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Monday 22 June 2015

The Terrorist President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari declares war on Biafraland

The Terrorist President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari declares war on Biafraland now claiming they are bombing Pirates ...etc, while declaring amnesty to Boko Haram. Buhari calls on his "misguided" Boko Haram muslimbrothers to drop their weapons and embrace peace. But he now turns on Biafraland. Has anyone in the history of the damnable republic of Nigeria heard of pirates and militants operating on the creeks of Calabar?

See attachments for details!!

I want all of you reading this to ask yourself, what on earth does the Hausa / Fulani and Yoruba oligarchy want in Biafraland? Is the massacring of Biafra people over ages not enough?

My people of Biafra, you hold your freedom in your own hand. If you do not rally together now to fight off these invaders no one will do it for you. Join or help The Indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) wherever you may be now!! IPOB is the only organised body worthy, representing the Indigenous People of Biafra, and invariably mandated to resist and fight off this monster.

Biafra Independence is no more negotiable!! It is either Freedom and Independence for Biafra or nothing more!!


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