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Thursday 8 October 2015

Police Clampdown: Scores Arrested in Nigeria For Listening To Radio Biafra

The Right of Indigenous People of Biafra is repeatedly and unabatedly trampled upon by Nigeria government
By Ibeh Gift Amarachi
(For Family Writers)

The Human Rights Act protects the fundamental rights we all have as human beings. Every Human has the Right to Freedom. The "International Magna Carta" for all Mankind adopted by the United Nations says; "Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” The Islamic Terrorist and Hypocritical President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari exposed himself, via his United Nations Speech on Self-Determination and the Right of Indigenous People. He stated that; "As we engage in these annual debates, we need remind ourselves of the principles that led to the founding of the United Nations. Among those are peaceful coexistence and self- determination of people. The world has no more excuses or reasons to delay the implementation of the long list of Security Council resolutions on this question. Neither do we have the moral right to deny any people their freedom or condemn them indefinitely to occupation and blockade. International community has no excuse to continue to delay implementation of UN resolutions on self-determination for Palestinian people". This same Hypocritical President of Nigeria, who pretended to be agitating for the Freedom of Palestenians, has unabatedly unleashed Mayhem, Terror and as well ordered for the violation of the Human Rights of Biafrans.

Enugu State SARS have arrested Ten IPOB (Indigenous People of Biafra) members who gathered in one of their members shop listening to Radio Biafra at Trans- Ekulu ugbo Odogwu. Their offence being that they were listening to Radio Biafra and for such are instigating war. According to our source who pleaded anonymity, the men of Nigerian Police also threatened the owner of the shop that they will come back for him. Such indiscriminate arrests of peace loving citizens listening to Radio Biafra have also been reported some time ago in Aba in Biafra Land. Similar case has been reported in Owerri by the members of Indigenous People of Biafra, who the Nigeria Police arrested for having Radio Biafra Application, on their devices. There is nowhere in the World, that Humans are been arrested for listening to a Radio Station. Kudirat Radio Station owned and sponsored by Yorubas, went on the waves, but there was no recorded case of arrest for listening to the Station. BBC HAUSA and AREWA24 are Television Stations owned by Hausa/Fulani which is used to propagate Islam and political interest, but no case has been reported by any Nigeria, that he/she was arrested for listening to those stations. The Right of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, is repeatedly and unabatedly trampled upon by the Nigeria government, which is against International Human Right. This has to stop, thus the World should let Equity and Justice prevail.

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