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Friday 12 June 2015

ISIS: With America Spending $2.74 Billion on Daily Basis To Fight The Islamic Terror Group: Now Do You Think Nigeria Can Fight Them With Their Impending Entry Into Nigeria Via Chad or Niger

ISIS Beheading Their Captives
So far, the American military campaign against ISIS has cost $2.74 billion. That's an average daily cost of $9.1 million.
ISIS: Trail of Terror.The military campaign began 10 months ago, on August 8, 2014, when the first airstrikes were conducted in Iraq. Airstrikes in Syria began a month later.
New figures released by the Defense Department provide the first detailed breakdown of costs associated with what has mainly been an air war against ISIS.
Daily flight operations have cost $1.501 billion -- or 55 percent of the total amount of $2.74 billion.
Both the Air Force and Navy conduct airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, but Air Force costs make up 67 percent of the $2.74 billion spent so far, according to the figures released.
A similar percentage is reflected in the average daily cost, where Air Force costs make up $6.1 million of the $9.1 million spent daily.
The figures also show that $646 million has been spent on the munitions used against ISIS.
The American strategy against ISIS also includes missions to train the Iraqi military and moderate Syrian rebels.
Source: ABC News

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