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Saturday 1 August 2015

Nigeria kills Biafrans again

Nigeria, the number one terrorist state in Africa has once again murdered a Biafran. The murder occurred around 10 AM yesterday when a young man who was diligently working in his shop at Power-line area of Aba, Abia State, was shot dead in cold blood by a Nigerian Policeman.
Power-line is an industrial area in Aba where shoes and different types of footwear were manufactured. The Biafra Times reporters gathered that the about 30-year old young man, whose real name was not immediately known at the time of going to the press, but who is popularly known in the locality as John 3: 16, died on the spot.
His murder happened when members of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), who in the main were members of the Nigerian Police, went to hunt down some Indian hemp (weed) smokers at a place known as Samek.
Behind Power-line is an area known as Samek, and in this place, young men usually gather to smoke weed. Operatives of NDLEA have, from time to time, gone to Samek to hunt down these youths. This, they have often done when they were broke and looking for people to extort money.
But on this day, they drew blank as they could not apprehend any of the youths, who outsmarted and escaped. And as they (the youths) ran, they made it through the Power-line area. Frustrated, the Policemen ran into one of the numerous workshops at Power-line demanding that those who work there should bring out the fleeing boys.
As they did, they threatened to shoot and kill anyone who refused to heed their instructions. They fired their rifles sporadically and indiscriminately at every direction. Those in the shops pleaded with them, explaining that the bad boys did not run into their shops but only ran across Power-line to the other neighbourhood. Somewhat pacified, they reluctantly went away, yet pointing their guns at everybody and threatening to shoot anyone that misbehaved. They also continued to shoot indiscriminately in all directions.
Not satisfied, they came back about five minutes later, still shooting sporadically and indiscriminately in all directions; they bullied and beat up anyone they could lay their hands on, inflicting all manners of injuries on individuals. Then on their way out, one of them stooped low, took aim and pulled the trigger. The bullet went through an iron signboard and hit John 3: 16 on the mouth, who tipped forward, fell and died.
Uproar ensued as many youths became angry on finding that the young man was dead. They went out to the ever busy Faulks Road and blockaded it with bonfires. From nowhere, and as if pre-planned, more Policemen, joined by men of the armed forces – all numbering up to 70 – filled the place. Swarming all over the place, they continued to still shoot indiscriminately anywhere their guns pointed. They continued their shooting for a long while that in the process, two more youths were gunned down.
Moaning and weeping filled the place as angry youths started rioting. They made more bonfires at Faulks Road advancing towards the killers with angry words and chants. And this point, one known simply as Chima, a brother of the first deceased, came on the scene. He stormed out of the Power-line, intent on confronting his brother’s killers. But other youths restrained him, telling him that the battle would indeed be fought, but that it would not be fought by him alone. As at about twelve in the afternoon, the rioting had spread to other important areas in the town.
This was the situation until about 4 PM when Nnamdi Kanu, leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, came on air to order that every Police Station in the town be burnt down in retaliation.
He told the world that they would no longer take the humiliation from the Nigerian State. He recounted how the Nigerian state has, since 1945, either killed Biafrans directly or aided and abetted its citizens to do the killing. 

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