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Tuesday 14 April 2015

ISIS suicide car blown sky high, bursts into fireball in combat acrobatics

Kurdish forces have been waging a bitter fight against the Islamic State, videotaping their victories to combat jihadist propaganda.

The fight against the Islamic State has played out on the battlefield and through the camera lens as factions resisting its spread have taken to sharing footage of their victories against the self-styled Caliphate.

In a recent video uploaded by Kurdish Peshmerga forces to YouTube, a vehicle driven by a would be suicide-bomber is seen careening down a roadway on its way to detonating itself near a Kurdish outpost, allegedly in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk.

Before it completes its attack however, the vehicle can be seen launched into the air by a roadside IED [improvised explosive device], before bursting into a fireball, presumably due to its own payload or due to the detonation of its gas-tank.

The charred remains of the automobile then drop into a pillar of smoke that cascades across the open plains.

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