will be consumed by the consequences. Roger that.

By Kelechi Nwagbara

1 comment

  1. This native doctor is living in past, zoological republic of nigeria is sitting on top of gunpowder , just kill or behead on single Biafra like you did to Akaluka , Junaid we erase your entire family and village from map , anywhere they are. for start! We make empty threat, those you killed theirs fathers brothers uncles pregnant mothers sisters families managed to grown up with anger and poison in their soul, death to you native doctor Junaid and your family I swear !!


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