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Thursday 2 July 2015

Cowardly Yoruba answering Igbo name. The Evil Called Radio Biafra, By Chukwuemerie Uduchukwu

The alarming thing about Radio Biafra is that it is fast gathering the support of less educated Igbos, such as commercial motorcyclists, bus drivers and conductors, as well as local market men and women, who can be easily deceived by the station’s falsehoods. If the station is not urgently checked it can endanger the peace and security of Igbo land and Nigeria in general.

Recently in Nnewi, I was in a commercial bus and the conductor was exchanging words with a passenger who had complained that the bus was over speeding. The angry passenger warned the driver that her family would not spare him if she gets injured. In response, the conductor started barking at the young lady and warned her never to expect any help from the zoo legal institutions. Curious, I asked the conductor what he meant by ‘zoo institutions’ and he advised me to tune in to Radio Biafra 102.1 FM at night. Before then, I had heard about the pirate radio station but didn’t know it has commenced transmission on the frequency modulated band. That night, I decided to tune in to the station, and immediately I hit the frequency, I heard the presenter, who addresses himself as Nnamdi Kanu (also, Director), shouting on a caller for addressing Buhari as Nigeria’s president. “Stupid black monkey and baboon, will you end this call if you don’t recognise Buhari as a pedophile, a child rapist and terrorist president of the zoo.” Instantly I recalled my conversation with the bus conductor and understood that the zoo he was talking about is Nigeria, an evil slang he must have picked up from the pirate station presenter, Nnamdi Kanu.

The recent protest of market men and women in Onitsha over the alleged transfer of Boko Haram prisoners to Anambra State was catalysed by a broadcast of the pirate station a day before the protest, in which it alleged that President Buhari has ordered the massive transfer of detained Boko Haram fighters to Anambra State to kill many Igbos.

Another thing I observed on that first day of listening to the station was the overwhelming quantity of falsehoods it propagates. Some of the falsehoods include the continuous aerial bombing of Igbos in Calabar by forces of the Nigerian government and the ordering of joint security forces in Chad to kill Igbos by President Muhammadu Buhari, after his visit to the country.

Subsequent listening to the station revealed it as having agents who regularly call during its live interactive programmes to disseminate false stories. It is really sad that some misinformed people take the falsehoods of the pirate radio station seriously. The recent protest of market men and women in Onitsha over the alleged transfer of Boko Haram prisoners to Anambra State was catalysed by a broadcast of the pirate station a day before the protest, in which it alleged that President Buhari has ordered the massive transfer of detained Boko Haram fighters to Anambra State to kill many Igbos.

…anyone who means well for his brothers and sisters cannot afford to promote violence and bloodshed in his homeland, which if allowed will definitely lead to the massive loss of lives and property. It also baffles me how a person who claims to love his brothers and sisters will come on air and make careless statements that can lead to the destruction of the businesses and livelihoods, shops and property of Igbos outside Igboland. Is he on drugs or insane?

The alarming thing about Radio Biafra is that it is fast gathering the support of less educated Igbos, such as commercial motorcyclists, bus drivers and conductors, as well as local market men and women, who can be easily deceived by the station’s falsehoods. If the station is not urgently checked it can endanger the peace and security of Igbo land and Nigeria in general.

Igbos should note that the greatest enemy they have now is Nnamdi Kanu, who stays far away in well secured London, and delights in inciting his people towards bloodshed, against their fellow compatriots, and the Nigerian state. No sane individual can afford to promote hatred between his brothers and other compatriots in the fundamentally interlinked global village that we live in today. Also, anyone who means well for his brothers and sisters cannot afford to activate violence and bloodshed in his homeland, which if allowed will definitely lead to the massive loss of lives and property. It also baffles me how a person who claims to love his brothers and sisters will come on air and make careless statements that can lead to the destruction of the businesses and livelihoods, shops and property of Igbos outside Igboland. Is he on drugs or insane?

The federal government and the international community should note that the pirate Radio Biafra is a pending disaster and if urgent measures are not taken to end its activities, it can metamorphose into the media wing of a terrorising group…

It is no longer news that Igbos are mostly international business men and women, so a person like Nnamdi Kanu and Radio Biafra advocating for the destruction of Igbo property abroad and the relocation of all Igbos to Igbo land in this era of a global village must be confused. If Nnamdi Kanu believes that no one can make it and prosper outside Igbo land, what is he doing in London? Why can’t he come back to his home state, Abia to ‘progress’? It is unfortunate that some misinformed Igbos are even donating money to him. What a fraud! It is quite clear that the fraudster is fast exploiting misinformed fellows to his benefit. It is even funny that he has disowned all Igbo socio-cultural organisations and appointed himself commander-in-chief. The manner at which he abuses fellow Igbos and blacks, who he regularly calls “black monkeys and baboons”, show that he is nothing other than a racist; if other leaders abuse their followers in such manner, then what sort of leadership will that be?

Igbos should note that Nigeria has come to stay, so instead of wasting their time and energy in a wild goose dream of secession, they should support other nationalities and groups in building a stronger, more united and better Nigeria.

The federal government and the international community should note that the pirate Radio Biafra is a pending disaster and if urgent measures are not taken to end its activities, it can metamorphose into the media wing of a terrorising group sharing an ideology of hatred and bloodshed with the Islamic State (IS).

Igbos should note that Nigeria has come to stay, so instead of wasting their time and energy in a wild goose dream of secession, they should support other nationalities and groups in building a stronger, more united and better Nigeria. The federal government and the international community should also make necessary efforts to track down, arrest and prosecute the director of the pirate radio station, Nnamdi Kanu, for inciting violence, bloodshed and attempting a crime against humanity.


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  3. Either you're in or out period!

  4. Udochukwu, you should school yourself on how to write. you sound too amateur. you are forgiven.

  5. ,I am truly on the same page with you on the issues you raised but not on the modalities for actualization of our goals.while you and Nnamdi KANU are driven by youthful exuberance, I am more thoughtful and looks at all options before taking a position. Let me tell you sincerely speaking that hausas and yorubas are not our problem, our problem is our lack of sincere and intelligent leadership coupled with the kind of politics we play as a people. You may call me whatever names you may deem fit or that may assuage your frustrations but the truth is that if we as a people continue in the path of OBINNA KANU ,we shall become the most irresponsible and foolish people on is not about dying or living but any reasonable human even animals would prefer to live than die.again wisdom demands that a man eager to build a house shall sit down and calculate the cost so he doesn't have an abandoned project. You and OBINNA have failed to take hold of divine injunctions. Nigeria have 6 ethnic zones,1 zone standing alone and threatening the rest 5 zones shall be defeated. We have tried it before and was badly wounded and you guys are moving again in that direction again thinking that a change in calender years will do a magic for problem is not about some folks shouting Biafra and using the slogan to dupe and defraud the foolish and ignorant, my concern with Janus nefarious activities is his sowing of discord against ibos in Nigeria through his irresponsible and unguarded brute on earth could calling an ethnic zone traitors etc be an instrument for self determination, how can his forceful annexing of Ibibio,ijaw,I gala etc help his self determination voyage.vulgar languages is a sign of bad upbringing and irresponsibilities.Nnamdi KANU is putting a larger percentage of ibos in a great risk and jeopardy while he hide in a secured environment. If you guys are bold and courageous let him go to kano,Maiduguri or damaturu to propound his message or have you forgotten that there are ibos in those places who are endangered by kanus irresponsible and foolish rants.guy listen to me ibos are better off in a peaceful and progressive Nigeria than in your utopian in diaspora is a choice you made on your own and you are not alone in that choice .other nationals from other countries of the world also does so it is not an excuse to be irresponsible and myopic. If ibos decides today to seek for Biafra,it will not be sought the way KANU is foolishly going about it threatning and abusing every body with insane and vulgar languages. Those who are clapping for KANU are both foolish and irresponsible and a very big disgrace and let down to ibos.talking about corrupt leadership, Nnamdi KANU is from abia ,why did he leave his governor who had received nothing less than 1 trillion in the last 8 years and refused to developed abia and be focusing on Hausa /Yoruba.peter obi governed anambra and without doing that under Biafra,he rebuilt anambra .ditto Sullivan chime,akpabio,Donald duke etc.Hausa and Yoruba is not our problem our problem is our selves.venting our anger and frustration on another zone or tribe is a misguided or misdirected aggression. Ibos like every other tribe is getting our fair share of the misgovernment of Nigeria and no particular ethnic group shall be solely blamed for the failure of governance because every tribe and religion is involved. Check out the names of the last 100 political actors in Nigeria in the last five years and see if ibos are not among those sitting in first ,second and third rows.please you guys should think of a better way to channel your energy for good causes than this irresponsible foolish voyage. Remain blessed.


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