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Saturday 11 July 2015

Boko Haram terrorists Seize Damaturu in Maiduguri Borno state

Reports says Boko Haram terrorists have taken over the highway linking Maiduguri and Damaturu, capitals of Borno and Yobe states respectively.
At least 10 villagers were killed last night in a Borno state village of Ngamdu, 100km west of Maiduguri, Borno state, security sources said.

Travellers on the route passing through the village are today being asked to make u-turn as the terrorists mount road blocks on the only safe highway leading to Maiduguri, the birth place of Boko Haram terrorism.

A ranked police officer working in one of the nearby villages on the route, who does not want his name in this report because he was not permitted to speak with the press, confirmed to journalists on phone that soldiers are now being deployed to the area.

“As I am talking to you now, soldiers are moving towards Benisheik, while we are here asking motorists to return to Maiduguri until the road is cleared”, said the police officer.

“Boko Haram terrorists yesterday attacked Ngamdu town where they killed ten persons and injured many others. Vehicles can not move between Benisheik town and Ngamdu village now because the terrorists have spread along the line attacking travellers”.

Between Benisheik and Ngamdu is about 25km stretch of road without any security checkpoint.

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