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Sunday 19 April 2015

This is why we fight and the more reason why we must win

    This is why we fight and the more reason why we must win…….Before the white man came my ancestors never had any dealings, politically or socially, with the Mohammedan Emirates of Awusa/Fulani lands in the dry arid Sahel or the conquered and cowardly Yoruba race. The white man came and 6 million Biafrans were massacred without mercy at the hands of the Satanic jihadists supported by Christians from Europe. Isn't it ironic that those that call themselves Christians in Biafraland are blissfully unaware of the fact that it was their 'fellow' white Christians in Europe, especially those that brought them the New Testament that handed them over to the murderous barbarism of Islam in the zoo called Nigeria? For as long as we live, we won't let them forget their treachery and evil against innocent citizens of Biafra.

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