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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Radio Biafra is not looking for cheap popularity

It is worthy of note that Radio Biafra is not looking for cheap popularity rather they are resolved to make a difference in the effort to eradicate oppression of the indigenous people of Biafra. May I pose this question when was the last time a Hausa/Fulani Indigene who beheaded an Ibo man, woman or children was held accountable for his/her action? This reflects the hundred years experience of the Ibos in Nigeria. The first recorded killing of Ibos by the Hausas and Fulanis was in 1908 during the construction of the Kaura Namoda Railway Line. The Ibo Work Crew were slaughtered for cutting woods and grassland that was reserved for feeding cattle. The follow-up question is has this killing stopped? The answer is, there are no prospects of these killings ever coming to an end. In summary, this is the crux of Radio Biafra's Story. Radio Biafra is a legal entity and dully incorporated under the laws of Great Britain with its broad casting studio in the business district of London. If Nigeria feels it has been wronged by Radio Biafra it should bring a legal action to that effect otherwise using violence to destroy the property of a legal entity has far reaching consequences. Radio Biafra is exercising its rights of free Speech within the frame work of Geneva Convention Code of Conduct. If Radio Biafra had taken the laws into their hands all the appliances, gadgets, engines and instruments that were connected to a net work would have been crashed or jammed so Nigeria beware. Radio Biafra does not want to soil its hands with human blood because human life is a terrible organism to waste. Nigeria should take a legal action against Radio Biafra so that Nigeria will have a glimpse of the champions of free speech of the world. A case of malicious destruction has been filed against Nigeria and Radio Biafra is anxiously waiting for Nigeria's day in court. HAIL BIAFRA, THE HOPE OF THE OPPRESSED, THE CITADEL OF JUSTICE

By Dr. Peter Ejirika

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